Hi Cturtle, I was raised Roman Catholic, but I received Jesus as my savior in a Assemblies of God Church almost 40 years ago. I am not Catholic now. My mother believed in Jesus as her savior, but never searched the scriptures to find or even know what the Bible even said. Catholics just don't do that and they depend on their priest to enlighten them which is not something I would recommend to anyone. So, knowing what the Bible says about healing, and confessing it over her self was something she did not do. Having faith for healing is a must if one is to acquire this which is promised to us in the Word of God. My mother was a very strong headed person, and she did not like the fact I left the Catholic Church.

I prayed many times that the Lord would have his way in my mothers life, and not to let her suffer as she had for many years. I know the Lord heals as he has kept me from sickness almost my entire Christian life. We can not force anyone to believe even if they are a Christian. There are many Christians who die before their time, because of not knowing and believing what Jesus did for us on his cross. It is very sad why this happens, when it does not have to happen.