Are you sure /feel you're going to heaven?

Just my personal opinion, but I would say, yes. The reason is, is that if I didn't feel I was going I would think I'm showing a lack of faith. If I'm showing a lack of faith, I believe that would be unpleasing to God.

Jesus says to repent and believe. Believe that I am saved by His blood. If I don't believe that I'm going to heaven, then I don't believe that His blood washed away my sins. If I don't believe that His blood washed away my sins, then I don't believe Him or the gospel. If I don't believe Him or His gospel, then am I calling Christ a liar? Never.
Pancakes, thanks for posting this question! And to the rest of you for replying to it with your knowledge of the scripture, as it has cleared up some confusion that I've been dealing with over the past few days.

The reason for my confusion was caused by a Facebook post that claimed that there will be Christians left behind after the Rapture happens. It then proceeded to question the faith of those reading it. I immediately felt offended and thought to myself, how can a Christian be left behind if they accepted Jesus as their lord and saviour (John 3:16)? Unfortunately I clicked on the comments, and seen two sides arguing over the topic at hand. The first were those who believed they will be raised up to heaven when the trumpet blows (Matthew 24:31), and the second set were those who claimed that "lukewarm" Christians would be left behind to endure the tribulation. Some even ventured to say that lukewarm Christians would spend eternity in Hell...

To me, this was Satan trying to deceive & lie to those who read the Facebook post. Any other thoughts on this?
I see things in a different light. Just like on Earth we have laws, and if we break them we are in a court with a judge pleading our case. Same goes for us on the heavenly realm. Unless we repent, and change our ways, and know what the laws are, and follow them. Only then will we be under Grace. We are to follow the commandments He has ordained from the beginning. To be as much like Him as we can be. Love your neighbor, Love God with all of your heart soul and strength. Observe his appointed feast days. Also know his calendar. Study and show oneself approved. Narrow is the gate and very few find it.

I have been through court many times and I am still going through it. Your life is a opened book when in court. It is up to the Judge to see you for who you are, see the proof, and see your innocence, and make a choice to say wheat or chaff. We have to plead our case with proof, nothing is hidden. I have been persecuted and had false claims, my children taken from me, lies told about me. I work hard at work and had many targets on my back because I do my job right. Yet I still get overwhelmed, but He said be joyful in your persecutions. I know who I am in Christ. I know no one can take away my belief in our Creator. Our love has to be proven, our love has to be pure. I rather be persecuted on earth than in Heaven and live in eternal torment away from our heavenly Father.

The whole Bible from cover to cover is Hebrew. There was no New Testament in the time of the Disciples or Apostles. So they only knew the Torah and the prophets. The new converts converted over to the Hebrew way of life, observing the ways Yeshua/Jesus did and doing all according to the Laws He put into place. In church they teach, once saved always saved. All one has to do is believe in Him and all will be okay. If one reads the scriptures, one will see that is not the case. The Law was NEVER abolished. Yeshua/Jesus fulfilled the Law to show us how we can enter into heaven.

In all honesty I can't speak for our Creator, But this is how I see what He put into place. The Law is still in place, and has been since it was written. Without out fear and reverence how are we to become good and walk in love? The Law keeps us righteous.

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We get our righteousness ONLY thru Christ. Grace not works. If you insist to abide by the 613 laws, you will constantly come up short. You are to abide by the heart of the Word.
I see things in a different light. Just like on Earth we have laws, and if we break them we are in a court with a judge pleading our case. Same goes for us on the heavenly realm. Unless we repent, and change our ways, and know what the laws are, and follow them. Only then will we be under Grace. We are to follow the commandments He has ordained from the beginning. To be as much like Him as we can be. Love your neighbor, Love God with all of your heart soul and strength. Observe his appointed feast days. Also know his calendar. Study and show oneself approved. Narrow is the gate and very few find it.

I have been through court many times and I am still going through it. Your life is a opened book when in court. It is up to the Judge to see you for who you are, see the proof, and see your innocence, and make a choice to say wheat or chaff. We have to plead our case with proof, nothing is hidden. I have been persecuted and had false claims, my children taken from me, lies told about me. I work hard at work and had many targets on my back because I do my job right. Yet I still get overwhelmed, but He said be joyful in your persecutions. I know who I am in Christ. I know no one can take away my belief in our Creator. Our love has to be proven, our love has to be pure. I rather be persecuted on earth than in Heaven and live in eternal torment away from our heavenly Father.

