Silk, you are under some kind of "illusion" that Job was sinless. Job was a sinner, and so was Abraham, even King David was a sinner, but did that stop their faith from working? God calls men " righteous" because of their faith, not because of their ability to stop sinning. King David suffered greatly for his sins, and so did Job, but their sins did not stop their faith in God!!! If we first have to get rid of sin before faith can work, nobody could ever be saved.No one disagrees that sin is in the world. What is being denied is that when it rains, both the good and wicked get wet. That I may be wet does not state that my specific error caused the rain. Or that I sinned. Your faith is your salvation. Job is a much discussed subject when physical healing is bandied about. At the beginning of the story, God says that Job is a model of what a person of faith should be. Job was tested and kept his faith and he was rewarded when his testing was done. And God goes to great lengths to explain to Job where his weaknesses were during this testing. Why? Neither Job, nor you or I know all or most of the details of His Plan for us. The one thing God doesn't do is try to take Job's faith away from him. But Job's friends all seem to think Job screwed up somewhere to have this visited on him. Most of God's "favorites" in the scriptures suffered. Maybe not all from physical illness but they suffered terribly. I will say it again, stop mixing faith & physical healing. It's not a matter of "I don't need to diet because I am fat with the HS" kinda thing.
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