Not sure what you mean about freedom in Christ... The Lutheran Church is rooted in Catholicism. Catholicism/Universal Church/Holy Roman Empire is not rooted in the ways of Christ. It is rooted in paganism, occult, and idol worship. If you don't believe me then look it up yourself. Jesus was observing the feast and festivals, new moons, and didn't eat anything unclean according to the Law. WHY? Because Jesus is the one who gave the Law. He is the Word. He is God in the flesh. He is the Law and Judge. The King made Himself a pauper in a sense. He left His thrown and dwelt among us, and to die for our sins.
I find it interesting that Paul observed the Sabbath and Feast Days all through His writing. Early converts went into synagogues to be taught the scriptures and observe. The Early Christians converted to the ways of the disciples. If one reads carefully, it is easy to see. Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin, a Pharisee. He knew the Law word for word. It wasn't until Christ appeared to him on the road to Damascus that he believed and was used by God to preach to the gentiles. Many people don't think that translations can screw up the true meaning of the Hebrew meaning. A good example is a book called the Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus. They found several copies of the Hebrew Matthew which is the original before the translation to Greek that we know today. The author was a Orthodox Jew that converted to be a Karaite Jew. The Orthodox Jews have two torah's. The written and the oral law. The oral law is like religion we know today. They created a new law with rituals that have nothing to do with the original written law. Perverting the masses into thinking they have to do these types of rituals, like washing of hands and so on.
My whole point is this. Many will be led astray from the true gospel through religion of men. We have 41,000 supposed Christian denomination and it is growing. All claim to be correct, yet they are all rooted in the Universal Church. Narrow is the gate and not many find the truth because they are blinded by religion and following men instead of trying to follow God. The law is not binding. The Law is there to keep us righteous, and to keep order and balance. Just like the laws of the land. If we break the law we have to pay for our actions, whether small or great. I am attaching a chart of the church history.
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