The whole Bible from cover to cover is Hebrew. There was no New Testament in the time of the Disciples or Apostles. So they only knew the Torah and the prophets. The new converts converted over to the Hebrew way of life, observing the ways Yeshua/Jesus did and doing all according to the Laws He put into place. In church they teach, once saved always saved. All one has to do is believe in Him and all will be okay. If one reads the scriptures, one will see that is not the case. The Law was NEVER abolished. Yeshua/Jesus fulfilled the Law to show us how we can enter into heaven.

In all honesty I can't speak for our Creator, But this is how I see what He put into place. The Law is still in place, and has been since it was written. Without out fear and reverence how are we to become good and walk in love? The Law keeps us righteous.

The law cannot give us anything, it only demands. You fail in one jot you're guilty of breaking it all, and you're dead in your sin. That's the law. God's love sent His Son Jesus to fulfill the law in the flesh for us. Through Jesus' work we are dead to the law and alive in Christ.

Romans 7:6 (KJV)
But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not [in] the oldness of the letter.
This is something taught wrong in churches today. That the Law is null and void. The Law/Torah is Christ. If we believe that the Law is null and void, then you are making Christ null and void. We should observe the Torah. the Torah is Yeshua/Jesus and we are to be a reflection of Him. Knowing right from wrong. We are to know Him through the Law/Torah. So is the 10 commandments are null and void? That is part of the Torah... The first five books Genesis through Deuteronomy is the Torah. Look up the Christian church history we know today, and you will see that the root is not in the Hebrew Torah, but in paganism. Why do you think things are so crazy today? They have taken away the Law in our schools/governments and even work. Now men are marrying men, and women marrying women. Children are disobedient, crime is ramped, drugs are accepted, our freedoms are taken away. Bad is good and good is bad. Many can't even do the simplest of the 10 commandments, by remembering the Hebrew Sabbath and keep it Holy. Breaking of bread and drinking the wine in remembrance of the Torah that was given, and to read and observe the Torah.

Do we know Yeshua our God? Even Yeshua/Jesus and His disciples went into the synagogues on the Sabbath day to hear the Torah and teach. The same thing goes on today. So what root do you want to be grafted in? The true vine? Then know Him through the Torah. The Torah is there to direct man on how to live... Dietary laws, capital punishment, how to worship and observe the ordained feast. Learn His calendar and not the Gregorian Calendar. Observe Hanukkah and not Christmas, observe Passover, and not Easter.

So what law is the Lord going to judge us by if it is null and void? When Eliezer ben Hyrcanus and Joshua ben Hananiah were debating a point of Torah and a voice from heaven dramatically announced that Eliezer's position was correct, Joshua refused to recognize its testimony, for the Torah "is not in heaven", and must be interpreted by men, unaided by the supernatural.

With the rise to political power of Christianity and Islam, two religions which sought to convert Jews and which argued that particular injunctions of the Torah had been abrogated, the question of the eternity or "nonabrogability" of the Torah became urgent. The 1st through the 3rd centuries, many believers/converts to the ways of the Hebrews were killed, and many books burned and destroyed. WHY? Because they saw the Law was alive and real, that God was in the flesh who is the living Torah. He performed miracles, healed the sick, fed the 1000's, raised the dead, walked on water, calmed the storm, cast out demons... I find it interesting that many don't see in what is call the old testament, that when the Lord spoke through Moses or any of the Prophets it says: " Thus sayeth the Lord." When Jesus was on earth, He would say: " Assuredly, I say to you." Jesus is Lord our God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever...

May the Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Thanks for posting that verse Abdicate, and again thanks for the clarification from everyone.

A question if you don't mind, would you please provide some clarification on the fact that Ezekiel 18 (Ezekiel 18:24) and Hebrews 10:26 basically tells us to stop sinning as Christians or we'll face judgement/punishment/death. I understand that we're saved by the blood, but are the Christians who continue in their old ways (or even new ways) of sinning looking at eternal damnation? Or am I missing something?

