good afternoon y'all~
hello to those whom might be interested
had that hand surgery
hurts to type but so be it
not as much as it did
before surgery
have not taken pain meds
its blues black and shades
of howling smoky vibes
I wasnt suppose to get it wet
so I imagine a doc visit
would be good aye?
I will drive my laser blue Jeep
enjoy that thing alrighty
I will do the clinic
so they can bandage it
the right way yanno
cause its kinda ghetto now
say a prayer for me if ya wanna
I will send this one for all reading me-
hugs and love to my peeps in Christ
I be a little bored but happy
maybe I will write more
maybe not... lol
Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ~ help those whom need physical and heart healing.
Sometimes the flesh needs to heal so the spirit can. Neglecting ourselves doesnt help anyone.
Might those whom need forgiving receive it, as well as those whom need to forgive grant it.
You have put in my heart today Father for us to remember to love one another unconditionally,
as Christ loves us. We cant choose our relatives on earth, but we do have our body of believers.
Sometimes thats all we need in times we struggle the most. Might we also remember all good things
are from you, and be thankful even for tribulations knowing we have the hope of heaven.