Bible Problem

It can be trustingly assumed that God's Word would be contained in the right translation, as He would not withhold any of His Words to us. It just has to be plenary first (Mat 4:4), even though the translation isn't perfect, the Word of God within the translation is; this is how God works--using the sinful for good. He uses believers for good, though the "old man" still indwells them!

When people begin to doubt the Word of God concerning plenary inspiration, it reveals misunderstanding, and entreats disuse of the Word. God has relayed all His Word, and there is nothing more and nothing less for Him to show us in this life!
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It’s my understanding that the word “perfect” concerning a translation is mostly in reference to being complete, entire, and plenary. Thus, only translations derived from that majority of extant manuscripts contain all of Word of God (Mat 4:4)! Studying a translation which has much less manuscript evidence cannot affect one’s salvation; but it will affect one’s spiritual growth in the Lord Jesus (Eph 5:14).
“The doctrine of preservation does not guarantee the preservation of the autographs, for they perished within a few years after their writings. Neither does it guarantee the accuracy of the copies, because errant men copied them. It does guarantee that the complete contents of the infallible Scriptures have been preserved, not in any one manuscript, but somewhere within the manuscript tradition!” –D.O.Fuller, D.D.