I dunno...at the beginning, God was proud of Job and the way he lived his life. How do you reconcile that? We are all born of the flesh and original sin and we are all sinners. So do you think God was being proud for a sinner who deserved the trials he got? The scripture refutes what you say. He was put to the test because of his faith and good living, not because he was a down and out in the alley sinner. Job was a model of what God loved and boasted of.....
Job was put to the test because satan wanted what job had and knew it was from God. What satan was aftyer was thee Blessing of God in job's life and satan thought it was a protective hedge for all satan knew was job was highly blessed and loved by God.
It was satan that began planting that seed of fear into jobs head that his children were going to curse God. Just like the devil does to people in this day and age. Jobe was NOT a sinner. What job did was GIVE INTO FEAR which is perverted faith because fear places more focus on it's self then on faith. Once job acted on this fear it took him out of the blessing and into fear which always gives satan right to begin to try and steel , kill and destroy.
This is why it says job never sinned against God or another words CURSED GOD.......
However as you read through the story, job's friends and his wife bagan doing a number in jobs head BUT HE STILL DID NOT CURSE GOD. I truly like how this all ends......God sends a preacher with faith to talk some sense back into that boy and get his thinking back in order.