An Original Cartoon A Day

Davey Do In school I learned a technique to copy and resize an image by drawing a grid on top of it with letters on the top and numbers on the side. We could then draw the same grid elsewhere at any scale (e.g. murals) and copy each grid square one at a time. This helps to maintain perspective.

Have you ever done something like that?
I used my phone to adjust my earlier drawing by manipulating the contrast and white/black point. I think it looks a bit like ink.

My next goal is to reproduce this style using sumi-e ink from an ink stick.

Wish me luck!


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Writing is a great gift to have, and so is art.
I have never been able to draw. When my two children were little, they asked me to draw a cat ! So I did, and they fell about laughing. Whiskers, eats and eyes all in the wrong place.

I bought a book the title was "Anyone can draw". It is untrue. I followed all the directions and three weeks later, I took the book to a charity shop. My children didn't need it!
Anyone CAN draw. I've been quite adept at drawing flies for years.šŸ˜
Almost done. I need to touch up the black with some micron pens, draw whiskers with a white ink pen, and sign it. Then off to the frame store. šŸ˜ƒ


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WOW LearningToLetGo
Lookie at YOU... IMPRESSIVE.

I'm still plucking away at cartoon like characters of sheep... snails.. birds with bulgy eyes.... and anything else that catches my funny bone.

I am tinkering away with my watercolour set... and am enjoying that very much as if you water the paints enough.. .the pain basically does the work and goes where it wants... leaving lovely shades.

Nice to see that you are painting.
OI course YOU would pick up on my typo..... the PAINT..... not the pain..... GOOD GRIEF... the post was so short that I did NOT bother to proof read..... HAHAHAHA.....
STOP following me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... NO wait.... Keep following me.... I LIKE it. HAHAHA.
You have a way of a phrase.