Having read much of the PDF and much of this thread, I truly regret writing the above post, upon seeing how serious you are with the point you want to put across. I sincerely apologize.
Personally, I don't use the NIV. If I had time, I might, but I admit that I've never seen it as a serious Bible. (Please pardon me, if anyone does.) I see it as a readers' Bible -- one that a person can relax with and read for fun. As one with a continuous fight against both ADD and dyslexia, I don't have time for recreational reading, so Bibles like NIVs remain on my book shelves, rarely read.
I must admit, however, that reading almost through the PDF, it also has some serious errors. I will need to try to read it again a few times to name them all, but some are the misunderstandings of Isaiah. I didn't expect the PDF to be Scripture, of course, so errors are probable, but around pages 7 and 8, the errors were heartrending. Those Scriptures are misunderstood by many readers and also misunderstood by the author of the PDF who is trying to correct others.
Seriously, I do hope you can accept my apology for the above post. I was wrong. I also had not read that you wanted people to read the PDF and I jumped ahead. Again, I am sorry. I hope to come back here again in the very near future and read both this thread and the PDF in all seriousness, with respect.