Do you not remember that while Jesus is the Son ,and the Father is the Father and the Holy Spirit is the same.
That there is but ONE God.
The subject of the Trinity of God is not to be entered into in reply to such a subject/argument .
But all that Jesus WAS the Holy Spirit IS .
All the Father IS the Holy Spirit IS .
The Holy Spirit is not a power , a force, or even a principle .He is a person who is GOD .
He is the Spirit of Christ .
Jesus is the "EXPRESS IMAGE of the invisible God"
We see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ .
Jesus is the wisdom of God personified .
The grace of God personified .
Never the less it was not the Son that doeth the work but the Father who was IN him that "doeth the work"
Even as the Holy Spirit was IN Him so in the measure given is he IN every true believer.
"show us the father " said one .
Have I been with you so long that you kn ow not me" was the answer.
Know ye not that I am in the father and the father is in me?
Know ye not the Lord says "Behold I stand at the door and knock and if any man has ears to hear and opens the door ;then the Father and the Son will come and sup with him"
in Christ
Brother, it still does not make Jesus to be the Holy Spirit. Was Jesus anointed with himself? Was Jesus filled with himself? Did Jesus anoint himself? The answer is no!! The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all share the same nature as God, but each one is separate from each other but one God. No one can call Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit, anymore than anyone can call the Father Jesus Christ. Are we ever to ask the Father in the name of the Holy Spirit, or are we to ask Jesus in the name of the Father for anything? You can try but you will never get anything, because the name of Jesus Christ alone is the only name that will cause us to receive anything. Why do you suppose that is?