OSAS vs Shipwreck. Always an interesting discussion
Let's look at the facts:
1. A Christian is a lamb in His flock
2. Jesus is a good shepherd, He will not lose any lambs.
3. The heart of an unsaved man is desperately wicked...after their father the devil whose native tongue is lying.
4. The Shepherd will separate the lambs from the wolves in heaven.
5. We are not yet in heaven.
1. Can a lamb become a wolf?
2. Can a wolf think it is a lamb and live peacefully with them?
If someone was
continuing in a mortal sin, they could either be shipwrecking their salvation and are en route to hell. Or they were never truly saved and are en route to hell. Both beliefs are viable options.
I believe that like a spouse in adultery we can rid our hearts of our first love. Jesus said ''what God has joined let man pull asunder'' yet He
also says ''sexual immorality is grounds for divorce''. OSAS says we can't be separated as one who is in love can't fathom a divorce.
Then there is the OT. With God being impartial to the maximum we have to understand that He can't give preference to us today in the means we receive our salvation.
The requirements to come to God have always been the same. Bend the knee and repent / have a heart after His. Doing this OT got you into Abraham's bosom. Salvation that they had nothing to do with, was when Jesus came and fetched them.
Conclusion: Mankind is wicked and full of deceit. Nothing that comes out our mouths can be trusted. Everyone wants to be a Christian. Live as you want and still go to heaven. No better deal exists! God judges the mind and the heart. We can only judge by actions as James 1:27. Someone continuing in mortal sin = en route to hell.
We can all agree on that .