By His stripes we are healed

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I the beginning, God was proud of Job and the way he lived his life. How do you reconcile that? We are all born of the flesh and original sin and we are all sinners. So do you think God was being proud for a sinner who deserved the trials he got? The scripture refutes what you say. He was put to the test because of his faith and good living, not because he was a down and out in the alley sinner. Job was a model of what God loved and boasted of.....

Job was put to the test because satan wanted what job had and knew it was from God. What satan was aftyer was thee Blessing of God in job's life and satan thought it was a protective hedge for all satan knew was job was highly blessed and loved by God.

It was satan that began planting that seed of fear into jobs head that his children were going to curse God. Just like the devil does to people in this day and age. Jobe was NOT a sinner. What job did was GIVE INTO FEAR which is perverted faith because fear places more focus on it's self then on faith. Once job acted on this fear it took him out of the blessing and into fear which always gives satan right to begin to try and steel , kill and destroy.

This is why it says job never sinned against God or another words CURSED GOD.......
However as you read through the story, job's friends and his wife bagan doing a number in jobs head BUT HE STILL DID NOT CURSE GOD. I truly like how this all ends......God sends a preacher with faith to talk some sense back into that boy and get his thinking back in order.

Who was God talking to when He said Behold? Satan, right? No argument that Satan caused the misery, God allowed it. Job was picked for this test because he was esteemed by his peers as acting in a righteous manner.
As for healings....and lack of faith - I have seen many leave their salvation behind (their faith) because they did all they could and were not healed.

Hi Silk you are missing my point.......It is not that God aloud it. Job did it on his own. God does not baby sit us. This is wey bad things happen to good people... Good people make bad choices just like job did when he traded his faith and trust in God for fear.
God did not allow it. If I decide to spit on my screen and wipe it off with sand paper....Did God alloow it or did I just do something dumb ?
Nighty night...We aren't going to agree and I haven't seen anything written that is new about the subject. I've said my piece and will let it go. We will all know soon enough. Maranatha. I take no offense and hope no one else takes offense at my posts. It was not intended.
God Bless
Nighty night...We aren't going to agree and I haven't seen anything written that is new about the subject. I've said my piece and will let it go. We will all know soon enough. Maranatha. I take no offense and hope no one else takes offense at my posts. It was not intended.
God Bless

Sleep tight !
Blessings Silk and sweet dream
Nighty night...We aren't going to agree and I haven't seen anything written that is new about the subject. I've said my piece and will let it go. We will all know soon enough. Maranatha. I take no offense and hope no one else takes offense at my posts. It was not intended.
God Bless

You are my sister and I love you because of this so no offense could ever be taken.
No, there is no lack of faith in one who trust God for healing, and that He uses medical science to gain it, OFTEN. those who believe God wants someone sick is violating God's will by seeing a doctor, though, if what they believe is true---which it isn't.
No, often those who claim God's healing want to see a tangible miracle. They suggest medicine is of the devil. You are more sane ;).

Avoiding doctors is tempting God. So, no, nobody who thinks God wants them to be sick should avoid doctors. Nobody who loves Jesus and is sick, questions their faith. That is the point. Loving / accepting Jesus is ALL that is required. When we add the need for more faith we are in essence suggesting the faith we already have is not sufficient. This creates doubt in the believer. This doubt / nervousness / inferiority complex is of the devil. It is adding to the cross.

Col 2:9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.
Where in all the word does God say He afflicts the righteous with disease?

God's word says:
Psalm 103:3
He forgives all my sins
and heals all my diseases.


Jesus never spoke once of unwillingness to heal, and He was able to heal ALL who would come to Him in faith believing for it,
As I have already explained. The unsaved need the faith you are suggesting. All those who came to Jesus were unsaved.

A Christian walks in the fullness of Christ. They don't claim it like the unsaved. Acts 17:28 For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.
1. Why would it require MORE faith to serve God in illness than in health? Faith isn't quantitative. It's qualitative. either one trusts God and believes in His word, or he doesn't---sick or well.

2. Faith is faith. It brings us salvation as well as healing.

3. Yes, we are able to serve God while sick---in faith believing we are overcomers, and that healing is coming. Speaking words of faith and belief will not hinder our healing, but hurry it along.

4. However, God wants the Body of Christ well, physically so that they can do all he calls them to do without any hindrances. Sickness is the result of Satan's games and also simply the consequences of living in a fallen world. We do not have to be deterred by it, but God's perfect plan for us is to be well so we can follow His will with exuberance and vitality. People who are disabled have other forms of ministry that the able-bodied have. There is room for them in the Kingdom!

5. Seeing as we have the promise of health in our born again spirits---according to:
Ephesians 1:3
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.

...all we need do is appropriate our healing from the spiritual promise to the physical. Rebuke and command.
1. Because our faith is IN God. Not faith that in faith / magic happening.

2. You understand faith but not Christian faith. Christian faith is not faith that God can do a miracle. It should not take ANY faith to believe God can do a miracle. Believing God can do a miracle should be a given once you are fully convinced that you liaising with God of the universe. We grow in faith in God.

