Ask and you shall receive

There you go Juk - This scripture shows what I am saying -
First the word behold - look around - pay attention
The God says is already in your power or reach - meaning Job had already opened the door or given satan the right to enter in.

How so ? Doubt - unbelief - fear .....look we can not just go around saying what ever we wish and do what ever we want and expect Gods promises to work. NO sir it has not ever been like this and it never will be. We have to speak words backing His words - when we speak words oposed to His word then He ( God) has no ground to work with.

Job was walking in thee Blessing of Thee Lord and satan called it a hedge of protection.
Then job becan to walk in worry which is the oposite of faith - Job walked in fear which is the oposite of faith and worry and fear makes doubt and doubt is oposite of trusting God.

This is how satan got to job and this is how satan gets to us.
Juk you and any one acan say this is wrong - it still does not change that this is how it works.

Look Joshua and caleb - they believed God - they said what God said - They took God at His word no matter what their human eyes or ears saw or heard - They went into the proomised land - now look at the other 3 million people - they spoke fear and doubt and murmered and complaned. They did not take God at His word - they wandered for 40 years and fell dead.

It is the same today for us.
You know, that conversation between God and satan was in heaven.
It is God's desire for us to honor him in the hardest times, up until death.

If it is against the character of God to have us die slow deaths, why were so many martyred in terrible ways. Because so much more was achieved. With the physical death of 1, we consistently see more saved. It is not about the sufferings of this life, we are called to rejoice and honor God in them, no matter what the end factor of our bodies are.

Dude you are twisting many thoughts into one.
We learn to be thankful in all situations and to trust God in all situations. All situations are not His will or doing.
Sickness is due to the fall, the curse of creation. While we are saved from the final punishment of sin, we can still be afflicted by it. Hence why we have sickness/disease etc...

Again, it is also not so God can heal you. Even atheist get better from sickness, it's not very powerful for somebody to see a christian be healed from a disease. But it is powerful to see a christian who has terminal cancer, sitting in their soon to be deathbed. With a smile on their face and a bible study on the table.

Ya know i do agree with your first paragraph....and as wonderful it is to see a wonderful Christian sitting worshiping the Lord on their deathbed, it really makes me sad that, that person is leaving this world on the devils terms instead of God's. Obtw i did not say that sickness was so that God could heal...that was juk
No one is foolish enough to ignore it, but if you are saying it is God's will, then you speak against the truth of who God is.

It was not God's original intent (prior to sin) for man to become sick.

But God being in control of all, allows things to happen. He allows us to be sick.
Klub please take this with Love - you are not speaking in the truth of His word. You lack understanding of His ways and what Jesus did. Please stop trying to jump on others

I will always lack full understanding of his will and ways. Isaiah 55:8-9 is pretty clear on that one.

I digress with this conversation, no views will ever be changed without the Influence of the Holy Spirit
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I will always lack full understanding of his will and ways. Isaiah 55:8-9 is pretty clear on that one.

I digress with this conversation, no views will ever be changed without the Influence of the Holy Spirit

Well with that attitude I can believe you will. However you can change your thinking and know that if you seek Him seriously then He is a rewarder to those who do. He will unfold His will and plan for you or any one - in His time and way.

His will is His word
His plan is different for each person
It was not God's original intent (prior to sin) for man to become sick.

But God being in control of all, allows things to happen. He allows us to be sick.

It is not so much God "allowing" evil, but He has set things in motion, and Satan has interfered with man, and so now the battle is being played out. Satan is the god of this world. We live in it, and as Christians, we are the light of the world, the carriers of the Good News, and of healing, because Holy Spirit dwells in us.
It was not God's original intent (prior to sin) for man to become sick.

But God being in control of all, allows things to happen. He allows us to be sick.

Klub here is the problem - God is NOT in control of everything here in this earth.
The fall released the curse -
We make a choice
Follow His ways - reep His benifits
Follow the curse - reep from the curse - satans ways

The curse is what it is - the curse brings sickness and not God
It was not God's original intent (prior to sin) for man to become sick.

