
I'm sorry for bringing my burdens on here. I am no help to this site, or anyone on it. It would be more loving if I just left. I am for certain depressed, and I can't figure out how to stop it. Maybe this race wasn't for me to run. Maybe I don't have as much faith as I thought.

I will always believe that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of humanity, but I don't know how to receive that gift... I am no man of God, and I don't understand nearly as much as I thought I did.

Once again, I believe everything I'm supposed to. But I guess I am just a hearer of the word, and not a doer.

Or maybe this is just a test. Either way, It's too much for my soul to bear.

Brother, what's happening to you is no more and no less than clinical depression. All of your thoughts are being distorted by this psychological disease. I know that at the moment it is difficult for you to believe that this is the case, but trust me in this, you cannot reason clearly at this moment. Please talk to your parents about your feelings and go to see a psychologist. A simple antidepressant will radically change your points of view. Also, if you haven't done this already, go first to your room and tell God that you want him to save you, both from these unhealthy thoughts and from everything else that could harm you. He won't fail to rescue you.
Brother, what's happening to you is no more and no less than clinical depression. All of your thoughts are being distorted by this psychological disease. I know that at the moment it is difficult for you to believe that this is the case, but trust me in this, you cannot reason clearly at this moment. Please talk to your parents about your feelings and go to see a psychologist. A simple antidepressant will radically change your points of view. Also, if you haven't done this already, go first to your room and tell God that you want him to save you, both from these unhealthy thoughts and from everything else that could harm you. He won't fail to rescue you.
Let me add to your post that he also needs to get Christian counseling. Cosmic, eventually you won't even need the antidepressant. Really it is just messed up emotions in your head due to a negative thought cycle. It is really devastating, but it isn't permanent.
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Let me add to you post that he also needs to get Christian counseling. Cosmic, eventually you won't even need the antidepressant. Really it is just messed up emotions in your head due to a negative thought cycle. It is really devastating, but it isn't permanent.

Yes, I agree with this. The most important thing is for Cosmic Waffle to ask God to rescue him from this. God can do this instantly or through other people, but I have no doubt that He will do it. Depression seems like the end of the world, but it is not.
Well I just got back from a MS church camp as a volunteer, I got sick and had to leave early. Then yesterday I went to my HS service and couldn't worship that well, I just felt really awkward and unspiritual. Then our worship leader said God wanted a revival in our youth ministry, and was talking about all these great works that he wanted us to do, and it made me feel really bad on top of everything else. So that made me really depressed, and then I started listening to "Christian Rock" and it made me even more depressed... Last night I stayed up crying and praying to God, but I don't know if it even mattered. I've also been playing video games, which distract me for a while, but then I get depressed again realizing I'm not doing anything good with myself. Last week everything was great, not so much now.

I have had to deal with depression in my life more than once, and one thing I have learned first and foremost is that we cannot trust our feelings. They come from the soul and they lie to us. They are NO barometers of what is true around us and even in us! I have learned that I must heed what God's word says about everything and what He thinks of me is most important.

After I came out of my last depression, which was based in broken-heartedness because a child of mine had cut herself and her children off from us and the rest of her family (it was resolved---to a point!), I sat there one day and was talking to God and spoke out loud, lamenting that I had displayed no faith in the months of depression I had just gone through. The Lord spoke to me immediately: "I am pleased with your faith." WHAT? I thought: How is that??? I was then reminded of the many times I pushed through and cried while my husband read me the Psalms by my bedside, and the times I would manage to pray, climbing up on my Daddy's lap, and times I would continue to be involved in people's lives online, pointing them to the Saviour and to the truth of His word, and would have my church cell group here to the house and participate.

In your case, the thoughts that there are things you must do to please God is erroneous and misguided. Don't fall for that works mentality. Keep it simple! Wake up in the morning and praise the Lord--welcome the leading of Holy Spirit throughout your day. Pick up your Bible and read it---even if it is for 5 minutes! Then begin your day. You will soon find yourself looking for things that God is doing in your life and recognizing them as such!

If you don't feel like worshiping, do it anyway. When we worship out of obedience even when we have heaviness of heart, crying and even blubbering away, and even with just our arms uplifted to Him---He shows up! He is present in the praises of His people. When we continue to make the "sacrifice of praise", knowing that we will experience a distinct benefit, we won't hesitate to continue to worship when we don't exactly feel like it. God is AWESOME to those of us who suffer these kinds of setbacks. He is tender and patient with us! You can be tender and patient with yourself, also.

When you are ready to deal with whatever is causing this depression, you can ask the Lord to reveal to you what the fear its that is at the base of it. There is usually a fear there and all fear is based on a lie one believes, so you can explore with Him what the lie is that you have taken on. He will lovingly open your eyes to it and you can cast it out. I will pray for you about that!

I've decided to pray to God for faith. It is faith which makes us righteous through Jesus Christ, and by faith we are children of God. So now I am using whatever "faith" I have to pray that God gives me more. I hope he will give me the faith that Abraham had, because right now I am lacking.
Yeah, God is not healing my Autism spectrum either and I keep being aggressive and Tourette-like to many people who annoy me, I keep being such a tsundere. Sometimes it feels like God thinks that the person should try to heal themselves, but that's not always possible... D:
To begin, I have you in my prayers. If you're struggling with depression, I know it's a real obstacle.

