No one thinks this is worth a response? Humpph. And Rumely asked whether works and salvation was the same path. Can someone who is moral, does good, and abides by the "10 comandments" but does not believe that God exists, achieve salvation?
He can hardly abide by the ten commandments if he doesn't believe in God, can he? Look at the first ones.
Anyway, my point earlier was that one's behavior (works) is a direct reflection of their faith. Abraham obeyed God because he loved and trusted God. If we go to Hebrews, we see a repetition: "By faith." By faith Abel, by faith Noah, by faith Abraham, by faith Sarah, and so on. In each case, it was manifested in an action. A sacrifice, an ark, a conception, an offering, etc. Faith and works go hand in hand.
Salvation is from God. Neither our faith nor our works died on the cross and shed their blood for our sins. Jesus did that. We enter into that salvation by faith, and our behavior follows according to faith. A person who is weak in the faith will be weak in their works.
Works without faith, to directly address your question, do not save. They are as ineffective for salvation as was all the blood sacrificed to the Baals of pagan religions. Works
with faith do not save, either, but works are the pulse of faith.
I don't know if I'm making my point clearer or more confusing. I'm trying to articulate it as simply and concisely as I can