Discovering myself

Ok I'll read that tonight. Tell me this if you will. How is it he gets to hurt me and do me wrong? And I fight for it continuing to be torn?
I feel like I'm forced to separate it isn't optional. If I really love myself I have to leave him but I don't want to.
This is what I am talking about. I get it, believe me I get it however it is a lot easier at times to get our feelings or understanding mixed in with the Father and far to many times we make the wrong choice and slow or hinder what the Father could do.

This is when we have to move slow and wait on the Lord. I am not saying you are wrong in your mam !!
I am simply saying make sure that you know that you know any choice you make is directed from the Father.

Because on the flip side.......this might just be the situation where God is able to move in this man and totally make life long changes.

From what you telling me sounds like this could be a test of faith. I'm going to really have to meditate and pray on this one. I don't want to move out of my house into my own with a newborn baby. I just feel I need to separate in order for him to see I'm not a joke and I will leave if need be.
I feel like it's so unfair. He gets to leave cut off his phone and go out partying. I'm sitting at the house half way dead from stressing thinking he got to be cheating. He comes home and manipulates me and act like nothing happened and I'm wrong. Bringing a child into a broken home is DANGEROUS.
Ok I'll read that tonight. Tell me this if you will. How is it he gets to hurt me and do me wrong? And I fight for it continuing to be torn?

According to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 its not your husband committing the acts. Yes its his flesh, and he did make the choice to act upon the evil thoughts, but our real enemy is the devil and his demons who are out to steal, kill and destroy. And they are the ones that you are fighting against. They're the ones who are out to hurt you.

The biggest thing for us to learn (and I'm still workimg in this also) is that people are not our problem. It's the evil cohorts that we sometimes submit unknowingly to. They are our real enemies. And when people (even seemingly very strong believers) submit to worldly ways or thoughts they are submitting to the enemy.

Your forgiveness and walking in love is, so that you can open the door to God moving on your behalf. Your making a choice to leave all judgement for sins up to Jesus. Yes what he did hurts, but by choosing to respond in love.... your choosing God's ways. Your loving him like God loves you, and him and us all.... for God has chosen and chooses to forget our sins, so that He can bless us. Its like when your child or friend does something bad, we choose to not remember, because that's real godly love.... its what sent Jesus to the cross. Your choosing to use the love that God gave you (all of us) when you first accepted Him.
Ok that makes a LOT of sense. Now it's how do you put that in perspective. How do you continue to try to love with a child who will pick up on when things are not going good. How do u love someone who doesn't want to he loved they push you away. I absolutely cannot and will not tolerate cheating. If I'm not mistaken doesn't the Bible make this grounds for divorce?
I feel like it's so unfair. He gets to leave cut off his phone and go out partying. I'm sitting at the house half way dead from stressing thinking he got to be cheating. He comes home and manipulates me and act like nothing happened and I'm wrong. Bringing a child into a broken home is DANGEROUS.

Yes, it can seem that way, if you let that thought govern your thinking. However if you really want to throw a monkey wrench in things (in the enemy's plans).... spend that time when he's out, with the Father, and meditating on the Word, get into worship and good godly preaching. Allow The manifested presence of our Lord take you to new heights, and dementions of His love. Then by focusing on God, your not giving any place to the devil, or your husbands evil actions...and will be rejuvinated more than ever.
Yes, it can seem that way, if you let that thought govern your thinking. However if you really want to throw a monkey wrench in things (in the enemy's plans).... spend that time when he's out, with the Father, and meditating on the Word, get into worship and good godly preaching. Allow The manifested presence of our Lord take you to new heights, and dementions of His love. Then by focusing on God, your not giving any place to the devil, or your husbands evil actions...and will be rejuvinated more than ever.
Wow that just took my level of thinking to a new level. You're right and maybe he could just be out with friends. Maybe the devil puts other things in my mind as a means to torment me.
Ok that makes a LOT of sense. Now it's how do you put that in perspective. How do you continue to try to love with a child who will pick up on when things are not going good. How do u love someone who doesn't want to he loved they push you away. I absolutely cannot and will not tolerate cheating. If I'm not mistaken doesn't the Bible make this grounds for divorce?

You are right that the Bible does make cheating grounds for divorce, but that's not God's ultimate desire.

By your walking in love, when no love is being returned or wanted, your teaching your child God's ways over the worlds ways. He will see how to walk upright before the Lord (like his momma) and you will be raising one strong godly man. Who luts the Word of God above everything else.

As you meditate and put your faith in the promises of God's Word, you will see God manifest Himself on your behalf before your child is old enough to know about the bad stuff. You staying focused and unmoved on The Word, and walking in Love will cause God to move heaven and earth to take care of you and your family. And everyday your confessions should line up with the Word. How a godly man should treat his wife. Praying Ephesians 1:16-23 and 3:14-20 and thanking God for granting him the gift of repentance.

Its ok to humbly remind God of His Word. When we fully rest in His Word and rely on Him, we are being humble as the Bible commands
That's amazing! That helps me a lot noe it's just a matter of exercising those things. A lot of the time I rest easy in knowing he'll reap everything he's sewed. That sounds kind of cruel but it helps me rest easy. Knowing someday he will suffer for hurting me and God is gonna make him pay.
Wow that just took my level of thinking to a new level. You're right and maybe he could just be out with friends. Maybe the devil puts other things in my mind as a means to torment me.

The devil is good at that. Its how he tricks us into allowing his ways into our thinking, and then we respond in hisnways which causes strife.

Inwas listening to my pastor talk about strife yesterday and he said that strife is the manifested presence of the enemy. James says where envy and strife are, there is every evil work. Its how the enemy tricks us into giving him access into our lives. Access that Jesus died to make us free from. For the devil only has access into our lives if we allow him. he is a defeated foe :) glory to God!
So when I feel those evil thoughts I need listen to my praise and worship or get on my knees and say a prayer. Do something to get away from the enemy attacking my thoughts.
That's amazing! That helps me a lot noe it's just a matter of exercising those things. A lot of the time I rest easy in knowing he'll reap everything he's sewed. That sounds kind of cruel but it helps me rest easy. Knowing someday he will suffer for hurting me and God is gonna make him pay.

Very true. And the devil will try hard to keep you from putting all this into action. So if you goof, just quickly repent and get back up, determining to experience the victory that God has already bought for you.

I know it.can be comforting to think about his reaping what he sows, and paying for hurting you, but something to think about (well two things really) is him reaping what hes sown may affect you somehow in your life. And if you truly forgive (sometimes it has to be by faith for while) then you are extending the same Grace that God extends to you and the ones He shed His blood to redeem.

It's grace that keep us all from reaping what we have sown in our actions and attitudes. God looks at things a whole lot different than we do. what's bad to us...may not be so bad in God's mind
So when I feel those evil thoughts I need listen to my praise and worship or get on my knees and say a prayer. Do something to get away from the enemy attacking my thoughts.

Yup. 2 Corinthians 10:5... take every thought captive and refuse to think it. Make it line up with What Gods Word says. Philippians 4:8

God has raised you up for such a time as this, with His strength, behind your stubbornly digging your heels in to rebell against the devil and his ways, you can have what you desire (the marriage you've always dreamed of).
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