Yes I agree but the notion that all someone needs is faith is misleading. The truth is that faith breeds good works and so IMO it is error to tell people good works don't play a part in salvation especially with the verse you posted that particularly teaches this.
It is not error my friend. It is 100% Biblical. ALL one needs to be saved is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I agree, again, that the product of faith is good works. BUT that is only AFTER one comes to Christ for salvation by faith and only faith and not works so what you said is actually not the truth now is it. It is actually what you want it to be as a Judaizer, but it is not what the Bible tells us. A Judaizer is someone who is wanting to believe that Jesus Christ saves us and keeps us saved as long as we work and do good deeds and also keep the Law of God. You may have never considered yourself to be one of those, but the truth is in your own words right here in front of all of us.
Works play no part in being saved or staying saved. It is totally faith in Christ plus NOTHING!
The verse I posted says exactly the opposite of your comment. Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly tells us that salvation is totally of faith in Christ and NOT of ourselves. If we had any part of salvation, all we would do is brag about it to others.
Just a few verses that confirm what I am saying............
1. Eph. 2:8-9 -
"For BY GRACE are ye SAVED THROUGH FAITH; and that NOT OF YOURSELVES: it is the GIFT of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast."
2. Rom. 4:6-7 -
God imputes "Righteousness without works."
3. Rom. 10:3 -
It's a grave mistake for anyone to try to, "Establish their own righteousness."
4. Rom. 5:17 -
Heaven deserving righteousness is a "GIFT," not something you earn.
5. Rom. 5:18 -
Justification to God is a "FREE GIFT," not something you work toward.
6. Phil. 3:9 -
Paul, as ‘good’ as he was, still wouldn't trust his "Own righteousness" to save him.
7. Rom. 3:22 -
God's righteousness is credited to "ALL THEM THAT BELIEVE," not all that work.
8. Rom. 8:3-4 -
The flesh is too "Weak" to save itself. We need a Saviour. We need Christ.
9. Rom. 4:3 -
Abraham's faith, not works, "Was counted unto him for righteousness."
10. Rom. 4:4-5 - Works are "Not reckoned of grace, but of debt." Faith is counted as righteousness.