True, but as a Christian I try not to. Sola fide means I don't even have to try not to.
True, but as a Christian I try not to. Sola fide means I don't even have to try not to.
The question would be more on the end of whether or not she wanted to do good works.
There is also the matter of children who die early in life. As I said before it is not really a matter of needing to do a certain amount of good works so much as it is not squandering grace on bad works.
It is not really my place to say if someone goes to heaven or not, although repentance in itself is a good work.
True, but as a Christian I try not to. Sola fide means I don't even have to try not to.
Major, there is a difference between justification by works (which I have not once stated) and your works demonstrating good faith. By advocating sola fide (which neither Jesus nor the Bible teach) you are ignoring the scriptures that state particularly that works are important to faith. Read James.Now, you are aware that Jesus taught justification by faith alone. To abandon that truth is to abandon biblical soteriology altogether. Jesus taught it a long time before Martin Luther. No doctrine is more important to evangelical theology than the doctrine of justification by faith alone--the Reformation principle of sola fide. Martin Luther rightly said that the church stands or falls on this one doctrine.
Scripture itself makes sola fide the only alternative to a damning system of works-righteousness:
Romans 4:4-5..................
"Now to the one who works, his wage is not reckoned as a favor, but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness".
In other words, those who trust Jesus Christ for justification by faith alone receive a perfect righteousness that is reckoned to them. Those who attempt to establish their own righteousness or mix faith with works only receive the terrible wage that is due all who fall short of perfection. So the individual as well as the church stands or falls with the principle of sola fide.
Romans %;1.....................
"Therefore being justified by FAITH, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ".
Alright then let's throw in a curve ball, what about a gay christian?Correct!
If one goes by scripture, there is no such thing as a gay (sexually active) Christian.Alright then let's throw in a curve ball, what about a gay christian?
Alright then let's throw in a curve ball, what about a gay christian?
Major, there is a difference between justification by works (which I have not once stated) and your works demonstrating good faith. By advocating sola fide (which neither Jesus nor the Bible teach) you are ignoring the scriptures that state particularly that works are important to faith. Read James.
But there is such a thing as a habitually sinning Christian? What makes homosexuality so special? I thought you said works don't play a role in salvation?There is no such thing as a homosexual Christian my friend.
But there is such a thing as a habitually sinning Christian? What makes homosexuality so special? I thought you said works don't play a role in salvation?
If they did would it negate it?There are Christians who have what you call "spiritual strongholds", who suffer in them until they discover how to let Jesus free them. Some of them have the stronghold of sexual addiction, of which homosexuality is one. It doesn't negate their salvation, but they aren't going around pushing for acceptance of the sin, either. They have appropriate grief over their problem.
If they did would it negate it?
How does "works" pertain to non-repentant homosexuality?But there is such a thing as a habitually sinning Christian? What makes homosexuality so special? I thought you said works don't play a role in salvation?
James 2:14-26Fine if you want to go down that road I say there's no such thing as a Christian who doesn't do good works.
But there is such a thing as a habitually sinning Christian? What makes homosexuality so special? I thought you said works don't play a role in salvation?
Fine if you want to go down that road I say there's no such thing as a Christian who doesn't do good works.
But there is such a thing as a habitually sinning Christian? What makes homosexuality so special? I thought you said works don't play a role in salvation?
Fine if you want to go down that road I say there's no such thing as a Christian who doesn't do good works.
What makes homosexual behavior so special (wrong) is that is completely destroys the plan of God. That plan from the Garden of Eden was 1 man and 1 woman to multiply. Homosexuality destroys the family unit that God set in place.
I know what you are saying when you say........"I say there's no such thing as a Christian who doesn't do good works",
and as nice as I can, once again I have to tell you that, that is just wrong thinking and not logical or Biblical.
IF that is what you choose to believe....fine with me. All I do is try and give correct Biblical advice where asked and if you reject it, no problem for me whatsoever.
Why would you think that committing the abomination of homosexuality would qualify as a "work".
Homosexuality is an "abomination" to the Lord thy God and it is so wrong that God said it was punishable by death under the law of God. Now I now some do not want here that on a Christian forum but it is exactly what God said. I didn't say it, God did!!!!
One can be a Christian or one can be a homosexual, but not both! Homosexuality is KNOWN sin being committed by a willful choice to reject the Word of God.
THANK YOU, and can we just finally accept what the mental health experts and scientists have been telling us about sexual orientation, which is that it is NOT an illness, requires no cure, and cannot be changed? This is one area where the battle is over but some would like to see it rage on.So murdering a family like BTK did destroys God's plan less than a gay couple? Just stop.
Orientation isn't a choice.