Abraham's faith in God was not ''There is a God'', He can do anything...I better listen to Him''. I believe I believe I believe He is real. Abraham had faith in God. He knew that this good God had one hell of a good reason for asking something so terrible of him.

3. The underlined sounds like a line from a pagan religion / positive confession / self induced brainwashing. We don't need to do that as Christians. We should move on from this.

4. There is truth to being fit for use. We are here to serve God. Suggesting sickness is satans game is ridiculous, he is not omnipresent.
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1. Because our faith is IN God. Not faith that in faith / magic happening.

2. You understand faith but not Christian faith. Christian faith is not faith that God can do a miracle. It should not take ANY faith to believe God can do a miracle. Believing God can do a miracle should be a given once you are fully convinced that you liaising with God of the universe. We grow in faith in God.

Abraham's faith in God was not ''There is a God'', He can do anything...I better listen to Him''. I believe I believe I believe He is real. Abraham had faith in God. He knew that this good God had one hell of a good reason for asking something so terrible of him.

3. The underlined sounds like a line from a pagan religion / positive confession / self induced brainwashing. We don't need to do that as Christians. We should move on from this.

4. There is truth to being fit for use. We are here to serve God. Suggesting sickness is satans game is ridiculous, he is not omnipresent.

Brother KJ you have missedit big time here.This stuff does not even make sense. Should not take any faith to trust God for a miricle or healing ?
If you did not desire to hear others should not have asked, because if your heart and mind are already set in its will only hear what you want to hear. Blessings my friend! I pray that you and your family shall always be prosperous and in good health!
My OP was clear that I regard bodily healing as trivial. But it is funny how we always talk as though we are closed to correction :). But that is not the case. I believe that even though it seems as though you firmly believe X and me Y, that we are both open to the Holy Spirit teaching us Z. As we get older we budge less and discuss with more conviction. This is a worthwhile discussion. Your and my views are very different. This is a material issue. Thanks for your contribution.
Should not take any faith to trust God for a miricle or healing ?
Not for a Christian. We have full confidence that God exists, created all things and has our heart. Now we need faith for healing? Are you kidding me? Which aspect of faith is lacking? That God is good or that God is great?

We know God is good. We know He is great.

You are mustering up faith for a flame when you already have a sun.

That is why what you propose is not faith God wants. It is positive confession. Positive thinking. Brainwashing. A mental state. Faith in faith. Faith in magic. Something completely unrelated to Christian faith.

Christians don't need the faith Peter needed to walk on water. Christians have moved on from that. We ''should'' already believe with no doubt that there is a God who can do anything and who is good!!!!
Faith isn't a one-size-fits-all, there are indeed degrees of faith, 2 Thess 1:3, in which we grow into, including grace, 2 Peter 3:18. Which leads to the question: if, and it is, grace is unmerited favor, how can one grow in something that is given without merit? Faith. Just how many times did Jesus state "Oh ye of little faith"... five times, the very number of Grace!
Faith isn't a one-size-fits-all, there are indeed degrees of faith, 2 Thess 1:3, in which we grow into, including grace, 2 Peter 3:18. Which leads to the question: if, and it is, grace is unmerited favor, how can one grow in something that is given without merit? Faith. Just how many times did Jesus state "Oh ye of little faith"... five times, the very number of Grace!
Agreed. My chief argument is simply that the measure of faith we are each given Rom 12:3 makes bodily healing absolutely trivial. Not something we would / should discern as growth.

I believe that we will grow for eternity in faith in God. God will always be beyond our ability to grasp. Anything beyond our ability to grasp requires faith.

Now there is faith He wants us to grow in and then faith He couldn't care about. He wants us to grow in faith in Him and His goodness. He could not care about faith that He can do X and Y. Those should be givens. As we just need to consider the universe that stands as testament to His power currently at work. We all saw the sun rise today, no faith needed for this miracle.
Agreed. My chief argument is simply that the measure of faith we are each given Rom 12:3 makes bodily healing absolutely trivial. Not something we would / should discern as growth.

I believe that we will grow for eternity in faith in God. God will always be beyond our ability to grasp. Anything beyond our ability to grasp requires faith.
You believe healing is trivial? It's part of 149 verses, grace has 159 verses and faith has 336 in the KJV. Ranks right up there.
1. Because our faith is IN God. Not faith that in faith / magic happening.
Do you know that when a person puts their faith in the Word of God, that are they putting faith in God? Have you forgotten God is the Word?
No body here is suggestion having faith in their faith!!! We NEVER ask for anything except for what God has already given us!!! It is so simple to understand.
You believe healing is trivial? It's part of 149 verses, grace has 159 verses and faith has 336 in the KJV. Ranks right up there.
and I bet they all have to do with either trivial faith for the unsaved or proper restoration healing for the saved.

I believe God kept the sun in orbit this morning. Now I must be impressed to hear that God made someone's leg longer then the other? Perhaps if I did not believe in God, at all, that would sound impressive.

What faith do you suggest is lacking in us Christians not being healed? Faith that God is great or faith that He is good? Is there another?
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