Still have the problem that "sons of God" in OT did, in fact, refer to the angels, so it is still a possibility. Also the reading of cannot be explained away:
1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
"when men began to multiply on the face of the earth"--"men" here meaning mankind, and daughters were born to them--what was wrong with "sons of God" that they didn't have daughters, and why weren't the "sons of God" multiplying on the face of the earth? This is what tells you "men" meant all mankind with the context.
"that they were beautiful"--What was wrong with the beauty of the daughters of the "sons of God"????? More context which tells you "sons of God" were not men from the line of Seth.
"they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose"-- Plain old average men just took wives or married all of whom they chose. Sounds to me like very, very powerful men to be able to do that, what with dealing with fathers and brothers. Sounds to me like there was something special about them. Hmmmmmmmmm
Yes they were 'sons of God' with the implication that they were led by God since they called on His name. angels sinning by leaving their place can not be called 'sons of God', even though they once were.
Then:4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
Yes giantism is not new, though giants like Goliath of Gath are most uncommon these days.
To assume that these giants were from the union of angels and women would require that the angels had the genes for giantism, but when God created living things, we are told that they would reproduce after their kind. We see this today still. a monkey and a human can not interbreed, neither can a cat and a dog.
"when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them"-- if "sons of God" were normal men, then it would be silly to say they bore children.........of course they would bear children. Ah, but if angels in human form, then you WOULD remark about them making children with daughters of men, because that IS significant.
No, not definite enough...I agree that it is strange to say it that way but it proves nothing. V1 says man (or men kjv) and that daughters were born to them then V2 says the sons of God took these same daughters as wives.
Now the way I read V4, the Nephilim were not these mighty men of old and the giants were not the offspring of the sons of God, because these Nephilim and the giants are said to already be there when the sons of God were procreating with women. There seems to be some detail missing from the narrative, unless 'those days' refer to when God decreed 120 years for mankind.
While I'm at it, what is this "daughters of men" business? Why not just say women? God uses that term elsewhere. It is obvious that it was distinguishing these daughters of mankind from these randy, as you say, angels...leaving their estate.
No, I don't see that it is obvious at all. Please consider what is in v4.
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
We are told that the Nephilim predate the time when the 'sons of God' came into the daughters of men.
We are told that they (?) were the mighty men of old, the men of renown. Who were they? the Nephilim? the 'sons of God'? The Nephilim were already there when this breeding took place.
If the son's of God were the ones calling on the Lord, then that they would have victory over those who were in rebellion seems quite possible. The Bible tells over and over again that if the Lord is on our side the enemy can not prevail.
There are several other objections to the sons of God being angels (in the gen 6 affair).
The creation account makes it clear that like kind begets like kind. Jesus taught from this principle as well.
A human male is apt to find women attractive sexually speaking, whereas he is not likely to find a baboon or any other animal sexually attractive. Why then can an angel be expected to find a lower life form such as a human female attractive?\
Romans ch1 makes it clear that we can learn the Lord's M.O. from nature.
An angelic defilement of God's creation could only take place with God's sanction. Consider Satan's role in the testing oj Job. Satan could only operate against Job within certain and definite limits.
I can believe that angels can rebel, but they can't pull of a job without the Lord knowing of their intentions and they can't go beyond the boundaries set for them. Either the Lord is Lord or the angels rule.
BTW, I do not think that the sons of Seth are the good guys either. Never have never will. Sin was a stowaway on the Ark in the Noah's luggage.