I'd like to point out that depression is a loaded word. It can mean many different things and be brought on for many different reasons.

I've brought up in the past that I struggled with depression back in 2009. It's no special case since many people struggle with it, nor was it something traumatic that took place in my life. The short story is that I was diagnosed with epilepsy and the medication for which the neurologist prescribed made my serotonin level imbalanced which made me fall into a very deep depression. I contemplated suicide and was not like myself.

Ultimately, my family (many of them have also struggled with serotonin imbalances--it often times is genetic), recommended I speak with my physician. I did, I switched epilepsy medications, went on anti-depressants temporarily (which can do good depending on the individual) and I was back to my old self.

This was only my situation, and I'm not suggesting doing exactly as I did because they're not all the same. However, 1) it's not something that ought to be taken so lightly because it could be a real problem, ans 2) it's not always something that could simply be prayed away.

Am I suggesting prayer alone can't fix it? Of course it can! But getting a depressed individual to do something can sometimes be a real struggle, and it does require others to help, whether that be reaching out to the individual, offering advice and comfort, and of course, praying for the person who is in a depression. If the depressed person is capable of offering his prayers to God, then always keep it up.

I was at a get-together recently with some people. My sisters friends were there. As we were all talking, one of them said that as Christians, we have a responsibility to be joyful and show it off to the world to display what God can do for us...

It sounds nice, but I disagree with her. Many of us are blessed enough to have a pampered, coddled life, but for some of us and especially those who are under serious persecution and facing suffering and death, this is not something so easily done. In fact, Christ told us to take up our crosses and follow Him (Matthew 16:24-25). To think joyfulness is the natural response to being a Christian is an insult to those who truly suffer. I'm not suggesting we should strive to be depressed, but I am saying joyfulness is not quite the natural response.

Sometimes, our faith can be a roller coaster. It isn't static. Sometimes we may struggle with doubts, or get angry with God, or question why we must do what He says to do. Some more than others.

Don't let depression dictate what you know to be true. Don't believe for a moment that you are failing God because you struggle with depression. And don't believe for a second that God cannot help you...but if it's really bad, it is very important to reach out to someone who will listen -- a family member, a close friend, a pastor...anyone who will take you seriously. Some people won't and will say "Oh, just be happy. You choose how you want to feel." The truth is sometimes you can't and it's really not your fault. But it is your responsibility to do something about it and make the first move.

May God bring you comfort and peace.
I've decided to pray to God for faith. It is faith which makes us righteous through Jesus Christ, and by faith we are children of God. So now I am using whatever "faith" I have to pray that God gives me more. I hope he will give me the faith that Abraham had, because right now I am lacking.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you already have faith. He wants us to exercise it, stir it up.
To begin, I have you in my prayers. If you're struggling with depression, I know it's a real obstacle.

I'd like to point out that depression is a loaded word. It can mean many different things and be brought on for many different reasons.

I've brought up in the past that I struggled with depression back in 2009. It's no special case since many people struggle with it, nor was it something traumatic that took place in my life. The short story is that I was diagnosed with epilepsy and the medication for which the neurologist prescribed made my serotonin level imbalanced which made me fall into a very deep depression. I contemplated suicide and was not like myself.

Ultimately, my family (many of them have also struggled with serotonin imbalances--it often times is genetic), recommended I speak with my physician. I did, I switched epilepsy medications, went on anti-depressants temporarily (which can do good depending on the individual) and I was back to my old self.

This was only my situation, and I'm not suggesting doing exactly as I did because they're not all the same. However, 1) it's not something that ought to be taken so lightly because it could be a real problem, ans 2) it's not always something that could simply be prayed away.

Am I suggesting prayer alone can't fix it? Of course it can! But getting a depressed individual to do something can sometimes be a real struggle, and it does require others to help, whether that be reaching out to the individual, offering advice and comfort, and of course, praying for the person who is in a depression. If the depressed person is capable of offering his prayers to God, then always keep it up.

I was at a get-together recently with some people. My sisters friends were there. As we were all talking, one of them said that as Christians, we have a responsibility to be joyful and show it off to the world to display what God can do for us...

It sounds nice, but I disagree with her. Many of us are blessed enough to have a pampered, coddled life, but for some of us and especially those who are under serious persecution and facing suffering and death, this is not something so easily done. In fact, Christ told us to take up our crosses and follow Him (Matthew 16:24-25). To think joyfulness is the natural response to being a Christian is an insult to those who truly suffer. I'm not suggesting we should strive to be depressed, but I am saying joyfulness is not quite the natural response.

Sometimes, our faith can be a roller coaster. It isn't static. Sometimes we may struggle with doubts, or get angry with God, or question why we must do what He says to do. Some more than others.

