What people call ghosts are just the spiritual realm bleeding over into this world. They could be demons or angels. We live in a darkened realm, shadows of the real, which is in the spiritual realm.Do you believe in them? Do they walk among us mostly unseen?
How about the Holy Ghost, I believe in him.Do you believe in them? Do they walk among us mostly unseen?
The words may seem like scriptural, but she's of the devil... whoever she is. She's as phony as her nails, hair and photoshopped parts.What does this woman communicate with?
Hi ASUK,What does this woman communicate with?
Lololol xD I'm laughing so hard right nowWhat does this woman communicate with?
Question: When Jesus along with Peter James, and John on the mountain of transfiguration, there appeared with them all Moses, and Elijah. They were talking to Jesus about what he (Jesus) was about to do in Jerusalem. Moses had clearly died many years earlier. Did Jesus do what was commanded not to do in the Old Testament about "familiar spirits"? Did Moses come as a familiar spirit, and have fellowship with Jesus?Hi ASUK,
Leviticus 19:31 Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am thye Lord your God. Whether knowingly or unknowingly because she is deceived this is what she is referring to. Do not be deceived my friend, the Holy Spirit is our only helper and instructor in the things of eternal life. Ephesians 5:18 ...but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
Love and peace
They ALL entered eternity where time is irrelevant. Moses was on Mount Sinai where he met with God and Elijah didn't die but entered into glory alive. On planet earth, yes, time passed, but in eternity they were all in the same place - eternity. Even Paul says we're already seated in the heavens and we Jesus chose us before the foundation of the earth.Question: When Jesus along with Peter James, and John on the mountain of transfiguration, there appeared with them all Moses, and Elijah. They were talking to Jesus about what he (Jesus) was about to do in Jerusalem. Moses had clearly died many years earlier. Did Jesus do what was commanded not to do in the Old Testament about "familiar spirits"? Did Moses come as a familiar spirit, and have fellowship with Jesus?
What does it mean "if we walk in the light has he is in the light we have fellowship with one another......"
They ALL entered eternity where time is irrelevant. Moses was on Mount Sinai where he met with God and Elijah didn't die but entered into glory alive. On planet earth, yes, time passed, but in eternity they were all in the same place - eternity. Even Paul says we're already seated in the heavens and we Jesus chose us before the foundation of the earth.
What does this woman communicate with?
Do you believe in them? Do they walk among us mostly unseen?
There is no in-between. There is no possibility of remaining on earth in spirit form as a “ghost.”.
I think that most Christians believe in "movie style" ghosts.
One thing that puzzles me about ghosts is why would they be roaming around the Earth? I would hate to think that I will be wandering around here after I die. What sense does that make?
You are correct. Many are not ready for that lesson. They don't believe in the spiritual realm let alone how to BE there. They don't understand how Saul used a witch to call up Samuel after he died or how Saul only received a prophecy that he and his sons would join Samuel in paradise in three days. Entering the spirit realm is the act of a mature child of God. Maturity is a must else one can find themselves in serious danger. Do not play with necromancers.I do believe Jesus said that "who so ever believes in him shall never die". Having fellowship with dead people is one thing but having fellowship with someone who is not dead is another, even if their physical body is dead. If we the Church are sitting in Heavenly places in Christ so is everyone whose bodies have gone into the grave are also still in Christ. They never left that position being in Christ whether alive physically or dead. If we the body of Christ are all in the same place, I don't see how one can not notice the fellowship of the Spirit with other believers in God's Kingdom. The Apostle John spoke to many people while being in the Spirit in the book of revelations.