What do you mean by "slain in the spirit"? What I call "rest in the spirit" is to fall unconscious for a relatively long period of time. After that period of time the people wake up and they say that they experienced something like peace or relaxation. As far as I know, they lose control of their bodies during this sort of supernatural faint. I am very sure that this "rest in the spirit" has no Biblical basis and no relation whatsoever with the Holy Ghost.The main reason for my belief is the lack of Biblical support, but I could also mention the fact that idolaters have experienced this. Actually, the "rest in the spirit" is very common in Charismatic Catholic circles, among people who reject the Gospel (salvation by faith and through the merits of Christ). If I remember correctly, I knew a Catholic who had had these experiences (rest in the spirit) and when I took this person to my church a sister in Christ, who was a true prophet of God, told me that God showed her that this Catholic person was possessed.
The term
slain in the spirit probably originated from the ministries of Kulman and MacPherson, way back when, '40s or '50s, however today, whether it's called
slain in the spirit or
rest in the spirit it is in reality nothing more that a '50s era carnival side show act.
It's nothing more than simple hypnotism which has been authenticated by both born again former hypnotists and unregenerated hypnotists, hypnotism places a human in an
altered state of consciousness, which opens up the mind of the hypnotized subject to the power of suggestion (which is basically what advertising companies know and cash in on), once in the hypnotized state they are given commands to do ridiculous things that they wouldn't normally do, hypnotists were a common thing at county fairs back in the '50s and '60s.
Maybe you have seen the old movies where a watch was swung in front of a person and they became hypnotized, maybe not, but the principle is to cause the subject to focus on an outside stimulus that is repeated over and over, it can be anything, a smooth voice, or the walking back and forth in front of the participants, music is very instrumental in hypnotizing, a refrain played over and over again, or one word repeated many, many times in a melodic, singsong voice, in the church we attend they do this while repeatedly singing the name of Jesus over and over, ...then to the observant, and
only to the observant, there is a shift in the time-space continuum and wham, the participants are hypnotized, now, that shift part, that is told to us, explained to us by the professionals that make a living hypnotizing, ...that's when
they say they
know the show can go on!
Now, for any born again child of God, a shift in the time-space continuum is definitely something we shouldn't be playing with or curious about, this
shift allows the creatures in the next dimension access to ours, a door so to speak, and we won't be happy with what the dog drug in, ...guaranteed!
We teach the children in the church and when this
shift occurs the children are affected, they become restless, the start speaking loudly, hitting one another, throwing things, where the minute before the
shift they were quiet and attentive, heh, heh, when we start hearing the singsong name of Jesus we pray that the Lord would not allow these precious children to be affected or touched, ...many a time their so called worship has been thwarted and frustrated! PTL
Now we are seeing the kundalini force being used, which is another part of an altered state of consciousnesses that includes a touch, they touch the person to impart the power, it's called a personal point of contact.
So now, put it all together, go back and watch the video again and watch the hypnotists at work, remember its just a carnival side show act and
not a church worship service, you will see them doing what we have described, see if you can see the different methods they are using and pay attention to the music, ...then beloved, take what you have learned and go to your church, ...it's all a part of Jesus' command to us to watch! Mark 13:37