Can I Be A Scientist And A Christian?

A comment on the nature of proof:

When I started out in university, I was studying Biology, but I felt it wasn't really attempting to answer a lot of the sorts of questions I was asking. When I spoke to one of my profs about it, he recommended that if those were the sorts of questions I was asking, I should be studying philosophy, not science.

For me, that turned about to be good advice (although he meant it sarcastically:))

Here's something that stuck with me from a course I took on the philosophy of science:

The nature of science is that it cannot prove anything, only disprove.

If you run an experiment on a hypothesis once, you have proved that it worked "that time," but to prove the hypothesis, you would have to run the experiment an infinite amount of times (this is the difference between proof and perceived evidence). But to prove the hypothesis wrong, it only has to be shown to be wrong once (then the hypothesis should be modified based on what you learned through the experiment's result).

So when we talk about "proof" in science, you can add perceived evidence to a theory, but it is impossible to "prove" any theory at all, only disprove it.

Generally, the word "proof" in science is used when it's generally deemed that there have been enough failed attempts to disprove a theory that it seems unlikely it will be disproved. But the burden of proof in philosophy is much higher:)

I'm just sharing that because I find it personally helpful to keep in mind when discussing science:

You can't prove a theory (but evidence, real or perceived, can make a theory seem likely)
But you can disprove a theory

exactly .. scientific methodology only allows a perceived plausibility ..
1. I would assume that God would want the Crucifixion recorded, so it makes sense that He would wait for humans to be able to write in a language that could be understood many years later.
You assume Adam was dumb? Mankind needed 196 000 years to learn to write when a baby needs 5?
2. Chimps are intelligent enough to browse pictures on the computer, which is just as intelligent as a child. Intelligence alone I don't think makes a being capable of "sin." Only humans can sin. I've heard of the "age of accountability" but I'm not sure where that's taken from biblically. I believe that children and the mentally handicapped go to heaven regardless anyway. I believe that God takes intelligence into account with humans. If someone never develops past a four year old's mentality then I don't see how they could be held accountable for not accepting a story they don't understand the impact of that is supposed to save them from their "sins" when they can't understand what sins are.
Now we are making progress with logical thought. God died for mankind because all mankind is intelligent. From Adam to you.

Do you understand / agree that the concept of intelligence evolving makes the cross a joke?

Babies, children and mentally challenged go to heaven but their time will come becuase God is impartial. A discussion for another thread though.

3. Sure. God is everywhere all the time and 1. has no problem letting bad things happen.

I'll admit that the only thing that messes me up with the old earth view, where humans have been around for a long time, is the genealogy in the Bible. 2. I suppose there could have been human type beings before Adam that God didn't breathe into.

1. God has a problem letting evil happen. Thats why He doesnt fix His gaze on evil. Thats why He is only giving mankind a short time on Earth. That is why the evil don't live for long.

Don't confuse having the ability to exercise free will with God ''having no problem letting bad things happen''!!! Not giving free will to an intelligent being is evil.

2. Human type... as long as they have the brains of a monkey...are monkeys, sure.

Who cares? I don't really understand the point you're trying to make. So what if we were monkeys at some point. That doesn't effect anything in my mind.

Animals could have easily died before the fall. I don't see any reason why they couldn't. I don't believe that Adam's sin made animals start eating each other. That doesn't make any sense to me.
Our opinions mean nothing here. Scripture explains the Garden of Eden and what transpired from Adam's sin quite clearly.

My point here is that only IQ 10 is needed to deduce that natural selection is evil.

How is others being weak in their faith evolutionists fault? The same could be said about anything. If a pastor *cough* AndyStanley*cough* say's that the New Testament wasn't around until four hundred years after Jesus' death and a seed of doubt is planted, does it matter if he was wrong? Evolutionists could be wrong. If a TE loses faith then it's because his faith wasn't strong enough.
Our faith comes from? Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Of course a Christian who has had a revelation of Jesus 1 Cor 12:3 will never doubt, but we are brain dead /stupid if we ignore the impact this tripe teaching does to the young and newly converted. Run down scripture = run down God John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
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exactly .. scientific methodology only allows a perceived plausibility ..
I agree with all your posts here. As a Catholic would you mind sharing what you can on the ''Catholic perspective'' please.

As so many say its fine for Christians to accept evolution because the Catholic church accepts it.
I agree with all your posts here. As a Catholic would you mind sharing what you can on the ''Catholic perspective'' please.

As so many say its fine for Christians to accept evolution because the Catholic church accepts it.

