The way I see it is, grace acts on the heart of the one being forgiven.The damage an unforgiving heart does is why forgiveness is more a quality of the forgives than the forgiven.
If you look at post#2 in this thread where I attempted to provide definitions for forgiveness, mercy and grace, none of those definitions related to the one being forgiven, only to the forgives.
Further, if you look at grace as looking for and concentrating on the better qualities, it should be logical that those that are forgiving are exhibiting grace.
Practicing grace increases our mastery of love.
Being unforgiving hardens our own soul.
So not only does Jesus have grace towards us, he GIVES us this grace. If that makes sense. And that empowers us to make a change, from being offensive to being gracious. But we must receive it. And sometimes we must ask for it, otherwise, we wont receive it.
I will do a bit more study on it, but Im pretty sure God GIVES grace to the humble, yet resists the proud.
Also, Gods mercies are new each morning...mercy is something maybe you dont even need to ask for. God will give it anyway.