You are hitten the nail right on the head - now lets right this up a little better - It is not that you need More Faith as it is you need to build your faith up stronger.
Remember these words - out of the abundance of the heart the mouth does flow - ok what flows from the the mouth ? - Your thoughts and the enemies thoughts and so forth OR THE WORD OF GOD -
Now Phoenix here is where the rubber meets the road - if you have a habit of allowing what others say dictate or control or motivate how you think or feel or re-act then it is so simple you would need help to not see this - More Word In Your Heart - Chew on the scriptures that pops out to you and go along with the things going on in your life.
The more God in your heart - the less and less others will effect you like this.
God Bless
Thanks! @Fish Catcher Jim
Yes...I understand what you are saying. That makes a lot of sense. So main thing is study the scripture and use that to guide your life is what you are saying. Study it so much that if you bump your toe you shout out a scripture