Demons + 2 freaky incidents

[...] Using "demons" as a figure of speech is even still in use today, someone "battles their demons" and such. [...]

I didn't see and experience figures of speech, what I saw was pure evil: sadistic, violent beings whose sole purpose was to torment us. Chemical imbalances don't explain aversion to religious symbols and foul language.

I believe the Bible is much less symbolic than we think (saying that it's just a book of symbols is another deception from the enemy) and the descriptions of hell and demons are extremely accurate.

Even Jesus performed exorcisms!

To quote the late John Paul II, 'if you don't believe in the devil, you don't believe in the Gospel'.
Honestly I don't know where to start with this, but I guess I'll start with thanking Flavio for posting his experience as it gives me the courage to share mine too and seek guidance on what to do. (Thanks Flavio! :))

Like Flavio, I have/had experiences with "seeing" things, but I never faced/acknowledged them because I was taught that we (Christians) were not to interact with the dead (or spiritual realm). The visions/dreams/being able to see things started when I was really young, elementary school young, and have still continued on still to this day. My mother claims that I was interacting with things that she couldn't even see when I was a baby, but of course I don't remember this.

The visions I've had weren't always good, I've been paralyzed from head to toe. (Didn't wake up paralyzed but fell into it. I would hear this wooshing sound, almost like a helicopter, right before I would become paralyzed. A friend told me it sounded like I was describing the wings of an angel.) As I was paralyzed I would still able to hear my family in the other room and be able to recite to them the conversation they had after the episode was over. While paralyzed I had control over my eyesight, and I seen a very demonic figure across the room hovering in my closet staring down at me. I refused to acknowledge it so I looked away (moved my eyes) and then seen something hovering over me (this one didn't "feel" or "look" demonic). I then prayed and eventually fell asleep while in prayer. These episodes continued on for a few weeks/months and then finally tapered off. And this is just the most recent scare. There have been many more visions/dreams throughout my life but I would be typing pages here trying to describe them all. Just please know, that not all of them were scary as I've seen some heavenly things. Literally.

And I have to admit that all my life I have been able to see spirits in the churches that I've attended. And of course would always see something either hanging out or passing by "out of the corner of my eye" throughout my everyday life. I just don't know what to do. I've prayed and asked God what he wants me to do with this? But I honestly fear I may hear the wrong answer, or am afraid of the answer. I've never sought help from a professional as I don't want to be chastised or be thought of as different. And now I believe my son has this ability too (he's talked to me about stuff that he has seen and has no idea that I am capable of it too). Any advice on what to do would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you & God Bless!
Honestly I don't know where to start with this, but I guess I'll start with thanking Flavio for posting his experience as it gives me the courage to share mine too and seek guidance on what to do. (Thanks Flavio!)

Like Flavio, I have/had experiences with "seeing" things, but I never faced/acknowledged them because I was taught that we (Christians) were not to interact with the dead (or spiritual realm). Ignorance is bliss -- but only for a season... Claiming safety under the group label of “Christian” means nothing. If we want victory, we must cease participating in “group think.” What I’m saying is, claiming to be affiliated with some denomination means nothing in the realm of the spirit or, worse, it means that you, like all of denominationalism itself, are under a curse. The so-called church is asleep on the issue of spiritual warfare. It has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof. The visions/dreams/being able to see things started when I was really young, elementary school young, and have still continued on still to this day. My mother claims that I was interacting with things that she couldn't even see when I was a baby, but of course I don't remember this. Because as a child, you were under the authority of another (your father), there will be consequences to the lives of all who live under submission to that authority. Because every action leads to some purpose; there is no neutrality. Thus, many of your childhood experiences can be understood by examining them through the spiritual walk of your cover.

The visions I've had weren't always good, I've been paralyzed from head to toe. (Didn't wake up paralyzed but fell into it. I would hear this wooshing sound, almost like a helicopter, right before I would become paralyzed. A friend told me it sounded like I was describing the wings of an angel.) As I was paralyzed I would still able to hear my family in the other room and be able to recite to them the conversation they had after the episode was over. While paralyzed I had control over my eyesight, and I seen a very demonic figure across the room hovering in my closet staring down at me. I refused to acknowledge it so I looked away (moved my eyes) and then seen something hovering over me (this one didn't "feel" or "look" demonic). I then prayed and eventually fell asleep while in prayer. These episodes continued on for a few weeks/months and then finally tapered off. And this is just the most recent scare. I have three offspring, ages 6 to 11 years. ALL of them have been “visited” by devils, and ALL of them have gotten victories. They continue to exercise their spiritual authority in Christ. They have been taught the word of God from Day One, and know how to properly rebuke because they are absolutely certain that the Spirit within them is greater than the spirit in the world. When they experience these demonic attacks, they rebuke in the King’s authority and the “problem” goes away. In one instance, the Lord himself, when called upon, appeared to my 6 year-old and “took the devil away.” They call it “poofing” the enemy. I wish my “Christian” parents had taught me the fundamentals of spiritual warfare when I was a child... There have been many more visions/dreams throughout my life but I would be typing pages here trying to describe them all. Just please know, that not all of them were scary as I've seen some heavenly things. Literally.

