I will say this! The Hebrew Alphabet is very deep and unlocks many things. The Hebrew language is the Holy tongue. I will give you a little example to show you what I am saying is true...
If one looks in Genesis on our KJV, NKJV you will not see it. Only in the Hebrew Tanakh or scrolls can you see it. Genesis 1:1 says: In the beginning of God's creating( Alef/Tav)the heavens and the earth. "Alef is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and Tav is the last letter." I find it interesting that Yeshua calls Himself the "Word". He is the "Alef" and "Tav". There is more!!! Alef means: gentle, tame, leader, strength, what is first, Adonai, thousand, teach, ox, power. Alef numerical value is 1. It can not be divided. The letter is silent. Has no sound.
Alef is made up of a Vav and two Yods. Interesting enough that there are two Yods which mean hand, to work, a deed done, a finished work. Vav means nail, hook, peg, joining together, making secure, becoming bound(nailed too).
THIS is why we should at least learn the Hebrew alphabet. We got alphabet from the first two words in. Alef and Bet. Hmmmm
We can go to church all we want and not get fed. I can make a feel good message out of verses all through the Bible, but they never keep things in context.
I look at things this way. How are we to understand someone foreign and build a relationship with them if we can communicate. Yes He divided the language, but it up to each one of us as an individual to seek answers and to build that Love relationship with our Creator. There is SOOOO much more to explain, but I am still seeking; and the more I do the greater my foundation is.
Saul was a Pharisee, of the Tribe of Benjamin. He knew the Torah and the prophets word for word. He taught the Law/Torah. there was NO New Testament when the Disciples walked the Earth. Only what was already written. His disciples were Jews.
The Law has never been nulled out like they teach in churches. The Law is there for instructions on how we should live. It leads us to righteousness. Some of the things we cannot do according to the Law because there is no more Temple, no more Aaronic or High Priesthood. We are to follow the Sabbath since it one of the 10 commandments. We are to keep His feast/festivals to help us understand what is to come.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the HEAVEN and the earth.
Most modern 'translation' have it translated as heavenS this is clearly wrong .
Not only in the translation of the Hebrew word but also the understanding of the message .
For it was not HEAVEN that was in darkness but the EARTH .
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the HEAVEN and the EARTH
Gen 1:2 and the EARTH was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep ...
From verse two onwards all that is spoken of is the EARTH .
Till you get to that verse that's speaks of the waters that are above the firmament and the waters that are below the firmament .
"and the firmament he called HEAVEN ."
Clearly then this firmament or heaven is not the same HEAVEN as in Gen 1:1.
We have then three heavenS . The first one mentioned in Gen 1:1 .
The next the firmament that is called heaven.
and the other heaven where "he made the stars also" and in which the sun and the moon reside.
The first verse of Gen 2:1 speaks of HEAVENS . Which relates to the two heavens of the earth .
If then you put HEAVENS in chapter 1:1 and in chapter 2:1 you can make the mistake of thinking that the HEAVENS of chapter 1 are the same as chapter 2 .
This is not possible as shown above .
The order of God is first the seen and the unseen created .
The HEAVEN of 1:1 is the heaven where Gods throne and all the host of heaven is .
The other two heavens is of earth and are seen .
I would agree that the Old testament is not annulled and you can never know the depths hights and breadth of the New without the Old Testament . Nor does it make sense .
But the Old Testament is incomplete without the new .
Saul of Tarsus albeit Hebrew was his mother tounge .Despite all his learning despite sitting
under the greatest theologian of the day . Did not understand the scriptures and did not understand so much that he persecuted the church and agreed with Stephens death and thought it was Gods will.
There is profit in understanding Hebrew . But the letter killeth and it is the Spirit that giveth life .
There is then the BODY of truth which is the scriptures and there is the Spirit of truth .
It is the Spirit of truth that leads us into all truth . Not our intellect; for in of and by itself it is a false light .