Man, the OP made me smile BIG TIME!
Hey naomanos, you might be able to relate to some of what I've experienced.
I was a self-made rich man, an entrepreneur, a very successful businessman -- a selfish pig, living the selfish life, unmarried, until age 45! And then God...
I went through the whole peer pressure, conditioned thing:
LIE #1: Be sure to stay childless for the first couple years of marriage, because the two of us wanna have some fun first.
TRUTH: The FUN is in bringing a child into your life! It doesn't get any better in this sick world than holding a newborn in your arms! They (and we) are created in God's image! OF COURSE Satan lies to you about this!
LIE #1: It's ok to use BC (birth control).
TRUTH: Those who use BC are also selfish jerks. Using BC is a mockery of God's purpose for putting you and her together in the first instance. We won't get into the abortion-factor connected with BC, but trying to prevent a birth, via WHATEVER method, is not your decision to make. You chose to get married, to become one flesh with her; accept the responsibility of your HIGH CALLING as a minister, a priest of your home. The deal is done, now ENJOY THE BENEFITS i.e. children!
LIE #2: Be sure to have no more than 2 children (or even less), because everyone else will look down on you as being irresponsible and your lifestyle as unsustainable.
TRUTH: God tells us to 'be fruitful and multiply,' and "blessed is the man whose quiver is full of children." Did you get that??? A quiver holds arrows, and it's your privilege to raise up Godly seed that you will then fire out into the world as light-bearing witnesses for the King. "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." GOD PROMISES YOU WILL BE BLESSED WHEN YOU HAVE CHILDREN -- AND THE MORE ARROWS, THE MORE BLESSINGS FOR YOU!
LIE #3: Be sure to have lots of money saved up first, because raising children costs a lot.
TRUTH: There's no faith in trying to hedge your bets. Rather, 'Give no thought for tomorrow, for your food or clothing, because the evil of today is enough already. God knows you have need of these things, and he will provide.' STEP OUT IN FAITH, BROTHER, AND GOD WILL PROVIDE! You have his word on it!
I have three daughters and a wife 20 years younger than me. Every time I come through the door, I get LOVE BOMBED by four females! God KNEW I needed that, and he has provided that! I AM BLESSED. It's your turn now.
You say you trust the Lord; do you? It's time to walk the talk, brother. Check out the walk of faith laid out before you. Step out in that walk and HAVE MAX FUN, dad!
Ok, I had to come back to this post, because the Lord put it on me to do so.
This is a testimony.
My wife and I did not want to have children the first year or so, because we wanted to do our own thing first (which frequenly involved bedroom fun, of course).
We would never use birth control pills (we had thoroughly researched the wicked things), so that did not leave us a lot of options! We tried EVERYTHING except the pill.
One day (one year into our marriage), in the bedroom, we just got sick and tired of being sick and tired over this "trying to prevent pregnancy" thing. Immediately, conviction fell on me heavily. I sprang out of bed, called my wife to join me at the foot of the bed, we got down on our knees and I repented to the Lord for trying to manipulate our reproductive future. I hadn't even gotten the "amen" out of my mouth yet when instantly the room became visibly brighter. It was almost as if a light switch had been thrown on (and it was not yet night time). I did not know it then, but I was since shown the following: Because I had been operating in self-will with this BC issue (rather than in God's will), I had given a devil a LEGAL RIGHT to access my/our life. When that light shone in the room, I felt a weight being removed from my back. It was as if I had unknowingly been carrying a 10kg/25lbs backpack and it had just been taken off me!
When I repented, that particular devil no longer had a right to operate in my life. So that devil had to leave -- it's kingdom law! At that moment, my wife and I agreed that we would NEVER AGAIN attempt to push our own will over God's will for us. TWO WEEKS LATER, my wife was pregnant with our first! THANK YOU, LORD!
This is a part of spiritual warfare. The battle is real, brother, and God wants you to be VICTORIOUS!
Thank you for your reply, but I will be getting a vasectomy as soon as I am able to do so. We do not need more than two children with my wife's illness progressing.