Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

Sitting alone with nothing to do.
Watching the days go by.
The Juice of my desires; Those Old gods and old Pariahs have been walking out lately.
One by One, there s l o w l y leaving.
They're Packing their bags and being squeezed out;
Both with and without my Consent!

A Replacement Therapy From Up On High?
From Someone Else who doesn't lie?
It certainly feels like it. Like I am the clay.

Standing square in Intensive care;
The world inside my head still waging war, still proclaiming;
Look forward! Keep going! Follow your Dreams! And Don’t turn back!.
Oh My Head Keeps Spinning With Which Way To Go.

Voices Say, The future is a mystery so go with the flow.
All I can do now is see how it goes.

quiet forgiveness tries to call
when the worlds mailbox is full
loud chaos fills their ears
so a good message cant be heard
when a text is sent instead
but received as a different language
simple yet it confounds the wise
and few choose to understand
with kindness in their heart
to love with compassion
and see a beautiful picture
like a road map through life
which guides weary souls
into eternal salvation
through Jesus Christ

light recedes
dark comes forward
shadows play
upon peaks a boo
which wind like roads
one layer at a time
full curves ahead
hues array in samples
sunshine dances
from sharpness
to contrast
through crevice
like clay colors
made into mush
to rise high and higher
among stone faces
which smile at pines
all to short
in awe of these majesties
that scratch the sky
with a broken comb
and never wish
to be straight or normal
cause even the horizon
paints a different scene
every chance it gets :)
yanno I feel like spilling my guts out on these pages
cause it seems like I have volumes inside my heart
and today if I had an old style printing press
I would choose a simple straight forward font
nothing too large or too small something just right
and away I would go page after page with copies

what a lost art with technology today huh?
I remember spending quite a bit of time setting type
or hand cutting acetate to burn metal plates
when I could remember how to use a four color press
now I am the antique too along with processes long gone
but I do miss a black and white dark room with a passion

its funny how I we evolve and forget such things
there was a time when I took pictures of everything
I had negatives neatly placed inside plastic sleeves
placed in binders as full as I could possibly get them
and now I dont even have one laying around
or even a camera that takes film when I had dozens

I wonder what God thinks about the human perception
cause time is a concept constructed by Him as it passes
we have all these memories that wax wane and fade
up the roller coasters of the living and down again
sometimes faster sometimes it even comes to a stop
its like our Father put His brakes on us and makes it happen

and then I come full circle to the beginning of it all
to know that every moment I once had on film
was frozen forever to gaze upon and share
with enough left for my imagination to add color
like a tall cool delicious drink of some sort
I could sip slowly and enjoy the views with leisure

now they are pages in my head I flip through
like a classic book I can read over and over
sharing my feelings with our Father in heaven
and my introspective thoughts with Him
in my own personal mind library always open
I can visit regularly at my own choosing...
there are times when I feel like Im forgotten
not even a twinkling of me in someones mind
an after thought only when I am needed
on an important project or for a connection

as I sit here alone in the silence of my home
no messages no snap chats no links to a tic tok
I believe this should all bother me somehow
but solitude might be my greatest addiction

there are times when I feel perfectly at peace
disconnected from the outside world around me
almost as though I pulled a giant plug away
freed from the grid of societal consciousness

as I sit here in deepest contemplation of life
no current news no man made noise no nonsense
I believe this is the simplest way to restore myself
but solitude might be my greatest addiction

there are times when I feel I am never alone
Ive never been truly forgotten not for a moment
our Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ
always has me in His heart because He loves me

as I sit here I am connected in thought mind spirit
no man nobody nothing can ever change that
I believe this with all my heart and being deep inside
but solitude might be why I feel so close to Him, amen
Ive got that laser blue Jeep itch again
Hanna is calling my name saying
take me to the beach Im losing my tan
she sure is a fun little SUV with beefy tires
and loves her Toyo A/T's with extra clearance
maybe I will go for a nice drive on the north end
of this nice little old island Black Beard visited
I think she needs some sand in her shoes...
We have been having bad weather; it's sunny now. Friday night lightening struck between me and my neighbors homes. We are ok, but a few things are fixed including my internet box. It shook art off the walls, a light fixture fell, and knocked a few things off shelves. I cleaned the house spotless as my brother is coming for a visit. It shook dust out of places I didn't know were there. I had to clean some things again. Hop all is well with everyone. Hugs peace and happiness.
We have been having bad weather; it's sunny now. Friday night lightening struck between me and my neighbors homes. We are ok, but a few things are fixed including my internet box. It shook art off the walls, a light fixture fell, and knocked a few things off shelves. I cleaned the house spotless as my brother is coming for a visit. It shook dust out of places I didn't know were there. I had to clean some things again. Hop all is well with everyone. Hugs peace and happiness.

Hey thenami;

Your post reminded me a horrible windstorm we had about 28 years ago. I had to leave work before lunch because our patio roof blew off and blew away. The rain drenched our patio and carpeting. Seriously!

I had to "squeegie" the soaked carpet and took the loss on the furniture and other stuff. The insurance helped us recoup a new patio roof and the market value of furniture and other stuff, but we decided to have it all enclosed.

A couple of months after the contractor finished I wanted to put a billiards table in there but my wife made it her tea room with pillows.

I haven't played billiards in years but gave the Lord thanks and drink lots of tea.
Good evening all :) I had the fried internet box replaced today. Our lights are still flickering. My brother is a retired electrical engineer so he is coming down from NY to give us a hand. We lost the garage fridge/freezer, food in the deep freezer (yes we are hurricane ready here in NC), and the washer now has a mind of its own as to which cycle it will let us use. Sometimes it wont work at all without unplugging it first. Just another day in the life of a middle aged woman I suppose. I do have a job interview tomorrow. Its at a local thrift store which helps battered woman. There is a shelter that receives all the proceeds. I can pray silently for those in need, at this purpose filled position. The pay is low, but the edification will be great. I hope I get it, if the Lord allows me the opportunity. I almost missed it as I had trouble logging into accounts from my new phone number. So nice being able to use my laptop again.

Love and hugs to all. Maybe I will get back to posting actual poetry when I have more time.