Prove you love your mother or father. Prove that George Washington lived. Prove the sky is blue. To a blind man, prove the moon or stars exist.Cool. Prove that your god created the universe, then I may believe you.
Prove you love your mother or father. Prove that George Washington lived. Prove the sky is blue. To a blind man, prove the moon or stars exist.Cool. Prove that your god created the universe, then I may believe you.
You assume Adam was dumb? Mankind needed 196 000 years to learn to write when a baby needs 5?
Now we are making progress with logical thought. God died for mankind because all mankind is intelligent. From Adam to you.
Do you understand / agree that the concept of intelligence evolving makes the cross a joke?
Babies, children and mentally challenged go to heaven but their time will come becuase God is impartial. A discussion for another thread though.
1. God has a problem letting evil happen. Thats why He doesnt fix His gaze on evil. Thats why He is only giving mankind a short time on Earth. That is why the evil don't live for long.
Don't confuse having the ability to exercise free will with God ''having no problem letting bad things happen''!!! Not giving free will to an intelligent being is evil.
2. Human type... as long as they have the brains of a monkey...are monkeys, sure.
Our opinions mean nothing here. Scripture explains the Garden of Eden and what transpired from Adam's sin quite clearly.
My point here is that only IQ 10 is needed to deduce that natural selection is evil.
Our faith comes from? Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Of course a Christian who has had a revelation of Jesus 1 Cor 12:3 will never doubt, but we are brain dead /stupid if we ignore the impact this tripe teaching does to the young and newly converted. Run down scripture = run down God John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Lol. That would be quite funny if you had to convince a blind man what color something was. He'd say "Where's the evidence?", and you'd say "Well you just can't see it."Prove you love your mother or father. Prove that George Washington lived. Prove the sky is blue. To a blind man, prove the moon or stars exist.
Man's IQ did not get better. No, it was God who gave man knowledge. If not for God, we would still be riding camels.
Also, Adam was extremely smart who walked with God and named the animals.
the thing is .. using science is much more rigid on Atheist then Believers in God and His word .. NOTHING in your scenario can be "an act of God" matter cannot come from nothing nor can an effect proceed a cause (which negates any theory you may have of origin) .. whereas with my scenario the Spiritual created the Physical ..
Physicists must accept the fact that matter has come from nothing, since all laws of physics break down at the Big Bang.
I thought we were talking about intelligence. I never mentioned carbon dating.Neanderthals walk the earth today ..
and what Neanderthal was ever carbon dated as older then Adam ???
(primates with primate mandibles do not count, nor does dating rocks count)
Why?Prove you love your mother or father. Prove that George Washington lived. Prove the sky is blue. To a blind man, prove the moon or stars exist.
Look around hotshot. Life is supernatural.Why?
I never made those claims.
Now about YOUR claim that gods exist:got evidence?
So I am on a bus in the CBD. What does that prove?Look around hotshot. Life is supernatural.
i could not agree more.Actually I suspect that it takes a lot more cognitive work to be a theist.
i could not agree more.
as far as facts are concerned, science never proved evolution to be true.
it's just a theory, an assumption.
yes i do, and when i said evolution is just a theory i mean it.You know what theory means in the scientific context, right?