Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

we all experience estrangement in our Christian walk
sometimes its growing faster than our loved ones
as we feel they are being left behind in our journey
other times they are being left behind for we drift apart
its a natural process of learning and aging through life
we leave our families to start our own in this world

our values interests and views evolve like we do
we discover that opposition may cement our beliefs
standing firm on the foundations of biblical scriptures
which may alienate those persons we once believed
were our best and closest friends on this roller coaster
other times differences compliment our strengths

they might strengthen our weaknesses so we may progress
into a self realization from deep spiritual introspection
that we are all simply another gear in these big wheels
of unique mechanisms in this beautiful body of Christ
made to be the way we are as to add other perspectives
with a quality of being in which we were created to serve

so its ok to let go and move on to turn our own pages
after all we have freedom of will to write our very own
illustrated colorful lives full of gained wisdom to share
might we never remorse in having to leave the past
gaining what we were meant to discover as we see
the light of Christ shine brightly around us~
Our lives are like a story book. One book with many chapters. They all read differently and you never know what will appear in the next chapter or even the next page. It is like many lives in the one life and you never know when the last page will appear.
Life itself is a great teacher.
Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ~
please heal me of this great will of mine to be alone
for I choose to close my heart to this sinful world
as I recluse deeper into wishing to turn things off
and in doing so I find I have few close friends left
that I actually enjoy spending time with
is this such a bad thing though Lord?
Im tired of the drama associated with mankind
and I would have companionship with a very few
its so much easier than the daily strife of headaches
that friendships seem to bring these days
as I discover more and more I refer solitude
so heal me Lord if it is your will by putting someone
into my life you deem worthy to assist me
or I will stay in my home and continue to shut out
this earthly vessel so full of b.s. I cant stand it
as I sit here by myself~ I bring this problem
to you Father, for you can heal me
of my deliberate reclusiveness
sometimes no matter how hard I do try
aching sadness leaks through my closed eyes,
there are things for which there is no good bye
nor armor of broken hearts can disguise,

time does not heal deep wounds now bearable
as I breathe a sigh in some memories,
it seems like they might be an old fable
as sometimes what my mind wishes it sees,

when the truth still stings fresh with a new spark
from an unexpected source of some kind,
like they've been hiding in the shadows dark
waiting for my lonely sorrow to find,

it can be a song sight smell or a sound
but when it is there you know its been found~
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the truth can be ugly dirty nasty but real
it lies among heaps of landfill waste
decaying from the inside out
making flammable methane gas
seeping into the ground deeper and deeper
as it travels so far a rare few can get to it
but we know where it always remains
inside the horror of our aching brains,

we learn to disguise it all too well
with a cloak and armor among mankind
washed pressed and polished brightly
to cover the winters tarnish and stains
like they were never there in the first place
bright and beautiful in the newness of sunshine
but we know where discoloration remains
inside the horror of our aching brains,

we are like two skeins of yarn starting a ball
winding together with the word of God
covering us with the shed blood of Christ
as our core becomes hidden on the outside
twisted boldly upon His foundations
making a new creation wrapped in love
but we know at the center what remains
inside the horror of our aching brains,

this world is a tough place for far too many
there are people we know whom dont get it
as we thank God they didnt have to experience
the taste of methane served cold in crystal glass
when it was from the bottom of that trash pile
as its bitterness and wrath still haunts the mind
but we know it is there for it always remains
inside the horror of our aching brains
Thankfully God is tender and merciful. Over time we can be cleansed of the filth and evil that have built up during our lives. Sometimes though the filth is still remembered by the world and can have long lasting effects in our lives. Even then God is with us to help us through these trials. What a wonderful and merciful God that he is.
"Its a hard knock life for us"...

I was getting kicked by arthritis again
so my doc gave me two shots one in each hip
a pain med and a steroid so my pain levels are ok
but why oh why do I have acid reflux so badly
that I cant even enjoy a peaceful nights rest

"its a hard knock life" sometimes I swear

cause I cant catch a break for catching a break
so here I sit in bed at past 3am est wide awake
and my stomach is killing me and I wanna scream
so loudly all the neighbors can hear me explode

"its a hard knock life" this struggle is real

but I eat candied ginger and take antacid tabs instead
hoping my morning I can see the sunrise as a reminder
Ive been up all f#&%ing night long d@#^it
and now I have a headache so Im gonna watch "Annie"

cause that song is stuck in my head

Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ thank you for the vent
sometimes all I need is a written reminder that things can always be much worse
so thank you for all the wonderful things in life I do have and for my body feeling better
even though my stomach doesnt right now Im sure it will.
-Amen a child whom just needed a break
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Hello thenami
I have a lot of things wrong with me and one is reflux. Unfortunately I am allergic to the antacids, so manage it by watching what I eat, and it seems to work. We are all different though. I can't eat spicy food, also cut right down on sugary food, the only meat I eat is lamb or chicken and I try to eat those no more than once a week or even less. Fish is ok for me. As well as the ginger try liquorice (unless you have high blood pressure.)
Do you raise tour pillows at an angle? It can be a great help, along with lying on your left side.
Yeah things could be worse but that doesn't lessen your suffering.
Praying for you.
No spicy foods or citrus for me. I dont know what triggered this bout. I didnt get any sleep as my day already started. Im now doing laundry. Little seems to be helping so I guess I will take more meds, even though Im almost at my limit. At this point its a risk Im willing to take.
Thanks for understanding, and the prayer. Sipping on ginger ale seems to be easing it momentarily enough to where I can grin and bare it.
Better days are coming through our Lord Jesus Christ~
Hello thenami
I have a lot of things wrong with me and one is reflux. Unfortunately I am allergic to the antacids, so manage it by watching what I eat, and it seems to work. We are all different though. I can't eat spicy food, also cut right down on sugary food, the only meat I eat is lamb or chicken and I try to eat those no more than once a week or even less. Fish is ok for me. As well as the ginger try liquorice (unless you have high blood pressure.)
Do you raise tour pillows at an angle? It can be a great help, along with lying on your left side.
Yeah things could be worse but that doesn't lessen your suffering.
Praying for you.
Hi thenami
If it Carries on like this I would go back to your doctor. ❤️
Between the meds I have, a heating pad, and ginger ale Im somehow hanging in there. Life! Its always something...
If Im not better by tonight I will call off from work and go for a walk in appointment.
Father in the name of you Son Jesus Christ~

may you work things out for everyone as needed
as your hand touches what should be touched
making way for your work to be done as you choose
with sound minds and softened hearts knowing
what is truly right for all involved for you understand
the minds hearts and financial responsibilities of all
so I ask you my Father to handle this as I put it
in your hands to make a way for everyone to bear
the wise and correct thing to do according to your word
