How can it be that “Progressive Christianity is even possible? For the author of the article points to apostasy and gay marriage, as the immediate danger to the church, but may I surrender an ethical perspective to hone a new focus if my contribution in response can be entertained.
For political, compulsory, and pantheistic styled force is already entrenched in many nations, and provides the immoral anti-ethical foundation for mandatory separation from sound scripture in a political-economy. Should it now be our urgent vigilance in the church to defend our "individual liberty", "natural rights", and most importantly, what is our liberty to live "morally according to scripture". For our liberty has been strategically under foundational assault for a long time, which has formulated through time to bring us to a crossroads of choosing yet more Socialism or ethics.
For Plato originated primordially the premise of state power from mysticism, Plotinus solidified it as "Oneness", Hegel moved it to dialectical immoral mystical illegitimate-ethics for proposed totalitarianism, and Marx provided the compulsory political prescription from hell to empower totalitarianism; yet all together a satanic hammer formulates in front of our eyes to crush the church to oblivion in the confines of “unjust law” by dissolving the “individual agent.” Shall this strategy kill 160 million in the twentieth century alone from compulsory socialistic governments, and Socialism is the key.
Shall Progressive Christianity serve us "pantheistic oneness" and achieve it with "Socialism" first, "Collectivism" second, and brutal tyrannical unabated "Despotism" last; for this vertical strategy is calculated since the eighteenth century and has worked well in many nations to kill many.
Shall the Christian who clings to sound scripture be sober to know that often times the materialist and many in the compulsory pantheistic persuasion will use Hegelian metaphysics to say, "Jesus was God, but not because He came down to inhabit the corporeal body of a man to die for our “individual” sins, but because a “man (Jesus)” figured out how to "progress" to a godly-pantheistic-manifestation, as all mankind is ONE unit." Shall the transfiguration to force a single godly collective, then be the goal of those who will force compulsory foundations for philosophical materialism, and that requires the earth becoming “ONE” using arbitrary “force”. Thus all boundaries for what is “moral” in a societal application and what is “moral” according to scripture becomes voided out in exchange for a consequentialist ethic of a proposed philosophical materialistic utopia in the spirit of Marx as all manor of evil despotism will kill the innocent in the process.
Can Burke's political intervention of the old order finally be abandoned in exchange for sound “societal ethics” in the Lockean-Christian tradition of “Natural Rights”, where our “individual and scriptural” autonomy to choose our Lords plan of salvation is unhindered by compulsory despotism coming from evil men? Though the gay community will marry at will when marriage is left alone, it will never be condoned in the church that uses a sound moral-framework from scripture; yet the church that uses violence to curtail its existence, is the church that will reap what it sows, which is the legislation that forces gay marriage upon the church.
Thus may I plead to the body that our path to sanity is clear, that we not use the evil laws of men to fix marriage but adhere to scripture in love, while never casting a stone, and praying without ceasing that those who move to perversions will see in truth the life that Christ has ordained? Then in our stance of love, then move to “unity” as the body of Christ to support a non-interventionist free market economy where dark forces have no power with evil men to deploy arbitrary despotism on a whim upon the church.