By His stripes we are healed

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Heb 6:1-2 Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance kfrom dead works and of faith toward God, 2 instruction about washings, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.
Read what you have typed? I have faith in ALL scripture. Healing is at God's Will, not whether we are "good" or "bad" Christians. All who have accepted Christ as the way, the truth, and the life, are given a measure of faith. Faith grows out of that bedrock as we "understand" more as we go on our walk. We all have sinned and been born to the flesh of original sin. Why does one Christian get healed and another not, when both have sinned? I don't know. After 13+ years of continual pain, I have some speculations as to my own case and should it be gone tomorrow - I will remember. Sometimes an ailment comes to prevent any temptations to further sin. As for don't have separate faiths for separate scripture. My POV covers all scripture. And harms no one else's faith.

Amen sister! You got it right!
What did Jesus say to the parents of the man born blind?

Joh 9:1 As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth.
Joh 9:2 And his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
Joh 9:3 Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.

If this man did not sin or his parents, then why was he born blind?
It was not the sin of his parents or his own sin, it was because there is sin in the world!!! He was "born" blind. This man as a infant did not do any sin to cause this to be his lot in life. It was because there is sin in this world that he was born blind. Why are infants dying of cancer? Because of sin in this world!!! Even if a infant NEVER sins in it's entire life, it will still die because of sin in this world. Every body is born with the sin nature, and in death at birth, even if God is not holding it against them.
Sin is the transgression of the law, even though there was no law given between the time of Adam to Moses, and even though God was not holding sin against man, death still reined from Adam to Moses.

Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—
Rom 5:13 for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law.
Rom 5:14 Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.

The real truth is that there is no explination given as to why Christ chose this method of healing the blind man.

What you just said in the above comment is absolutely true brother. I agree 100% !!! YOU said.............
"Why are infants dying of cancer? Because of sin in this world!!! Even if a infant NEVER sins in it's entire life, it will still die because of sin in this world. Every body is born with the sin nature, and in death at birth, even if God is not holding it against them.
Sin is the transgression of the law, even though there was no law given between the time of Adam to Moses, and even though God was not holding sin against man, death still reined from Adam to Moses."

BUT......if you will go back and read through the pages of this thread you will see that you actually said..........................
"It is lack of faith stops people from being healed....."!!!!

My question to you in response to that is......"How can a 2 year old have faith to be healed?

You then went to the blind man story which does not answer the question.

Now you did with the post above in that it is SIN and not a lack of faith at all. Do you not see how you have confused yourself and actually said conflicting accounts??????
Brother, why is there death in this world? It is because of sin!!!! If there was no sin there would be no death nor would there be any sickness!!!

Agreed! You are in fact agreeing with me. We all get sick, we all suffer, we have pain and we all die! That is exactly what I have been saying.

Now does God heal through the prayers of believers and even on His own accord? YES!

Does MAN have the ability to heal another man by throwing the Holy Spirit around or slapping him on the head and demanding God heal that person? NO---NO---NO!!!!

That is my only point!!!! No one has the ability to demand God to heal us and it does not matter how much faith we have in God.

No one had more faith in God than did my dear mother whom I buried in November of 2014. If anyone, including Paul, Peter or John or Job or Daniel, was going to be healed because of their faith it would have been her because of her faith.
I would like to point out (which Major actually may have) that if the question of WHY illness comes from sin (if we do conclude that anyway) and why infants are an extension of this punishment, it couldn't be due to our personal sin in the long run. Granted, there is illness that comes from personal sin (VD comes to mind, perhaps certain dietary sicknesses due to a lack of temperance, etc. etc.), it would ultimately stem from original sin, of which infants are heirs. Even labor pains were put onto womanhood through the sin of Adam and Eve. Had mankind not sinned, giving birth wouldn't be a painful process.
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Major why do so many of His people perish of lack of knowledge ? Why do so many believers allow strife and anger into thier lives when Jesus left us His peace and not the peace like the worlds peace ?

See where I am going with this Major ?

No Jim I do not. I do not see how it fits the context here. Maybe it would be best to just say what you mean instead of "veiled" thoughts.

Are you trying to say that we who do not agree with the Word of Faith/Name it and Claim" theology are going to "perish" or are in the process of doing so?

Do you believe that I and others here are angry and not at peace with God because we differ in our understanding of God's Word????????

Now that may not be what you are saying however when you say ......."Do you see where I am going with this?" does make it seem that it what you are saying. What would you say if I posted that to YOU?

You quoted Hosea 4:6..........
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."

I am sure you think that applies to our conversation but in reality the coming of Jesus Christ illustrates God’s love to the fullest degree. Jesus died for the sins of all people, offering every person the opportunity to come to faith in Him which simply is not what the subject is about in this thread. It is about HEALING not salvation.

