Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

here it is once again
the wee hours of morn
not shining in my face
not finding slumber
not alone in darkness
and our Father is here
with my faint echoes
of wanting unconsciousness
I envision being a scolded child
"go to sleep already"
but, alas I only lay here
another evening full
of every thought possible
next to nothing at all
what a dichotomy
in quite a juxtaposition
of emptiness and fullness
a blank canvas and one painted
as I continue to blink away
another night into day

(posted in another thread by accident)
wild birds littering the tree
in a calamity a language
only they might understand
as I slumber in cool grey calm
perplexed as to why this oak
is it a special meeting place
and poof they vanish away
like workers once on break
what a little mystery to me
these fine feathered babies
content with their brief stay
come back again I think
in a twangy Texas accent
thankful for their song :)
Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ~

might you continue to bless all whom visit this site and page
may you answer their prayers each according to their personal needs
for only you know what they are and can answer
heal the hearts and minds of those who need it the most
softening their hard dispositions through much needed change
help the financially impaired make better decisions and choices
sticking to a strict budget where they will see debt reduction results
bring organization to the chaos of cluttered homes through love
so they might be better able to function as productive families
calm the friction strife and arguments of overworked couples
so they may find resolutions in their marriages together united
please answer the earnest prayers of children crying out for assistance
in matters they know they cannot handle alone without you
and may the holy spirit speak for me in this prayer about matters
that are pressing to pray about that I forgot to mention

Thank you kindly~

Sharing memories

when I was in the second grade we went on a school field trip
it was to the old Guggenheim estate that was turned into a preserve
we went on a "dig" as an archeology lesson and fished in hip waiters
my class picnicked on the lawn once used for entertaining guests
during world war two it was used by the navy and was even once an orphanage
these days preservation of the preserve after years of mishandling is beautiful to see
many of the treasures once there have been stolen and it fell into disrepair
I grew up visiting this special nook on the gold coast just a few miles away from home
when I got older I would visit alone just to get away from noise and mayhem
then my children would ask to visit every time we went to grandma and grandpas house
as a former preserve member I spent countless hours walking through the acreage left to the county
Ive been on every single trail and mile of beach as far as I could walk in every direction
fine memories flood my mind of this place which include festivals concerts operas plays and fine dinning
Ive gone swimming at the beach fishing off the rocks and strolled among the mansions lining the sound
my youngest daughter and I even went for a dip on a warm April day once when the water temp was 48F
it was once a free place to get a suntan on a nice day while trying to clear a spot from the many rocks
now it hurts my heart to see that they charge a $15 admission fee even though they have substantial income
many movies and tv shows have been filmed there which I immediately recognize from my explorations
you can now book a private event for $10,000 in one of the buildings that I used to play in as a child
but my beloved place of sanctuary has become as commercial as everything else
to be enjoyed by another generation of children with fantastic amenities I only dreamed of
and I wonder to myself what Harry Guggenheim would have thought about that...
There is a lot of history where everyone was raised; I find the study of our roots entertaining. From the sand miners who helped build Manhattan to the first commercial airline, the area is ripe with cultural American facts. Many famous people lived there over the years. Im discovering more in the past decade than I ever did in previous years of research. Kind of makes my childhood memories a little more special knowing area history.

Please pray for those living in the province of Quebec. My family on Long Island is suffering from smoke inhalation over 400 miles away.
I remember the summer of 1998, when we had wild fires raging from the heat in Volusia county FL. Smoke was like fog rolling in at night.
Human recklessness appears to be the cause; may they get heavy rains soon to quench these fires.
Thank y'all for the prayers~ hugs peace and blessings

to all the sand castles carelessly built
upon the shores of yesterdays dreams,
to the sunshine soaked swim wear
we will never fit into again in this life,
to all the waves that crushed us beneath
we were lucky enough to be released from,

