I could be wrong. But it says Jesus will descend with a shout and the dead will rise first then we who alive will be caught up together with them to meet Him in the air.... So isn't that describing His second coming?
Then there's Mathew 24 from verse 30. It says immediately after the tribb the sun will be darkened etch and the angels will gather the elect. (Sorry, I don't know how to share scripture from the bible here. So, I paraphrased a bit.)
That's why. I hope I explained well.
Right. Matt 24 describe Jesus comming. Right after the release of the 6th and 7th seal (rev 6) (rev 8)
There is no resurrection event connected to this.
The sUN will go dark and stars will roll up and be gone. After that. 1/2 hour of silence (last seal) then the seventh angelic trumpet will sound (ending tribulations) people will try to hide from the face of the lamb.
Hope its not a Sabbath day. Those in judea, hide. Its show time.
Keep reading down Matt. We can pinpoint to the last half hour of when the Lord shows up for those that keep the Sabbath. For those that call him Lord, we don't know the day or hour. It will be like Noah. Nobody knew a thing until Noah and family shut the door of the boat. Nobody will know a thing when one is taken and another left.