To those who do believe, Jesus is “wisdom from God” as Paul states in 1 Corinthians 1:30. Because of Christ, there is no need for anyone ever again to be “destroyed from a lack of knowledge.”
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I would like to point out (which Major actually may have) that if the question of WHY illness comes from sin (if we do conclude that anyway) and why infants are an extension of this punishment, it couldn't be due to our personal sin in the long run. Granted, there is illness that comes from personal sin (VD comes to mind, perhaps certain dietary sicknesses due to a lack of temperance, etc. etc.), it would ultimately stem from original sin, of which infants are heirs to. Even labor pains were put onto womanhood through the sin of Adam and Eve. Had mankind not sinned, giving birth wouldn't be a painful process.


Sickness comes because we are human beings and sin has polluted the entire universe which affects all human beings.

My point once again is that God in His grace and power can and does heal human beings at His pleasure......
Not at our demands from a MAN!

If anyone wants to live their life believing that "I" or anyone else can CLAIM a healing from God then please go right on believing that. I have no desire to change anyone's mind or belief. That is not my goal in life.

My goal is one simple thing.....Get out the Word of God....Plain and simple and down to earth so that the every day person can understand it. No more and no less.

Euphemia stated that I am a denomination person. That makes it sound as if it is a dirty, nasty word. The only thing wrong with a denomination is when it places more teaching into what THEY say than what the Word of God says. That is the problem.

I was raised in the Charismatic Pentacostal faith, educated in the Presbyterian faith and choose to worship in a Baptist faith church so if you want to call that denominational...... then OK with me because I do not care.
Brother KJ you have missedit big time here.This stuff does not even make sense. Should not take any faith to trust God for a miricle or healing ?

Jim....that is what he actually said!!!!

"Believing God can do a miracle should be a given once you are fully convinced that you liaising with God of the universe. We grow in faith in God."
1. Because our faith is IN God. Not faith that in faith / magic happening.

2. You understand faith but not Christian faith. Christian faith is not faith that God can do a miracle. It should not take ANY faith to believe God can do a miracle. Believing God can do a miracle should be a given once you are fully convinced that you liaising with God of the universe. We grow in faith in God.

Abraham's faith in God was not ''There is a God'', He can do anything...I better listen to Him''. I believe I believe I believe He is real. Abraham had faith in God. He knew that this good God had one hell of a good reason for asking something so terrible of him.

3. The underlined sounds like a line from a pagan religion / positive confession / self induced brainwashing. We don't need to do that as Christians. We should move on from this.

4. There is truth to being fit for use. We are here to serve God. Suggesting sickness is satans game is ridiculous, he is not omnipresent.

I for one understand your thesis and I do agree with you.

What we are seeing today with TV faith healers is in fact "FAITH IN FAITH"!!!

IF you have enough FAITH God will heal you!!!!
IF you do not have enough faith, God will not heal you!!!!

Lets get real for awhile here.

If you look at the reasoning that is used by those who call themselves FAITH HEALERS you hear the echoes of the prosperity teachers of the Name it and Claim believers.. One even said, “The devil is a liar. Healing is the children’s bread. It’s promised to us in the word of God…God can do things that medicine cannot do.”

So if God has promised us healing and someone is still a cancer victim it means that you don’t have faith. Now that is the bottom line. I am sure there will some who contest that but that is the BOTTOM LINE. It has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with peace-joy or anything else. It seems to me that it is all in the WAY you say it.

So if you learn to access the proper vocabulary, use the right words, you’re not going to be a cancer victim because Hebrew 11:1 says that “faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” So—say the Faith teachers—you have right it there, faith is the substance—the stuff—and words the containers of the stuff. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!

Faith is only as good, therefore, just as my friend KingJ has said----- as the object in whom it is placed. We place our faith in God and we say with Job, “though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him” (13:15). The reason for that is that God has given us enough evidence to trust in Him despite the difficulties of life. He had demonstrated to us that in this life we are going to have trouble because we live in a fallen world. So if you have cancer or another illness it’s not because you don’t have enough faith. It’s because you live in a fallen world. We are called in this fallen world to put our trust in God and ultimately that trust in God is going to eventuate in a new heaven and new earth in which there will be no more paraplegics.

I know this is sounding preachy but I think it needs to be put out there and get around all this veiled nonsense I see posted.
The last thing you want to tell a paraplegic or the family of that 2 year old with cancer or the blind woman is that they do not have enough faith. Some of the greatest faith bearers and exemplars of faith that I have met in my life are those kinds of people.
No, often those who claim God's healing want to see a tangible miracle. They suggest medicine is of the devil. You are more sane ;).

Avoiding doctors is tempting God. So, no, nobody who thinks God wants them to be sick should avoid doctors. Nobody who loves Jesus and is sick, questions their faith. That is the point. Loving / accepting Jesus is ALL that is required. When we add the need for more faith we are in essence suggesting the faith we already have is not sufficient. This creates doubt in the believer. This doubt / nervousness / inferiority complex is of the devil. It is adding to the cross.

Col 2:9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.

I've never heard among anyone who seeks after God for healing according to His word that medicine is of the devil. It's important that we have a sound mind about this.