thank you for the memories and pictures
stuck in my mind and on my dresser mirror,
may they continue to remind me where Ive been
and where I will be going when I leave here,
there is still sand inside my shoes and Jeep
for there wont be a beach in heaven :)
I dont know about anyone else
but I do get excited when I have help

being on the reclusive loner side
such emotions bring me out of my bubble

thing is I dont really know how I got here
in my youth I was a social butterfly

maybe I got tired of all the b.s. that goes with it
or the fact that Im actually quite empathetic

in sympathy with the daily struggle of life
I just need some self adjustment sometimes

with the ordinances of my spirituality
for I live harmoniously in contentment

me and the Lord in conversation like friends
I am a gifted giving and loving person through His grace

whom chooses to help others when I am able
however I find true excited enthusiasm comes

from a place when others decide to help me
it becomes such a beautiful thing to experience

cause I dont usually ask for any it simply comes to pass
and delights me bringing happiness into my heart

like our Father in heaven in the name of His Son
Jesus Christ wanted it that way- all along...

Sounds good thenami
Praying it all goes well for you. Let us know how it goes.
I have hope I will find a more suitable location.
The drive to my home church has dampened my attendance, along with behaviors I choose not to tolerate.
Yes, pastors out there your congregations expect you to behave like soldiers for Christ.
There is a lot of "stuff" you and your households do not need. Modesty doesnt include costly array.
That definition doesnt depend on what your salary and housing allowances are from parishioner donations.
Yes, we hold you to a higher standard than ourselves as our teachers. In order for us to be there for you, you must also be available for us.
This is one good reason churches are shrinking. Some seem to forget its not just us watching, but the entire community; act like it.
While we are forgiving, the world is not. As Christian leaders, lead by example.

~Jus' tellin' it like I feel it straight up in a shot glass. Some of y'all need to get knocked down a notch or two.
Our Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ will level that playing field by taking what is valued most.
Hopefully this gets read, and changes are made as I have been compelled to post this.
went to a different church
and found a new bible study
very different delivery
as every congregation has their own
their pastor was on vacay
so Im gonna that service
definitely enjoyed the fellowship
I might have found a better fit
time will tell

I have hope I will find a more suitable location.
The drive to my home church has dampened my attendance, along with behaviors I choose not to tolerate.

Yes, pastors out there your congregations expect you to behave like soldiers for Christ.
There is a lot of "stuff" you and your households do not need. Modesty doesnt include costly array.
That definition doesnt depend on what your salary and housing allowances are from parishioner donations.
Yes, we hold you to a higher standard than ourselves as our teachers. In order for us to be there for you, you must also be available for us.
This is one good reason churches are shrinking. Some seem to forget its not just us watching, but the entire community; act like it.
While we are forgiving, the world is not. As Christian leaders, lead by example.

~Jus' tellin' it like I feel it straight up in a shot glass. Some of y'all need to get knocked down a notch or two.
Our Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ will level that playing field by taking what is valued most.
Hopefully this gets read, and changes are made as I have been compelled to post this.

Hello thenami;

I have a question. In your first post attending a different church, was this the same one in your second post that may not be the one you feel led to?

If so, what happened so quickly before you decided to move on?

I'm pulling for you, sister.
Dressed with the armor of Christ, we face battles daily.
The ones I choose to engage in as a human in the flesh, are close to my heart.
However, scripture isnt there just to read. It is our instruction manual for living.
There are basic expectations I have for myself when seeking instruction.
If that is all I am looking for though, I can find that here on the internet.
With the discernment of correct learning, comes the responsibility to use that knowledge.

Hugs, Peace, and Happiness...
as shadows on the harbor rise and fall with the sea
solving the worlds problems remain a mystery,

while the sunset decides to fade along goodbye
planets stars moonshine sparkle dust fill the sky,

with bright swells glow from orange red dark blue
forever united in this cycle to bid another adieu,

they all pass each other hello like long lost friends
and remember times gone as the horizon transcends~

( thoughts from my day at Topsail on the beach-
close to shore it was a murky blue green, but further out
it was Key West blues and greens :) )