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Thanks for posting that verse Abdicate, and again thanks for the clarification from everyone.

A question if you don't mind, would you please provide some clarification on the fact that Ezekiel 18 (Ezekiel 18:24) and Hebrews 10:26 basically tells us to stop sinning as Christians or we'll face judgement/punishment/death. I understand that we're saved by the blood, but are the Christians who continue in their old ways (or even new ways) of sinning looking at eternal damnation? Or am I missing something?


Let's say you're a N. Korean. If you learn the truth about the USA and you have the opportunity to get to know the President, then you'd be faced with a question. If the President of the USA grants you US citizenship and you accept but you remain a N. Korean in all your actions, are you a US citizen? Yes. You need time to learn our customs. Do you represent the US well? No. If after years and years go by and no change in you, would the President want to continue a personal relationship with someone who doesn't want to live like a US citizen? Some people will have the smell of smoke on their garments when entering heaven because that's how close they got to going to hell, being saved by the skin of their teeth. God is righteous and if you remain in your unrighteousness what fellowship is there? If you don't feel convicted of your actions, are you really saved?
I will bring up the troublesome example that the guy crucified next to Christ had simply to believe to be saved. No time to change his now past ways. Personally, I think it's tricksy to tell an unbeliever that all you need to do is accept Christ in your heart as your Lord and Savior, then once they accept, you say now here's all these other things (works) you have to do. It comes down to can a person who has turned his/her life over to Christ be deceived? I think we can all be mislead. And I think if we do not test/check what we hear with scripture, we can be badly mislead. I read and watch these stories where pastors, preachers, rabbis and priests do these horrid sins (murder, child molestation, adultery, theft) and people say they were never really christian. But I think, perhaps? it is more profound in some cases and is actually a rejection of Christ/God. I think Christians can allow evil into their lives and like the frog boiling they have justified their desires over God's will. Works is often used to judge others, rarely is it used by the believer to check his/her own path/growth (unless they want to boast). Just my wandering thoughts here.
I will bring up the troublesome example that the guy crucified next to Christ had simply to believe to be saved. No time to change his now past ways. Personally, I think it's tricksy to tell an unbeliever that all you need to do is accept Christ in your heart as your Lord and Savior, then once they accept, you say now here's all these other things (works) you have to do. It comes down to can a person who has turned his/her life over to Christ be deceived? I think we can all be mislead. And I think if we do not test/check what we hear with scripture, we can be badly mislead. I read and watch these stories where pastors, preachers, rabbis and priests do these horrid sins (murder, child molestation, adultery, theft) and people say they were never really christian. But I think, perhaps? it is more profound in some cases and is actually a rejection of Christ/God. I think Christians can allow evil into their lives and like the frog boiling they have justified their desires over God's will. Works is often used to judge others, rarely is it used by the believer to check his/her own path/growth (unless they want to boast). Just my wandering thoughts here.
Works A.K.A. commandments are there for us to Judge ourselves; so we may stay on the straight and narrow road, and grow in understanding. Yeshua/Jesus says not to judge, lest you be judged. He knows we are trying and that we cannot be perfect, only until we are in our new bodies can the sin be washed away. Our corruption puts on incorruption and we are made white as snow. I rather tell a new convert to understand the commandments and follow them, than say once saved always saved. I judge myself DAILY, and try not to get caught up in the lust of my eyes/flesh. I try my best to uphold the dietary laws, and observe the Sabbath day, and feast days. How can this be a bad thing? How is this NOT honoring Him?

The reason why I am doing these things is because I believe all He has done, I believe Yeshua is God in the flesh. I am doing what Jesus said: "If you love me, keep my commandments." Why would He say this if He didn't want us to? Yeshua is one, God is one. Yeshua is God...

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John 6:65 makes it clear that you are prepared by the Father to come to the Son.

65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”

Have you come to Christ? This implies you have taken the name. The name always implies the character of the person. Taking the name is taking the character. In the next verse, it is shown that followers walk away from this.

66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. 67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.

There is no mistake in the 6:66 number at that very verse. For a secondary reference to the mark of the animal nature, we can go to 2 Timothy 3.

