Communion/Eucharist/Lord's Supper.

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  • Sometimes at home Bible study group meetings

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That is the topic. Rich food...alcohol. Beware of people trying to ply you with alcohol. Some ppl have no compunction about that and WANT to get their guests drunk. And get very upset if you refuse to drink alcohol with them.

Lanolin, you are welcome to start a thread on rich food, but we are discussing holy communion.
No, just alcoholic wine.
Sorry. Bread is ok...but then..think about it, wonder bread is not.
Jesus clearly made new wine...not the old, stale, fermented stuff.
You can keep your old, rotten wine. I prefer the new. Yes, surprise surpise you CAN make non alcoholic wine. Google it.

I'm sorry, Lanolin, but the wine Christ not only drank but even made from water in Cana was fermented -- it was alcoholic. Going by Jewish wedding tradition, fermented wine was always served at weddings; if Jesus had provided only grape juice, the master of the feast would have complained. Instead, he said the wine was better than what was previously served; it was apparently a “fine” wine. I'm not suggesting that Jesus drank the wine at the wedding -- we don't have any evidence for that. And we even have evidence of Christ speaking out against drunkenness. But I think you're referring to having wine as equal to being drunk, and that would be a silly conclusion -- like concluding that having lunch means you're a glutton.

People who drink any kind of alcohol have to use prudence and temperance because, clearly, you can have too much. And in fact, it's sometimes a great idea to abstain altogether -- I don't drink alcohol myself, I abstain. But alcohol itself shouldn't be cast out as something evil when Christ established it as part of the sacrament of communion.
Indeed there are, I wonder how many Churches provide gluten free bread or wafers. I've only had a wafer once, mostly it is diced bread.

This is actually an option. Many parishes are incorporating gluten free hosts for communion since, for some, it really is a problem and should also have the ability to receive.
Thanks for the heads up Lysander. It is not a problem for me personally but some in the extended family are severly affected.
I would never go to any church that served alcohol, for the lords supper.

Perhaps you would have left with Judas at the Lord's Supper when he celebrated it with his disciples.

That sounded harsh, and I didn't mean it to be. I suspect this is a misunderstanding. However, this is what they had. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Passum wine which is a fermented raisin wine. Perhaps one of our Biblical scholars here could clarify that for us.
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