FYI: Word of Faith Statement of Faith

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Brother you know what is the most awesome thing about missing the mark ?
GRACE Brother GREAT GRACE is there waiting for us and if we obeyed and went forth and missed it bigger then life...........we still get the credit for the whole thing and if He needs to He will call someoner else to fix it and make it right.

God is not looking for Perfection BUT a Willing to be Willing Obedient Heart onto Him and wee may have missed it by a mile......but we were obedient and went and did our best and GOD will give us credit for the entire ordeal even if He has to bring in a substitute to fix it.

Now that is liven brother.........Liven by Gods Grace.
Blessings my friend
Exactly! Before Israel got the Law, they were under grace, and none were feeble, Psa 105:37.
Maybe I misunderstood... my understanding is that Gina was saying that they sinned before they got the Law. I said they got the Law then they sinned, hence her "correction" of what I said.

LOl Dont ask me ? I just visit here.
I just went back and re-read it again and I believe the last part about the children of Israel she was adding to what you were talking about. Another depth of how they were acting and thinking. Something we had heard taught some time back.
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Major we will have our day some time after the 15th of the month when I get my new data for the month. System updates wipedout just about then entire months worth . lol

However since I have a minute or tweo I want to say something about your answer marked 2
If you want to claim you are both saved and a sinner be my guest. All men are born with a sin nature. When we become born again all things are NEW and not the same.
WE ARE NOT TO BE SIN MINDED. If saying I am a sinner and a saint is not beingh sin minded then what is ?

Scripture tells us over and over even as.....evan as a sinner ? No I dont think so.
Please get into practice if you are going to quote out side parties in our thread you need to include the entire chapter word for word or it will be void and worthless. That is what you agreed to. ; )


I KNOW so Jim! I am a forgiven sinner and now am a saint of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am exactly like Paul in Romans 7 and so is everyone else. The difference between me and you is that I admit it.

The Old nature of sin can not be destroyed Jim. I agree that we are not SIN MINDED and we as Christians are not dominated by sin UNLESS we allow it. That however is not the issue is it????
Exactly! Keep in the word of God and keep away from those that pervert the word of God. God is so awesome! Why would we not want to keep in His sayings rather than what men preach? Let scripture interpret scripture. I beg everyone not to believe a word "I" say, but to study the word of God for themselves, so they can say "The Lord says" not "Brother Abdicate says". I'm a man and subject to the whims of the day, unresolved sin, incorrect teachings by men (including myself) but God! God is faithful to help us ALL see the truth through the Holy Spirit! Right on brother! God bless Jim!

Absolutly agreed!!!!!
I arrived at this statement through talking to people who are a part of the movement, through preachers who are part of it, and through research (books) on the topic. I believe that the word of faith movement has many holes in it, and there is a lot of harm in it, along with the new apostolic reformation movement, charismatic movement and prosperity movement. Often, all of these are linked together.

They are linked together because they all come from the same source.
Not at all. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is something apart from what happens at salvation. Read the word and discover for yourself how Holy Spirit came upon believers and anointed them with His fullness.

To say that "Read the word and discover for yourself" is a very veiled attempt at that thing we talked about....."Elitism".
That is beneath you my sister and once again I encourage you to come above that kind of thing. It never speak well of a believer.
We will leave this as it is.....we are in disagreement. There is no need to pass it back and forth.
To say that "Read the word and discover for yourself" is a very veiled attempt at that thing we talked about....."Elitism".
That is beneath you my sister and once again I encourage you to come above that kind of thing. It never speak well of a believer.
We will leave this as it is.....we are in disagreement. There is no need to pass it back and forth.
I don't see that in her words. You disagree on something, she's saying the same thing I would. It's not "we're better than you" it's a truth that needs to be settled for those that don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. It's for everyone. Even Paul, Acts 19:1-4, asked christians if they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they admitted they'd never heard of it. So, it is indeed something apart from salvation. And it is only just for the elites, those in Christ. :D
In Christ, and because of Christ and His blood, God doesn't see us or call us sinners. No one in scripture who is born again is ever referred to as a sinner. We are now saints, brothers and sisters in Christ...the Body of Christ, the Church, the righteous, the redeemed.

I agree on the blood of the Lord Jesus. That is Biblical so no one can disagree.