3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Here, there are 18 markers. He says, "Mark This," as if to show us something related to a mark. 18 is 6+6+6. If you study enough of these indicators, you see that the mark of the animal nature (Beast) is opposite to the fruits of the Spirit. Taking the name produces the fruit. Again, the Father prepares us all. Our faith is not our work, but His in and through us (we are the Son).

Galatians 5

19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

Bearing fruit represents the condition of our heart. Taking the name requires that we take the character. This is ultimately the gift we take. Acting according to the Spirit IS the gift. The product of that garden is fruit. The product of the other garden is weeds consumed by fire.

In the end, the nature of the one marked in sin is self-righteousness and selfishness. The accuser is Satan and the Lord is the ruling mind of Adam. Between the two, we must overcome both. The Lord of the OT was self-righteous and vengeful. He made Satan (Genesis 3). We must overcome both. How? When you remove the first, the second (Accuser) has no accusation to rail against you. This is what happened to the High Priest Joshua / Yeshua.

Zechariah 3

3 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan[a] standing at his right side to accuse him. 2 The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

We cannot snatch ourselves from the Fire. Only God can do this. He then puts on a new robe and crown. Revelation 6 shows this. We are baptized into the waters of life for this purpose. Jesus was Joshua in the verse above, clothed in righteousness, given a new crown (mind) and sent to the cross to pay the debt for you. It's already done.

Jesus silenced Satan at his temptation. So must we do the same by taking the name for all it is worth. By this, we overcome Satan (our conscience). No need for accusation if we have nothing to repent for in this world. Christ showed us the way to that gift.

He is way (righteousness), Truth (highest philosophy) and Life (freedom from the accuser/adversary). Repentance means hitting the Mark. The Tav (Cross) is the mark. Missing the mark is the Hebrew word Chet, meaning missing the mark. Only one mark allows you to pass into glory.
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The adversary delights in trying to rip our salvation away from us. Why supply him ammunition? God's Will and Truth has not changed and since the Fall - sin remains sin. None of that changes. We ARE under a new covenant with Christ's resurrection. When I was little, my mother told me to stay away from the stove. I grew a little and then she told me to not touch a burner when it was on. Now I cook on the stove. When I was little my mother said don't go out of the yard. I got older and I could move about the neighborhood and go to the store without adult supervision. Now I go where I will. The Mosaic Law was about guidelines for what was good for people. 613 laws and no one could keep them all. Except Christ. As Christians - we still sin. The heart of the law is perhaps harder to follow then the letter of the law. People still die from eating pork. Even with refridgeration. We are to love God with all our heart and love one another and all other obediance will come naturally. The parable of the employer who hires in the AM, and later on and later still and all get paid the same. That is salvation. Early or late as you come to it. Loving God should be a joy - not work. Loving our fellow man can be a major chore though. All we can do is reflect our love of God and pray they see.
Judging someone else's fruits to contrast with self righteous boasts of what good christians we are, for all to see, is the only reward you get for people who buy it. I don't question my salvation and I thank God for it every day. That's a gift that is fatal to reject.
Great thread!

I am a Christian and a believer but somehow I don't think I'm saved.

I've done so many mistakes and even today I keep committing many of those sins over and over again (e.g. anger), I feel I'm not doing my part and meeting God's expectations.
Great thread!

I am a Christian and a believer but somehow I don't think I'm saved.

I've done so many mistakes and even today I keep committing many of those sins over and over again (e.g. anger), I feel I'm not doing my part and meeting God's expectations.
We've all been there... it only goes to prove we've lost our focus on Jesus. Put your eyes back on Him and Him alone and watch your beliefs change.
Great thread!

I am a Christian and a believer but somehow I don't think I'm saved.

I've done so many mistakes and even today I keep committing many of those sins over and over again (e.g. anger), I feel I'm not doing my part and meeting God's expectations.

The desire to find God is Seeking, Finding and Adaptation. It's a process to rise to new life from the waters of the Jordan. Baptism is your life lived now. Rise. It's the point. The mother of this necessity is the Aleph Mem (Spirit). The Father prepares you to meet the Son. In the OT, Yahweh is the higher mind of Adam (Adversary). Satan is the accuser (Conscience). When Adonai is humbled on the cross, he pays for this:

Genesis 9

“Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans shall their blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made mankind.

