Are you sure /feel you're going to heaven?

Col 1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
Col 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

Are we not in the Kingdom of God right now? The word, "Meet" means to "enable". We have been enabled to be partakers of inheritance of the saints in light!
What does that mean?
I cannot for the life of me learn how to speak or write Spanish or Italian, there is now way I can learn Hebrew or even its alphabet.

I do not believe we must learn a whole other alphabet in order to learn about God or Jesus. He speaks to us in our own language and alphabet.
What I am saying is it helps us to go back to the root... The Hebrew Language, the Holy language. I am not saying speak it. Just learn the alphabet. Alef, Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Hey... All lead to Yeshua/Jesus. It is another way to witness to people if they deny God. I use every tool I can to prove my point. It is up the person listening if they want to accept it. I am girding my self with knowledge and understanding. I have talked to many Christians that don't know the Bible. I hear a lot of "HUH?" Where did you hear that? Where did you get that from? The church we know today is not rooted in the Hebrew way of life, and understanding. We follow a different calendar, holidays, and the church today is nothing but a business, making Jesus the product. Many don't even follow the basic commandment of the Sabbath. Jesus broke bread and drank wine on the Sabbath. We are to do this weekly in remembrance of Him.
We don't have to be rooted in the Hebrew way of life in 21st century North America. While it is a good thing to know the root languages of the scriptures, because there are many layers of wonderful, sweet and meaty "food" in the scriptures for us to discover through the knowledge of Hebrew, and Greek and some of the Aramaic that is known, we do not have to adopt Hebrew customs. For instance, Jesus is our Sabbath, now, and insisting on people following certain laws is counter-productive to our freedom in Christ.
We don't have to be rooted in the Hebrew way of life in 21st century North America. While it is a good thing to know the root languages of the scriptures, because there are many layers of wonderful, sweet and meaty "food" in the scriptures for us to discover through the knowledge of Hebrew, and Greek and some of the Aramaic that is known, we do not have to adopt Hebrew customs. For instance, Jesus is our Sabbath, now, and insisting on people following certain laws is counter-productive to our freedom in Christ.
How is celebrating the Sabbath in remembrance of Yeshua/Jesus counter -productive. It teaches values and to study His word to be a reflection of Him and it is a reminder of what he did for us all.
What I am saying is it helps us to go back to the root... The Hebrew Language, the Holy language. I am not saying speak it. Just learn the alphabet. Alef, Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Hey... All lead to Yeshua/Jesus. It is another way to witness to people if they deny God. I use every tool I can to prove my point. It is up the person listening if they want to accept it. I am girding my self with knowledge and understanding. I have talked to many Christians that don't know the Bible. I hear a lot of "HUH?" Where did you hear that? Where did you get that from? The church we know today is not rooted in the Hebrew way of life, and understanding. We follow a different calendar, holidays, and the church today is nothing but a business, making Jesus the product. Many don't even follow the basic commandment of the Sabbath. Jesus broke bread and drank wine on the Sabbath. We are to do this weekly in remembrance of Him.

I don't need to learn the Hebrew alphabet to learn about God.

I had a gentleman who has been a Christian far longer than I have and far older than me tell me in front of a Bible study group that he envies me because of how well versed in the Bible I am. I contribute much during those studies and even expand on ideas farther than our pastor does. All because of I have read an English version of the Bible without knowing Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek. The Holy Spirit helps me when I read to learn about God.

We are English speaking people, God works with us in our language and teaches us in our language just as he teaches others in Italian, Spanish and Russian, etc... I can witness to people in my own language just fine.

I'm happy that you have learned the Hebrew alphabet, I truly am, but God does not call all of us to do that. As I said last night, not all of us are capable of learning a second language. Each of us had our strengths and weaknesses. A second langauge/alphabet and Algebra are two of mine.
I don't need to learn the Hebrew alphabet to learn about God.

I had a gentleman who has been a Christian far longer than I have and far older than me tell me in front of a Bible study group that he envies me because of how well versed in the Bible I am. I contribute much during those studies and even expand on ideas farther than our pastor does. All because of I have read an English version of the Bible without knowing Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek. The Holy Spirit helps me when I read to learn about God.

We are English speaking people, God works with us in our language and teaches us in our language just as he teaches others in Italian, Spanish and Russian, etc... I can witness to people in my own language just fine.

I'm happy that you have learned the Hebrew alphabet, I truly am, but God does not call all of us to do that. As I said last night, not all of us are capable of learning a second language. Each of us had our strengths and weaknesses. A second langauge/alphabet and Algebra are two of mine.
That is great you are well versed in the Bible. The Scribes and Pharisees were well versed also, yet they lacked knowledge. Meaning they were blinded by the religion man made. They wrote thier own laws on top of what was given.