But God being in control of all, allows things to happen. He allows us to be sick.

You are right that it was not in God's original plan. And when adam made the decision to disobey God...he gave control of this world over to the devil. But through Jesus' death and resurection...all of God's original plan was bought back for us. Thus the control of the world is back into our hands. God only has control of what we give Him control of. He gave us the Word to live that when we accept the truth of His Word, and live by it...then we will be submitting our lives to God as if we were already in heaven, and that in itself brings forth the garden in our lives. And thus the reason why Jesus told us to pray..our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven........ we have to choose
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It was not God's original intent (prior to sin) for man to become sick.

But God being in control of all, allows things to happen. He allows us to be sick.
Continuation of my last post....

God has to allow sickness if we choose to allow it into our lives. If we don't know what our authority as a believer is then we will just accept whatever the devil brings our way. Just look at the conversation between cain and God. God said some things...and cain took it even further. So even though God did not say everything that cain said.....God had to deal with it. Genesis 4:10-15
Something to mention. God gave us immune systems, so that if we do end up getting sick, we can fight it off.
Yeah, I agree. I was trying to avoid saying some things.
You agree?

Juk my friend remember that there is carnal faith. Christian faith is faith in God...No matter what happens good or bad, we have (y).

Carnal faith is faith in faith / our positivity / our carnal ability to remove doubt / our carnal ability to be positive. Scriptures are taken from all over the show and fused together to say something that scripture never wanted to say. We just need to listen to some worldly positive teachers to see through this ''spiritual'' faith :sick::sick:;).

Go listen to ''Tony Robbins'' on youtube and then ask yourself how many Christians you know that sound just like him...
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Christian faith is faith in God...No matter what happens good or bad, we have (y).

Carnal faith is faith in faith / our positivity / our carnal ability to remove doubt / our carnal ability to be positive.

Yes, I agree…. i think it always need to be emphasized that Christian values such as Faith always the author and the finisher is Jesus Christ….

Hebrews 12:1-2New King James Version (NKJV)
12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Lest we forgot since it will be observed in the secular world: the Atheist-Humanist-Rational thinkers preach and promote as well: Joy, Peace, Love and Happiness, Forgiveness, Faith in each other….. although it is bound to fail as Jesus Christ have said:

John 15:5New King James Version (NKJV)
5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
You agree?

Juk my friend remember that there is carnal faith. Christian faith is faith in God...No matter what happens good or bad, we have (y).

Carnal faith is faith in faith / our positivity / our carnal ability to remove doubt / our carnal ability to be positive. Scriptures are taken from all over the show and fused together to say something that scripture never wanted to say. We just need to listen to some worldly positive teachers to see through this ''spiritual'' faith :sick::sick:;).

Go listen to ''Tony Robbins'' on youtube and then ask yourself how many Christians you know that sound just like him...

@Juk all I will say to this is - see through it as well.
God Bless
Yes, I agree…. i think it always need to be emphasized that Christian values such as Faith always the author and the finisher is Jesus Christ….

Hebrews 12:1-2New King James Version (NKJV)
12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Lest we forgot since it will be observed in the secular world: the Atheist-Humanist-Rational thinkers preach and promote as well: Joy, Peace, Love and Happiness, Forgiveness, Faith in each other….. although it is bound to fail as Jesus Christ have said:

John 15:5New King James Version (NKJV)
5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

Aha Hello,
Could you explain what you wanted to say with this.
Thanks ;)
Aha Hello,
Could you explain what you wanted to say with this.
Thanks ;)

I been to Atheist forum before, most I met are people trying to be good....they believe as well to promote Peace, Joy, Love and Happiness, Faith in each other, although without believing in God.... I would quote that verse (John 15:5 mentioned above... and their usual counter is that most highly-developed countries are Atheist countries, and so the argument goes...