I just realized its a 40 something hour drive from this end of I-40 to that end of I-40. Seems like 40 is a magic number, and I was half way there in NE.
Guess my foot is wanting to be free on an American interstate, but my body and wallet need a good rest.
Reality bites sometimes, as I choose to imagine my Jeep crying out "ROAD Trip" after just going on one.
My back is still hollering "your an idiot" for sleeping in it though. Its still a dream palace depending on personal perspective. I will say I am no longer contemplating that Kingsdown mattress my old A.S. body has been slowly saving for. After being beaten up by a lumpy air b and b bed, sleeping in my Jeep was a much happier alternative. Now this ancient bed of mine feels like a cloud of comfort.
Life is good, driving is fun, and GOD is great!
when my aching body causes me stress
and my bones are making my life a mess,
I can see heaven when I lift my eyes
knowing for my sins Jesus Christ did rise,
and when I can no longer fight this pain
eternal life is what my soul will gain,
as I am laid still quietly to sleep
may my love for trips live on in my Jeep!!!