Don't let depression dictate what you know to be true. Don't believe for a moment that you are failing God because you struggle with depression. And don't believe for a second that God cannot help you...but if it's really bad, it is very important to reach out to someone who will listen -- a family member, a close friend, a pastor...anyone who will take you seriously. Some people won't and will say "Oh, just be happy. You choose how you want to feel." The truth is sometimes you can't and it's really not your fault. But it is your responsibility to do something about it and make the first move.

May God bring you comfort and peace.
I agree. When I replied I was only thinking of my situation of how I became depressed, but actually their are multiple reasons for depression. Could be a medication, genetics, traumatic events, negative thinking cycle, etc...
No matter what the reason for depression, Jesus is the answer. A few years ago I was suffering with depression and on medication that was horrible (a seratonin uptake inhibitor), and I had a few women from my church over, and we talked and prayed, and I was able to renounce a long-held pain and anger against someone who hurt me. The Lord impressed upon me to throw the medication away, which I did---that was about 13 years ago. I have had a bout of depression since, based on a familial circumstance as I mentioned before, but with persistence in seeking God and seeing it through without medication, it lifted over time, with the strength of Jesus Christ working through my weakness.
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No matter what the reason for depression, Jesus is the answer. A few years ago I was suffering with depression and on medication that was horrible (a seratonin uptake inhibitor), and I had a few women from my church over, and we talked and prayed, and I was able to renounce a long-held pain and anger against someone who hurt me. The Lord impressed upon me to throw the medication away, which I did---that was about 13 years ago. I have had a bout of depression since, based on a familial circumstance as I mentioned before, but with persistence in seeking God and seeing it through without medication, it lifted over time, with the strength of Jesus Christ working through my weakness.

Anti-depressants, for some, can be a problem. And more specifically, it can all depend on the type of anti-depressant. Tricyclics aren't as good for most people where as SSRI are a better option for many...but even within SSRIs, some brands aren't the same as others. It really all depends on the individual and even the cause.

Most of my family has dealt with depression...but we've all had excellent luck with antidepressants, but not the same kinds.

Though thank God you've been lifted out of your depression.
I'm sorry for bringing my burdens on here. I am no help to this site, or anyone on it. It would be more loving if I just left. I am for certain depressed, and I can't figure out how to stop it. Maybe this race wasn't for me to run. Maybe I don't have as much faith as I thought.

I will always believe that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of humanity, but I don't know how to receive that gift... I am no man of God, and I don't understand nearly as much as I thought I did.

Once again, I believe everything I'm supposed to. But I guess I am just a hearer of the word, and not a doer.

Or maybe this is just a test. Either way, It's too much for my soul to bear.
Sounds to me like you just tired and need a breather.

It is always important to get and keep the horse before the cart.

I think in this day and age it is healthy for us to daily ask / remind ourselves, why we are Christians. So many things out there can get us depressed. These are the last days.

Depression is mostly in the mind. I had teachers saying I needed them. But I knew what was really going on. I needed to make right with God and deal with bullying.

So tell me Cosmic, why are you a Christian?
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Sounds to me like you just tired and need a breather.

It is always important to get and keep the horse before the cart.

I think in this day and age it is healthy for us to daily ask / remind ourselves, why we are Christians. So many things out there can get us depressed. These are the last days.

Depression is mostly in the mind. I had teachers saying I needed them. But I knew what was really going on. I needed to make right with God and deal with bullying.

So tell me Cosmic, why are you a Christian?
I believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God who was crucified for our sins. He is the only way to Heaven, and I believe I have received him as my Lord and Savior.
I agree. When I replied I was only thinking of my situation of how I became depressed, but actually their are multiple reasons for depression. Could be a medication, genetics, traumatic events, negative thinking cycle, etc...
I take away the genetics answer because I think everyone is made with a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
I take away the genetics answer because I think everyone is made with a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
just realized that when you hover over the verse I provided it uses the NIV version of the scripture and says "and self-control" but if you read the KJV it says "and of a sound mind" which is the one I was referring to.
just realized that when you hover over the verse I provided it uses the NIV version of the scripture and says "and self-control" but if you read the KJV it says "and of a sound mind" which is the one I was referring to.

That's quite OK. A sound mind exercises self-control. :)
I believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God who was crucified for our sins. He is the only way to Heaven, and I believe I have received him as my Lord and Savior.
So how can you be depressed? You believe that God died for you. You believe God of the universe loves you with all His heart and you are depressed? The two don't add up. Must be a medical condition :whistle:.
So how can you be depressed? You believe that God died for you. You believe God of the universe loves you with all His heart and you are depressed? The two don't add up. Must be a medical condition :whistle:.

Did you mean that as an insult or speaking as an expert?
So how can you be depressed? You believe that God died for you. You believe God of the universe loves you with all His heart and you are depressed? The two don't add up. Must be a medical condition :whistle:.

Christians get depressed, too, KingJ. It is a sickness of the soul...the mind. It can be chemical in origin, but most of it is based on repressed emotion, and deep-seated fear or anger or grief that the person lacks the ability to recognize and/or overcome by giving over to God what is too difficult to bear in the flesh.