I could ask .. but being non-denominational, and only being a brethren of Catholics not a member, I am not up to date on the magistrem ..

however, GODS WORD says God created Adam as the 1st man from dust and made him a living creature .. he was CREATED with intelligence and speech .. Eve received her name (like Adam) by being the 1st woman and mother/progenitor of all living humans (except Adam) .. and Paul confirmed that as INSPIRED BY GOD ..

If the average person cannot believe scripture .. then the average person will live in darkness not by choice .. but the thing is you CAN believe scripture .. that is one of the many things the HS does .. He teaches us how it all fits together, how to access, understand and apply it ..

God Bless You ..
I agree with all your posts here. As a Catholic would you mind sharing what you can on the ''Catholic perspective'' please.

As so many say its fine for Christians to accept evolution because the Catholic church accepts it.

I could ask .. but being non-denominational, and only being a brethren of Catholics not a member, I am not up to date on the magistrem ..

however, GODS WORD says God created Adam as the 1st man from dust and made him a living creature .. he was CREATED with intelligence and speech .. Eve received her name (like Adam) by being the 1st woman and mother/progenitor of all living humans (except Adam) .. and Paul confirmed that as INSPIRED BY GOD ..

If the average person cannot believe scripture .. then the average person will live in darkness not by choice .. but the thing is you CAN believe scripture .. that is one of the many things the HS does .. He teaches us how it all fits together, how to access, understand and apply it ..

God Bless You ..
I could ask .. but being non-denominational, and only being a brethren of Catholics not a member, I am not up to date on the magistrem ..

however, GODS WORD says God created Adam as the 1st man from dust and made him a living creature .. he was CREATED with intelligence and speech .. Eve received her name (like Adam) by being the 1st woman and mother/progenitor of all living humans (except Adam) .. and Paul confirmed that as INSPIRED BY GOD ..

If the average person cannot believe scripture .. then the average person will live in darkness not by choice .. but the thing is you CAN believe scripture .. that is one of the many things the HS does .. He teaches us how it all fits together, how to access, understand and apply it ..

God Bless You ..
If your god created humans from dust, why is there still dust?
Well He made woman out of man's rib. So not all the sand was needed mankind. There was a lot left for the Earth. Or else we would be floating in space and that would defeat the whole purpose of creating us on Earth / away from Him in Heaven in the 'flesh' :whistle:.
Thank you for this post.

It is touching.

I think it shows you have a well developed sense of empathy and morality.

I just can't agree on the god part.

If my presense is a cause of discomfort, I will happily leave.[/QUOTE

If you left then we would not have the opportunity to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with you.

I would much rather have you here with us than on a skeptic web site reading none relative nonsense!
I believe it is a literal story ..
as well as the scripture revealing medical and scientific bases ..

Gen 2:21 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.
Gen 2:22The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.
Gen 2:23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
I believe it is a literal story ..
as well as the scripture revealing medical and scientific bases ..

Gen 2:21 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.
Gen 2:22The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.
Gen 2:23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
Based on the way the verses were written, the first surgery ever performed was done by God ..

medical procedures needed to create Eve from Adam's rib ..

apply anesthesia ..

Gen 2:21 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept;

make an incision and remove rib ..

then He took one of his ribs

Suture incision ..

and closed up the flesh at that place.

the human rib is the only bone in the human body that can regenerate as long as the periosteum (membrane surrounding the rib) is left intact.

The rib is removed from the periosteum (a tissue surrounding the bone) much like a banana would be removed from its peel while keeping most of the peel intact. The periosteum must remain, as it contains osteoblasts which build the new rib bone.

The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man

Why a bone ???
bone marrow not only produces red and white blood cells and platelets, it houses stem cells. It is from these stem cells that the blood cells and platelets are created. These stem cells are referred to as “gatekeepers”.

Why a rib ???
the human ribs are one of the few bones that continue to make red marrow (and thus blood cells) in the adult.

God made Eve uniquely, He used the DNA and the stem cells and the blood and bone from Adam (a cloning scientists dream)

The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
Noone has to give it any thought.

If you claim it is true, you have to prove it.

You need remove those blinkers that cloud logical lateral thought. They keep you too narrow minded / naive.

God spoke all into being. Making man from the dust can be interpreted as we are part and parcel with the Earth. Dust of the earth as opposed to mana from Heaven.
You need remove those blinkers that cloud logical lateral thought. They keep you too narrow minded / naive.

God spoke all into being. Making man from the dust can be interpreted as we are part and parcel with the Earth. Dust of the earth as opposed to mana from Heaven.
Cool. Prove that your god created the universe, then I may believe you.