I will not claim to have any special or intimate knowledge of the H Spirit, but I know that:
- He has appeared as though a dove
- He is not, never, ever an "it"
- He is written in the Bible as though of the male gender because He is of G-d who is also written in the Bible as though of the male gender because Messiah was of the male gender, IS of the male gender, and will always be male
- . . . and there's a lot more.
I will not claim a special relationship to Him above anyone else's. In fact, I believe I know far too little about Him.
Oh, I am running around and around what I am trying to say, because it is so hard to say it. As much as I despise the circus some have made and tried to attach to the H Spirit, and my proclamation that the word translated "tongues" in the Bible really just means languages but the more modern church has messed that up, I feel like I am being dishonest. I should admit that I spoke in what is commonly called "tongues" once. Once. Just once. And it was in the church I was soon kicked out of.
It was the last night the pastor was going to be there -- the pastor who was removed because of certain members' gossip. That Pentecostal church believed in speaking in tongues, and most of us were really hurting over the loss of a beloved pastor. I only spoke what may be thought of as a couple sentences, then I clamped my mouth shut and left.
I don't understand to this day what happened or why, because I did not want to do that. At all.
Within two weeks after that pastor was removed because of the meanness and gossip of what I like to call the Triple Trinity -- a group of nine in a congregation of a little over 200 -- the number of attendees dropped to 75. Within a year, it was down to @45. For several years, there were 20-25 there. The church has been closed and for sale for around a year. And as far as I know, the Triple Trinity is still clueless.