By His stripes we are healed

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No one disagrees that sin is in the world. What is being denied is that when it rains, both the good and wicked get wet. That I may be wet does not state that my specific error caused the rain. Or that I sinned. Your faith is your salvation. Job is a much discussed subject when physical healing is bandied about. At the beginning of the story, God says that Job is a model of what a person of faith should be. Job was tested and kept his faith and he was rewarded when his testing was done. And God goes to great lengths to explain to Job where his weaknesses were during this testing. Why? Neither Job, nor you or I know all or most of the details of His Plan for us. The one thing God doesn't do is try to take Job's faith away from him. But Job's friends all seem to think Job screwed up somewhere to have this visited on him. Most of God's "favorites" in the scriptures suffered. Maybe not all from physical illness but they suffered terribly. I will say it again, stop mixing faith & physical healing. It's not a matter of "I don't need to diet because I am fat with the HS" kinda thing.
Silk, you are under some kind of "illusion" that Job was sinless. Job was a sinner, and so was Abraham, even King David was a sinner, but did that stop their faith from working? God calls men " righteous" because of their faith, not because of their ability to stop sinning. King David suffered greatly for his sins, and so did Job, but their sins did not stop their faith in God!!! If we first have to get rid of sin before faith can work, nobody could ever be saved.
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Read what you have typed? I have faith in ALL scripture. Healing is at God's Will, not whether we are "good" or "bad" Christians. All who have accepted Christ as the way, the truth, and the life, are given a measure of faith. Faith grows out of that bedrock as we "understand" more as we go on our walk. We all have sinned and been born to the flesh of original sin. Why does one Christian get healed and another not, when both have sinned? I don't know. After 13+ years of continual pain, I have some speculations as to my own case and should it be gone tomorrow - I will remember. Sometimes an ailment comes to prevent any temptations to further sin. As for don't have separate faiths for separate scripture. My POV covers all scripture. And harms no one else's faith.
Is it God's will for people to be healed? Silk, one size does not fit all. Faith comes from the Word of God. You can faith in one area of your life and have "zero" faith in others. This is why so many people fail to understand. They think their saving faith can heal them, but it can not. It requires going to the scriptures and extracting faith from the scripture that tell you this. If you don't, forget it, it will not work.
Wow...slogging thru 13 pages and I like to avoid threads on healing because there are always 2 sides in that battle. I have had fibromyalgia since 2001 and thus I am in pain 24/7 (well when I'm sleeping, i don't usually feel pain - it's full throttle when I wake again). And you who espouse that it is my lack of faith that causes and continues it, at one point in my walk would have been offensive to me. If you are right, it would cause me to question my faith and is that a good thing? I'm thankful to God that it wasn't worse - Alzsheimers comes to mind. I have some agreement with things that have been said on both sides. God does heal, even today - but it is God alone, not because I lay my hands on you. I expect to be made whole and perfect but I don't expect it while the world is the way it is. It's a burden that I survive only because of my faith in God, not because I lack it. Don't mix salvation with physical healing.

It is usually a blow to the pride to hear that one must come up higher in one's faith, but it is not a criticism in any way. If someone I trusted in the Lord told me that I need to come up higher in my faith about something, I would be grateful for that instruction and take it as encouragement. That response is one of humility before God and transparency with a sister or brother in Christ. We ALL can use a boost in our faith for something. healing is no less available to you, my dear, than it is for me. When we let down our guard and agree with Jesus, we let down the hindrances that serve to keep us right where we are. Keep hope alive, stir up your faith, and make a claim to what God promises, and you shall have it. Speaking words of hope and truth trips up the devil and his machinations against us to keep us feeling defeated and in the place we are at. Healing is ours because of our great salvation.
I am actually with you on this one. I just simply cannot believe that Christian believers who are sick in any way of form are such necessarily due to some sin in their lives. Although it is possible, I just do not see it always the case.

WHO is saying that? Sickness is in this world because sin is in this world. One doesn't have to have sinned to be touched by disease or sickness. One merely has to be human.
That is not what I am saying. It is YOU saying that lack of faith stops people from being healed.....
God has given his Church two methods of gaining healing. (1) you find the scriptures (promises) that give you the necessary faith for healing, and apply it to your body, or (2) You call they elders of the Church and have them anoint you with oil, and have them pray for your healing using their faith.