I am no greater than any man. I seek Him with apure heart. I see the religious denominations twist scriptures to decieve many. I see the wicked ones ways of deception.
We don't have to be rooted in the Hebrew way of life in 21st century North America. While it is a good thing to know the root languages of the scriptures, because there are many layers of wonderful, sweet and meaty "food" in the scriptures for us to discover through theowledge of Hebrew, and Greek and some of the Aramaic that is known, we do not have to adopt Hebrew customs. For instance, Jesus is our Sabbath, now, and insisting on people following certain laws is counter-productive to our freedom in Christ.
Never said to be rooted in the Hebrew way of life. Just have a understanding. I observe the Sabbath, and Hannukah, Passover in order to get the fullness, without pagan gods being mixed in. I study the ways of the Jews. I am not a Jew, but I observe and it helps me see God is One, not three. It helps me to understand the gospel.
How is celebrating the Sabbath in remembrance of Yeshua/Jesus counter -productive. It teaches values and to study His word to be a reflection of Him and it is a reminder of what he did for us all.

No, it's just the attitude that one MUST do these things that can be a bit binding on people.
That is great you are well versed in the Bible. The Scribes and Pharisees were well versed also, yet they lacked knowledge. Meaning they were blinded by the religion man made. They wrote thier own laws on top of what was given.

I am no greater than any man. I seek Him with apure heart. I see the religious denominations twist scriptures to decieve many. I see the wicked ones ways of deception.

One should be able to tell that I am far from being a scribe or pharisee. Nothing I have said is any type of law. As a matter of fact, I believe in freedom in Christ. I am also becoming a Lutheran, a church that is all about the Gospel and looking at the law through the lens of grace.
One should be able to tell that I am far from being a scribe or pharisee. Nothing I have said is any type of law. As a matter of fact, I believe in freedom in Christ. I am also becoming a Lutheran, a church that is all about the Gospel and looking at the law through the lens of grace.
Not sure what you mean about freedom in Christ... The Lutheran Church is rooted in Catholicism. Catholicism/Universal Church/Holy Roman Empire is not rooted in the ways of Christ. It is rooted in paganism, occult, and idol worship. If you don't believe me then look it up yourself. Jesus was observing the feast and festivals, new moons, and didn't eat anything unclean according to the Law. WHY? Because Jesus is the one who gave the Law. He is the Word. He is God in the flesh. He is the Law and Judge. The King made Himself a pauper in a sense. He left His thrown and dwelt among us, and to die for our sins.

I find it interesting that Paul observed the Sabbath and Feast Days all through His writing. Early converts went into synagogues to be taught the scriptures and observe. The Early Christians converted to the ways of the disciples. If one reads carefully, it is easy to see. Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin, a Pharisee. He knew the Law word for word. It wasn't until Christ appeared to him on the road to Damascus that he believed and was used by God to preach to the gentiles. Many people don't think that translations can screw up the true meaning of the Hebrew meaning. A good example is a book called the Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus. They found several copies of the Hebrew Matthew which is the original before the translation to Greek that we know today. The author was a Orthodox Jew that converted to be a Karaite Jew. The Orthodox Jews have two torah's. The written and the oral law. The oral law is like religion we know today. They created a new law with rituals that have nothing to do with the original written law. Perverting the masses into thinking they have to do these types of rituals, like washing of hands and so on.

My whole point is this. Many will be led astray from the true gospel through religion of men. We have 41,000 supposed Christian denomination and it is growing. All claim to be correct, yet they are all rooted in the Universal Church. Narrow is the gate and not many find the truth because they are blinded by religion and following men instead of trying to follow God. The law is not binding. The Law is there to keep us righteous, and to keep order and balance. Just like the laws of the land. If we break the law we have to pay for our actions, whether small or great. I am attaching a chart of the church history. churchhistory.jpg
No, it's just the attitude that one MUST do these things that can be a bit binding on people.
No, it's just the attitude that one MUST do these things that can be a bit binding on people.
The Law is not binding... It is there for righteousness sake. To keep us in line and in order. If He is God and is the same yesterday, today and forever then what are His commandments? Why do you think the world is such chaos. Lack of the Law. No fear of God, or judgment. Thinking that one has free will and reign and all will be forgiven. Why is there a Judgment Day if there is no law? It is time to wake up and check ourselves. The Great Day approaches and many are rebellious, and ignorant of what is to come. We are in the a time like the time of Noah... Rebellious people against God Almighty...
The Law doesn't keep us righteous.

Galatians 2:21
I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die.

Galatians 3:11
So it is clear that no one can be made right with God by trying to keep the law. For the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”

Hebrews 10:16
“This is the new covenant I will make
with my people on that day, says the Lord:
I will put my laws in their hearts,
and I will write them on their minds.

Romans 10:4
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
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Cute chart. Like propaganda much?
We don't need Satan to accuse the brethren as long as there are people like the ever so wise and insightful folks who make up charts like that.
The Law is not binding... It is there for righteousness sake. To keep us in line and in order. If He is God and is the same yesterday, today and forever then what are His commandments? Why do you think the world is such chaos. Lack of the Law. No fear of God, or judgment. Thinking that one has free will and reign and all will be forgiven. Why is there a Judgment Day if there is no law? It is time to wake up and check ourselves. The Great Day approaches and many are rebellious, and ignorant of what is to come. We are in the a time like the time of Noah... Rebellious people against God Almighty...