"Nobody who loves Jesus and is sick questions their faith"??? Some people do, sadly.
As I have already explained. The unsaved need the faith you are suggesting. All those who came to Jesus were unsaved.

A Christian walks in the fullness of Christ. They don't claim it like the unsaved. Acts 17:28 For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.

Not every Christian walks in the fullness of Christ. Everyone needs to operate in faith to receive anything from God.
For christians to fight against the written plain English word about healing, well, I just don't know what to say except this: a lot of Elijahs are coming, then what are you going to say?
1. Because our faith is IN God. Not faith that in faith / magic happening.

2. You understand faith but not Christian faith. Christian faith is not faith that God can do a miracle. It should not take ANY faith to believe God can do a miracle. Believing God can do a miracle should be a given once you are fully convinced that you liaising with God of the universe. We grow in faith in God.

Abraham's faith in God was not ''There is a God'', He can do anything...I better listen to Him''. I believe I believe I believe He is real. Abraham had faith in God. He knew that this good God had one hell of a good reason for asking something so terrible of him.

In the real world, Christians still need faith to believe for the miraculous.

3. The underlined sounds like a line from a pagan religion / positive confession / self induced brainwashing. We don't need to do that as Christians. We should move on from this.

Well, dear, if you do not understand how God instructs us to speak the word, and to watch our words, that they be of faith, and how we can put the kybosh on what God is sending our way by our confession, then you have some learnin' to do. I will NEVER "move on" from this wonderful, power-packed discipline! Rather, I am learning to move more deeply INTO it!

4. There is truth to being fit for use. We are here to serve God. Suggesting sickness is satans game is ridiculous, he is not omnipresent.

No, Satan is the author of disease because He has brought it into this world. People get sick because we live in this sin-sick, fallen world. I don't know how many times I've had to say this here.
Not for a Christian. We have full confidence that God exists, created all things and has our heart. Now we need faith for healing? Are you kidding me? Which aspect of faith is lacking? That God is good or that God is great?

We know God is good. We know He is great.

You are mustering up faith for a flame when you already have a sun.

That is why what you propose is not faith God wants. It is positive confession. Positive thinking. Brainwashing. A mental state. Faith in faith. Faith in magic. Something completely unrelated to Christian faith.

Christians don't need the faith Peter needed to walk on water. Christians have moved on from that. We ''should'' already believe with no doubt that there is a God who can do anything and who is good!!!!

We should believe but far too many do not. Some who claim to be Christians actually preach that healing is not for today! Do you not see that? Where is their faith? Personally, I believe it's in the toilet and they have many hindrances in their lives in receiving what God so desires to give them.
Heb 6:1-2 Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance kfrom dead works and of faith toward God, 2 instruction about washings, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.

It's obvious that many still need such instruction---they are the milk drinkers. That is not the case among those who have grown beyond that as Paul calls us to do.

The laying on of hands is always an available means of applying the power of Holy Spirit to work in one's life, but Paul is talking about moving away from repetition of such basic teachings. Just DO it! Get on with it!
No Jim I do not. I do not see how it fits the context here. Maybe it would be best to just say what you mean instead of "veiled" thoughts.

Are you trying to say that we who do not agree with the Word of Faith/Name it and Claim" theology are going to "perish" or are in the process of doing so?

Do you believe that I and others here are angry and not at peace with God because we differ in our understanding of God's Word????????

Now that may not be what you are saying however when you say ......."Do you see where I am going with this?" does make it seem that it what you are saying. What would you say if I posted that to YOU?

You quoted Hosea 4:6..........
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."

I am sure you think that applies to our conversation but in reality the coming of Jesus Christ illustrates God’s love to the fullest degree. Jesus died for the sins of all people, offering every person the opportunity to come to faith in Him which simply is not what the subject is about in this thread. It is about HEALING not salvation.

To those who do believe, Jesus is “wisdom from God” as Paul states in 1 Corinthians 1:30. Because of Christ, there is no need for anyone ever again to be “destroyed from a lack of knowledge.”

Major Hello,
Why is it you have taken this reply as something bad or harsh ? Yea if you would have said do you see where I am going with this, well I would have either replied yes or no depending if I saw the direction or not? Peace my friend, relax... ; )

Actually brother it did fit and it was to what you and I were talking about and to be more on the spot to your reply. You feeling ok today brother ?
For christians to fight against the written plain English word about healing, well, I just don't know what to say except this: a lot of Elijahs are coming, then what are you going to say?

Question. A real easy one. Simple.

IF healing is there for all Christians to claim and man has the ability to claim what God has already provided for him and you guys have the faith to move mountains and on and on as I have read on this thread..........
Why are You, and Jim and Euthemia wasting your time on this web site doing computer communications??????

Why are you guys not going from hospital to hospital claiming and healing the sick and diseased and dieing????

Then something else. Euphemia just said............"It's obvious that many still need such instruction---they are the milk drinkers".
It has now been said more than a couple of times now that We who disagree are pictured as LESS of a believer than you who claim healing. Even you have said that and have allowed it to be said several times....WHY is that happening?????
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