Jas 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
Jas 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
I welcome correction in this life....and I have much gratitude for those corrections. This is not one of those areas. I'm fully aware that all is level at the foot of the Cross. Faith has total control of all areas of my life. I already believe that God will heal me when it is time. I accept God's Will. In all things. I'm open to learning new things....but this is not a new arguments; either here or in time. And my faith is strong enough to withstand, no matter who or how many people say otherwise. Some have been swept up in this movement that says God will heal you as long as you have enough faith. God will make you prosper but send all your money to me. In my humble view - this is fallacy.
I welcome correction in this life....and I have much gratitude for those corrections. This is not one of those areas. I'm fully aware that all is level at the foot of the Cross. Faith has total control of all areas of my life. I already believe that God will heal me when it is time. I accept God's Will. In all things. I'm open to learning new things....but this is not a new arguments; either here or in time. And my faith is strong enough to withstand, no matter who or how many people say otherwise.

Very good, Silk! You've made a positive confession and God will come through for you.

My favourite passage in scripture is this:

Daniel 3:16-18
16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. 18 But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.”

Some have been swept up in this movement that says God will heal you as long as you have enough faith. God will make you prosper but send all your money to me. In my humble view - this is fallacy.

That is just a jaded view talking. I am not a part of such a thing....far from it.
I have met many who had no faith before they were healed.....Which do you think the man on the cross next to Jesus would have preferred? To be released and living from the cross or eternal life? Christ could have done either. And I'm glad to hear of all you healthy Christians out there. I will only worry that if/when you get ill your faith will waver.
I have met many who had no faith before they were healed.....Which do you think the man on the cross next to Jesus would have preferred? To be released and living from the cross or eternal life? Christ could have done either. And I'm glad to hear of all you healthy Christians out there. I will only worry that if/when you get ill your faith will waver.

It never will.
Go back and read Job...he did nothing to get what he was put thru. Read particularly the beginning.
Will you please reconcile these two scripture together.

Job 1:1 In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Was Job a sinner? Did he have sin in his life?
I have met many who had no faith before they were healed.....Which do you think the man on the cross next to Jesus would have preferred? To be released and living from the cross or eternal life? Christ could have done either. And I'm glad to hear of all you healthy Christians out there. I will only worry that if/when you get ill your faith will waver.
This is why God gives us two methods for receiving healing. Either using your own faith, or the faith of others.
You will notice that Meshach, etal did not demand a promise that God would save them physcially from the furnace. Maybe they read and understood Job. God saved them as an many were lit on fire upon crosses fro Nero's dining pleasure?
You will notice that Meshach, etal did not demand a promise that God would save them physcially from the furnace. Maybe they read and understood Job. God saved them as an many were lit on fire upon crosses fro Nero's dining pleasure?

They knew that God would come through on their behalf. They had solid faith in their God. As for martyrdom, it is actually a spiritual gift that some have been given.
I the beginning, God was proud of Job and the way he lived his life. How do you reconcile that? We are all born of the flesh and original sin and we are all sinners. So do you think God was being proud for a sinner who deserved the trials he got? The scripture refutes what you say. He was put to the test because of his faith and good living, not because he was a down and out in the alley sinner. Job was a model of what God loved and boasted of.....
Go back and read Job...he did nothing to get what he was put thru. Read particularly the beginning.
Except get into Fear which lead to doubting and taking his eyers of of God which in fact is how satan got to him. God never gave satan permission. .....
HOWEVER GOD DID SAY THIS......"BEHOLD he is already in your hand"
We don't use the word Behold much at all these days. I mean when was the last time you heard some one say BEHOLD is not this car beautiful ?

Now if you look up this word "Behold" in any of the translations such as Hebrew or Greek or English or Spanish or any other translation...YOU WILL LEARN that it ALWAYS MEANS " Look and see. Wake up and pay attention"
I the beginning, God was proud of Job and the way he lived his life. How do you reconcile that? We are all born of the flesh and original sin and we are all sinners. So do you think God was being proud for a sinner who deserved the trials he got? The scripture refutes what you say. He was put to the test because of his faith and good living, not because he was a down and out in the alley sinner. Job was a model of what God loved and boasted of.....
It was because of Job's faith that God called him "blameless, and upright", not because he was sinless, or had no sin.
Except get into Fear which lead to doubting and taking his eyers of of God which in fact is how satan got to him. God never gave satan permission. .....
HOWEVER GOD DID SAY THIS......"BEHOLD he is already in your hand"
We don't use the word Behold much at all these days. I mean when was the last time you heard some one say BEHOLD is not this car beautiful ?

Now if you look up this word "Behold" in any of the translations such as Hebrew or Greek or English or Spanish or any other translation...YOU WILL LEARN that it ALWAYS MEANS " Look and see. Wake up and pay attention"

Who was God talking to when He said Behold? Satan, right? No argument that Satan caused the misery, God allowed it. Job was picked for this test because he was esteemed by his peers as acting in a righteous manner.
As for healings....and lack of faith - I have seen many leave their salvation behind (their faith) because they did all they could and were not healed.
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