Not so brother! The law is NOT for righteousness.

I continue to be amazed at how many people do not understand Hebrews 13:8......
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

YOU my friend are using that verse to validate you opinion of us needing to keep His commandments but that is not what that verse is saying at all.

That verse is clearly telling us that God has spoken. He has not changed and He will not. What He said yesterday applies to us today and tomorrow. He is the same as He was yesterday, and I for one find stability for my soul and eternal peace with God.
I find that in the Lord Jesus Christ NOT the Law. Christ fulfills our soul's desire and gives us peace and joy unspeakable.
Because He is the same I have eternal security of a right relationship with Him, not of my self-making, or choosing, or keeping a set of do's and don'ts, but in His all-sufficient wisdom and grace.

Because He is the same yesterday, I know that what He has said will still remain true for you and me today.
Not sure what you mean about freedom in Christ... The Lutheran Church is rooted in Catholicism. Catholicism/Universal Church/Holy Roman Empire is not rooted in the ways of Christ. It is rooted in paganism, occult, and idol worship. If you don't believe me then look it up yourself. Jesus was observing the feast and festivals, new moons, and didn't eat anything unclean according to the Law. WHY? Because Jesus is the one who gave the Law. He is the Word. He is God in the flesh. He is the Law and Judge. The King made Himself a pauper in a sense. He left His thrown and dwelt among us, and to die for our sins.

I find it interesting that Paul observed the Sabbath and Feast Days all through His writing. Early converts went into synagogues to be taught the scriptures and observe. The Early Christians converted to the ways of the disciples. If one reads carefully, it is easy to see. Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin, a Pharisee. He knew the Law word for word. It wasn't until Christ appeared to him on the road to Damascus that he believed and was used by God to preach to the gentiles. Many people don't think that translations can screw up the true meaning of the Hebrew meaning. A good example is a book called the Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus. They found several copies of the Hebrew Matthew which is the original before the translation to Greek that we know today. The author was a Orthodox Jew that converted to be a Karaite Jew. The Orthodox Jews have two torah's. The written and the oral law. The oral law is like religion we know today. They created a new law with rituals that have nothing to do with the original written law. Perverting the masses into thinking they have to do these types of rituals, like washing of hands and so on.

My whole point is this. Many will be led astray from the true gospel through religion of men. We have 41,000 supposed Christian denomination and it is growing. All claim to be correct, yet they are all rooted in the Universal Church. Narrow is the gate and not many find the truth because they are blinded by religion and following men instead of trying to follow God. The law is not binding. The Law is there to keep us righteous, and to keep order and balance. Just like the laws of the land. If we break the law we have to pay for our actions, whether small or great. I am attaching a chart of the church history. View attachment 1561

You are correct in that Lutheranism has roots in the Catholic Church, but it is far from Catholicism. Martin Luther left the Catholic Church for many of the reasons that you listed. Before condemning Lutheranism, do some research on it.

I will respond later about freedom in Christ.
The Law is not binding... It is there for righteousness sake. To keep us in line and in order. If He is God and is the same yesterday, today and forever then what are His commandments?
Why do you think the world is such chaos. Lack of the Law
Your 'gospel' leaves me speechless.
I'll let the word of God speak to your position.

You say, "The Law is not binding... It is there for righteousness sake. To keep us in line and in order",
but Scripture says,
Gal 2:21. "I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose. "

You say, "The Law is not binding... It is there for righteousness sake. To keep us in line and in order."
but Scripture says,
Gal 3:24. "So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith".

Gal 1:8. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.
Ga 1:9. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
I will respond later about freedom in Christ.

I spoke out-of-turn when mentioning freedom in Christ. I am not prepared to explain what I mean when I see freedom in Christ. Possibly when I am able to sleep some (been up nearly 48 hours straight now) I may be able to explain my statement.
What many don't understand is the Law cannot save us from our sins... Since He fulfilled the Law. I am not practicing the Law of the old testament. Like blood sacrifices to cover my sins (Since Christ is that covering now), heave and wave offerings, tithing and so on. I personally observe them to what my spirit draws me too. Example: the dietary laws of what is clean and unclean. I chose not to eat pork since they are unclean. I chose not to eat pork because Jesus cast demons into the swine. I observe through listening to the spirit within me that puts me into check. Another example is I felt in me not to celebrate Christmas or the Easter bunny version of Passover. I am doing this for the same reason. The Lord is guiding me to walk in righteousness and not of the worldly pagan ways. We are to be separate from the world, yet MANY follow the ways of the world in the churches. Having no sense of what it means to not be of the world. I personally stopped watching TV shows, listening to music on the radio (rock, country, and other kinds). It isn't easy to do.

Same thing for the Sabbath. I break bread and drink wine for two reasons. To remember and observe the Law that was given to Moses on Mount Sinai, and to remember and observe the Last Supper.

1st Timothy 1:8-11 says: 8 But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, 9 knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10 for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, 11 according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust.

I will talk more later on this subject.