This is Elohim speaking. Yahweh then sheds blood until Malachi 4 when he speaks his last words. 430 years later, Jesus / Joshua hangs on a cross to pay the debt. Are you worse than the one that made Satan (Genesis 3:1)? No. He paid your price by rising and humility as a Kinsman. By this, Adam pays the cost. He became a Kinsman Redeemer for us. The higher mind was baptized, then blessed by the Father (Elohim) and Mother (Ruach / Spirit) as a Dove of peace with the mind of Adam. He is the firstfruits. You follow in the wake of this process.
Great thread!

I am a Christian and a believer but somehow I don't think I'm saved.

I've done so many mistakes and even today I keep committing many of those sins over and over again (e.g. anger), I feel I'm not doing my part and meeting God's expectations.
We've all been there... it only goes to prove we've lost our focus on Jesus. Put your eyes back on Him and Him alone and watch your beliefs change.

Well, it's not exactly a matter of believing. I believe in Jesus Christ and I love Him with all my heart and accept Him as my Lord and Saviour, the King of Kings.

The problem is this: I don't know if I have the strength to be a good Christian.

I sometimes find it extremely difficult to forgive others, even though I'm obliged to do it. And even though I want to forgive, sometimes I have these 'outbursts' of anger that seem to escape my control.

Another example, it's a bit personal and you'll probably think I'm going crazy: during mass, I often have these disturbing, grotesque thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere and distract me from the ceremony. They have become less frequent but it still happens. I believe in spiritual warfare and I sometimes wonder if this is not some kind of diversion or deception from the enemy.
Everyone believes in the historical figure of Jesus, but do you believe Jesus? It is spiritual warfare when random thought pop into your head. You must replace them with the word of God. It takes work and considerable active effort, but it's the Spirit that'll give you strength.

2 Corinthians 10:5-6 (KJV)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Philippians 4:8 (KJV)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.
@Flavio - none of us is perfect except Christ. You are asked to forgive, not neccesarily forget. The forgiveness is what you do for yourself - a gift - so hatred will not scar and grow in your heart. We all have the gamut of emotions. It is how you express these emotions that can lead to sin. Anger distorts. Stray thoughts are a kind of spiritual warfare - rebuke them. Rely on the HS within to keep you focused.
Great thread!

I am a Christian and a believer but somehow I don't think I'm saved.

Repent and start the walk with Jesus.

I've done so many mistakes and even today I keep committing many of those sins over and over again (e.g. anger), I feel I'm not doing my part and meeting God's expectations. Well, it's not exactly a matter of believing. I believe in Jesus Christ and I love Him with all my heart and accept Him as my Lord and Saviour, the King of Kings. The problem is this: I don't know if I have the strength to be a good Christian. I sometimes find it extremely difficult to forgive others, even though I'm obliged to do it. And even though I want to forgive, sometimes I have these 'outbursts' of anger that seem to escape my control. Another example, it's a bit personal and you'll probably think I'm going crazy: during mass, I often have these disturbing, grotesque thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere and distract me from the ceremony. They have become less frequent but it still happens. I believe in spiritual warfare and I sometimes wonder if this is not some kind of diversion or deception from the enemy.

Brother, this is how I felt just merely days ago. I was a drunkard, I lusted, spoke down on/about people, angry at them, etc. But the Holy Spirit was talking to my heart. Telling, and reminding, me over and over that I was doing wrong and had me questioning my own faith. I was confused on whether I was going to Heaven or not, and God drove me to find the answer. With the help of God, and our brother's and sister's in Christ, I found my answer. As soon as I read Luke 10:25-28 Ezekiel 18:26-28 and Hebrews 10:26-31 , I bowed my head in my garage and begged God for forgiveness and to allow me to repent for my sins. I asked Him to help me start over and walk the walk with Him, and to mend my broken heart. To heal my heart with His love so I could show it.

Flavio, please pray to God and repent. Get back into his word and "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind." (Luke 10:27) Once this is done you will see the changes start.