They take every word of the Bible verbatim without any respect to the allegorical, the metaphorical, the hyperbolic, the poetic or the mystical, then accuse everyone who does not of going against the Word.
They demand the Creation story be taken as literal, and taught as though it were science.
They pay no respect to those who disagree with them.
They are hypocritical, because they never succeed in keeping all the rules they seek to impose on others.
They speak self-righteously, usually appointing themselves as defenders of the faith.
They accuse others who sincerely follow their heart as "compromising" the faith.
They are intent on maintaining that contradictions to their statements or beliefs are not contradictions.
They claim the right to judge others.
They judge others.
They claim that God is hateful.
They believe logic is unbiblical.
They believe science is unbiblical.
They believe claiming logic and science are biblical is unbiblical.
They believe their beliefs come from God and all others do not.
They do not believe tradition is sacred.
They do not believe charity is possible outside of the Christian community.
They believe good works are meaningless.
They believe people with good hearts will go to Hell.
They believe Hell is a literal place of eternal conscience torment.
They believe that most people go to Hell.
They believe people who disagree with them go to Hell.
They believe if you deny Hell you will go to Hell.
They believe Hell is the center of their faith.
They believe the world in becoming more immoral not less.