And I have to admit that all my life I have been able to see spirits in the churches that I've attended. And of course would always see something either hanging out or passing by "out of the corner of my eye" throughout my everyday life. I just don't know what to do. I've prayed and asked God what he wants me to do with this? Since I came to the Lord, the spiritual warfare has been nonstop 24/7, but the sweet victories continue to motivate my family in his service. The warfare is often so intense that I’ve taken to keeping a microcassette recorder next to my bed so that I can record the info fresh (to be transcribed later), before I’ve fully awakened and slipped into my egotistical male flesh. At first, we didn't know what to make of the fury of activity, so we made the decision to simply document all of it, perhaps in the event that it may become useful at some later point. And indeed it has. The Lord always gives a confirmation, perhaps seconds, months or years later, albeit on HIS timetable. For example, I only recently received confirmations of two dreams, of 8 and 11 years prior. Our family has kept a Dream Journal for the past 14 years (now 2 inches thick). The Lord has appeared to me (as early as Nov. 1996), and also recently to my second of three offspring. But I honestly fear I may hear the wrong answer, or am afraid of the answer. The only way that could happen is if you are not truly born again and/or if you acquiesce in the battle. That’s all the legal permission Satan requires to muck with you. Know that this is indeed a battle, and if you’re not fighting it, you’re losing it. Fear is one of Satan’s spirits -- not God’s. Rather, God has given his people the spirits of love, and of power, and of a sound mind, which are all antithetical to the enemy’s. I've never sought help from a professional as I don't want to be chastised or be thought of as different. A "professional"??? And where does this "pro" get his sheepskin, his authority to do the things he does? From Caesar, from the world, of course! That's jumping from the pan into the fire! And now I believe my son has this ability too (he's talked to me about stuff that he has seen and has no idea that I am capable of it too). It's also probable that the spiritual activity within your family is directly related to some of the things you as its head may be partaking of e.g. fantasy literature, internet porn, gaming and other media-related pursuits, etc. Any advice on what to do would be greatly appreciated! I have several New Age acquaintances who think it’s great that they have personal spirit guides. They brag about them. Many creatives in Satan’s “entertainment” industry admit the same. The devils either attempt to frighten them into inactivity, or they stroke their ego by promising them wealth and power and status and dominion, etc. These acquaintances of mine have never tested (“tried”) the spirits to see if they are of God. Because they are not truly born again, they do not possess the authority, through the King, over these creatures. Thus, they are taken at will by the enemy.

I have a prophetic calling on my life. Ask the King what your calling is. It is abominable unto the Lord to not know what your calling is. If you don’t know what it is, ASK HIM. And, DO NOT BE AFRAID; you have a choice. Utilize those opportunities to exercise your spiritual authority. As you continue to exercise your authority in Christ, fear will be driven away to be replaced by victories in Christ.

Thank you & God Bless!
[...] They call it “poofing” the enemy. [...]

Poofing the enemy, I love that! :) :) :)

I have also experienced sleep paralysis and I was always able to poof the enemy with prayers - not my doing, of course, it was the Holy Spirit.

But here's something strange: in those cases, praying was never a conscious decision - it was an involuntary, immediate reaction. A bit like a spiritual immune system. Does this make any sense?
Okay that's sounds very troubling.
A factor of Ouiji boards is very, very dangerous. I think that the child and her mother need to seek specialist advice of a priest with expertise is that area.
You may be experiencing something which is nightmares etc. if these persist seek specialist advice.
Please seek help if you have any doubt about your safety or anyone's safety.
Most of all...pray for God's protection.
"And these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues..." Mark 16: 15-20
The reason that believers need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit (to be infilled with the Holy Spirit as in Acts and the epistles) is so that we have the spiritual power to resist and deny the power of spiritual evil (demons).
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places... Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit... " Ephesians 6: 10-18

I have seen demons. They are like silhouettes of shadow. Even at night time they are blacker than the natural darkness of night. Because they are darkness, they have no light (God is light) in themselves whatsoever. Great is their fall from heaven to the abyss.
I have also experienced sleep paralysis...
Would that be like a pressure on the chest, making it difficult or impossible to speak or move?

But here's something strange: in those cases, praying was never a conscious decision - it was an involuntary, immediate reaction. A bit like a spiritual immune system. Does this make any sense?
Yes; we are all built to worship.