ALL: People who love steak might say that Outback has by far the best steaks, others will say Texas has the best beef, until they experience Argentinian beef. People who have never experienced Argentinian beef can't begin to understand the difference from a simple steak in America or the UK. People have exported Argentinian cows with little success. Then they found out it's the wild grass, so they exported the grass, still to no success. You can talk about Argentinian beef until you're blue in the face to those that have never tried it, but they'll never understand until they experience it for themselves. Those that live in the word of God see it as a photo album of God-encounters with others. Still there are some who live those God-encounters and cannot adequately explain it to those that haven't experienced Him for themselves. For some, seeing is believing, like Thomas. This isn't for just a few people. This is for EVERYONE that believes. Why do you think almost no two examples in the scriptures are the same? It is to show the innumerable means God can interact with someone who believes. Some get dreams, others have a tingling sensation, some just understand without explanation, while still others see or hear with their natural senses. Every cell of the body is unique and has a specific job. Some respond to low oxygen levels while others respond to too much sugar in the body. Some react to foreign objects and others to stress signals. Each of us is unique but in Christ we are the same as He is no respecter of anyone and we ALL have a job specifically suited to us. Stop judging others for what they've experienced and you haven't. Stop dismissing things you know nothing about and/or can't understand. Strive to know Christ in every aspect of YOUR life and stop looking at others and judging one way or another in ignorance.