I am sitting here in bed sick sick sick
I think its a cold hoping its not covid
strolling through internet garbage
one page after another and it hits me
God did create me but I also made choices
I could have made many of the same
as those models in designer bikini's
starving and working out to be thin
but my choice was to eat what I want
so I dont complain about being big
God didnt shovel food in my face
I earned the money to enjoy it
eating less and exercise are options
cause our Father didnt make me fat
I did and I own my fatness of a size 14
and it will be ok cause Im happy
while I look at Dolce and Valentino
craving me some Lou B's and Weitzman
I remind myself Im old and it doesnt matter
so long as I get schooled with Phish Food
ice cream forever...