An Original Cartoon A Day

Davey Do I decided to shake things up and draw this one in a cartoon-like format, as per the title of this thread. I do plan to add color but the ink needs to dry first.


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I present to you, Teenage Bootsy!

This is incredible, and not just the artwork, which is, but the cat's appearance and name!

Back in the late '90's, as a community nurse, I had a client diagnosed with schizophrenia who had to be admitted to the state hospital as a patient for an extended stay. He had a cat named Bootsy which looked exactly like your painting who I adopted. That was one GREAT cat!

I haven't been on this thread for a while, being busy with a big art project and Spring chores:

Cutting wood...

...loading & splitting it...

...taking care of the chicks and such.

Thank you so much for sharing the progress of your wonderful artwork, LearningToLetGo!

LearningToLetGo GUESS WHAT???

TODAY is the DAY where I am going to the pen store... the one you looked up on line... and I am going to take my leisurely time looking around. The last two times I was there... someone was waiting outside for me and I felt like I had to rush... so today.... I am being dropped off and I will take the bus home.

I am SO EXCITED. The one thing I don't understand about the fountain pen I have... (Platinum Plaisir ) is that it doesn't accomodate all the cartridges. I found that out when I was in the store last time. There is a lovely set of pastel inks in cartridge form... but the guy told me I would have to buy another pen for it. Anyways... I am happy with my pen. I am hoping he lets me return the two pack of PINK ink that I bought out of being so EXCITED about colours. I'm sure that won't be a problem to swap it out for another colour. Since Bob likes BLUE ink so much... I might get that to shift the mood from my usual BLACK. HA.

Anyways.... I see you are beginning ANOTHER CAT.

I am going to check out the plethora of paints this guy has... they are all high quality.

So..... It's a ME and the Pen store DAY. Just saw you were on line... and thought I would write you a wee note.

Isn't it GRAND that we are all getting CREATIVE.... for me it is like a miracle.
Have a wonderful day.
The one thing I don't understand about the fountain pen I have... (Platinum Plaisir ) is that it doesn't accomodate all the cartridges.
There are two basic cartridges: standard international (long and short) and proprietary. Each pen accepts only the type it is designed for. However, pens can be configured to use a cartridge converter to allow the use of bottled ink. If that sounds daunting you can also use a blunt syringe to refill cartridges with bottled ink.

Ask the store clerk to show you, and have fun!!! ❤
Schaffer, Manuscript, Speed Ball, and Rotring pens all take standard cartridges, and I've found Manuscript cartridges the best and are the most inexpensive. For example, 10 Speed ball black or color ink cartridges are about $5, whereas you can purchase a package of two dozen Manuscript cartridges in black or in colors for the same price.

I second that it is a joy we all are into being creative, In Awe of Him!

Here's a couple of 'toons I neglected to submit:


There are two basic cartridges: standard international (long and short) and proprietary. Each pen accepts only the type it is designed for. However, pens can be configured to use a cartridge converter to allow the use of bottled ink. If that sounds daunting you can also use a blunt syringe to refill cartridges with bottled ink.
I just got home... I forgot to sign out... so sorry if you thought I was ignoring you.... I LEARNED all this today at the store... he showed me the cartridge converter. It was AWESOME to have an hour to talk and ask questions. The owner is a very young man ... as cute as a button. ( Does anyone even say that anymore?? or did they ever?? )
Then I went to visit my aunt for a few hours... so... WOW.... It's way past my bedtime. HA.
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Some good quality paint brushes. The primary colours ( watercolours ) called Beam Paints. This is a tester sample pack.
And... a black marker for my art. I was able to determine when I was at the store that my heart's desire is to learn how to use

He challenged me to see how many colours I can make out of the primary colour trio. I was shocked to learn that watercolour does not have WHITE. He said the paper is considered the white.

I had such a wonderful time in the store and he delighted in sharing his knowledge with me.


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Good afternoon LearningToLetGo ...

What I discovered yesterday is my LOVE and gravitation to beautiful colours.... true and pure colours.
The trio paint sheet that I bought is from this company... they gather their pigments from natural sources.
These little bundles of colour are the MOST BEAUTIFUL thing I have ever seen.... and so.... I need to get
myself a how-to-book on watercolour. I want to start from the very beginning and acquire knowledge and skill.
These paints are expensive HOWEVER.... they are absolutely worth the INDULGENCE due to the colour palette.