We ARE saints and brothers and sisters in Christ without a doubt.

Saints are not sinless, but the lives of saints do reflect the reality of the presence of Christ in our hearts, in whom we “live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).

I do not believe that once a person is saved he lives a life on earth without sin. The Bible doesn't teach any such doctrine and in fact it teaches the very opposite. But that really is not the issue is my sister????

The issue of sinless perfection is actually rooted in the belief that SOME believers are better than others and they get a 2nd blessing or filling of the Holy Spirit. There is no hierarchy of saints. All who belong to Christ by faith are saints, and none of us are more “saintly” than our Christian brothers and sisters. The apostle Paul, who is no more of a saint than the most obscure Christian, begins his first letter to the Corinthian church by declaring that they were “sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be saints, together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:2).

The traditional Christian faiths argue that Christians are positionally sanctified since we're indwelt with the Holy Spirit at salvation, but we won't be experientially sanctified (made perfect) until we get to heaven. WHY???????
Because we live in a body prone to sin which is what Paul explained in Romans 7.

On the other hand, many charismatics believe that Christians can receive a "second blessing" whereby they receive the "filling" of the Spirit at some point following salvation at which they reach sinless perfection. That Euphemia is the position from which you are coming from.

However, in all of our back and forth I have yet to see how you can explain 1 John 1:8 ............
"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."

You then said........"No one in scripture who is born again is ever referred to as a sinner".

That is not true. Paul called himself a SINNER my sister.

Paul struggled with SIN in his everyday life. In Romans 7:15, he says, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

Verse 18 goes on to say, "I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out."

Obviously, Paul was a Christian, and he sinned as a Christian. In fact, verse 19 says, "For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-- this I keep on doing." Not only did Paul SIN, but he kept on sinning. He continued to SIN, which is contrary to what you are proposing.

So then who is correct, the Bible or YOU????
I don't see that in her words. You disagree on something, she's saying the same thing I would. It's not "we're better than you" it's a truth that needs to be settled for those that don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. It's for everyone. Even Paul, Acts 19:1-4, asked christians if they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they admitted they'd never heard of it. So, it is indeed something apart from salvation. And it is only just for the elites, those in Christ. :D

Then unfortunately we will have to disagree.
I am not sure I understand your thinking but IMO THE problem now is the same as it was in the Garden of Eden......SIN!

What am trying to say, what I read above ("the Statement of Faith" as I see it: it seems to be denominational at first due to Philosophy...

Denominational can be due to:
Philosophy of Man (semantics, single focus one point of view)
Difference in gifts: and one is focusing n one gifts
Or difference in measure of Faith on has, when out of boundary of accepting each other...

I like/hope to see the motivation is more on the last: it is denomination the promotes one to have more Faith….because I personally need that one : ) I enjoy reading post that promotes one to have more Faith....

Now, the last one: will it be a denomination then? I don’t think so… but imo: the moment it is out of boundary of as Paul describe Christian Liberty of “those who eat” and “those who eat not”….. that is: of judge or contempt:

although it is interesting to me as Paul said: man, as imperfect messenger that man is: Paul rejoice
strife = can be on Philosophy, one likes to be the one to be correct...
envy = I can only speculate, although am not really sure how one can preach the gospel out of envy?

Philippians 1:12-18New King James Version (NKJV)
Christ Is Preached
12 But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, 13 so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; 14 and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

15 Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from goodwill: 16 The formera]'>[a] preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; 17 but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. 18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.
Let me try this again....

LOl Dont ask me ? I just visit here.
I just went back and re-read it again and I believe the last part about the children of Israel she was adding to what you were talking about. Another depth of how they were acting and thinking. Something we had heard taught some time back.
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I don't see that in her words. You disagree on something, she's saying the same thing I would. It's not "we're better than you" it's a truth that needs to be settled for those that don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. It's for everyone. Even Paul, Acts 19:1-4, asked christians if they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they admitted they'd never heard of it. So, it is indeed something apart from salvation. And it is only just for the elites, those in Christ. :D

I believe that if you will do a little more study on Acts 19:1-4 you will find that "Have you received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" be a poor translation. Both the Greek verbs receive and believe are in the same tense. The ASV and ESV translate the verse more accurately as:.....
"Did ye receive the Holy Spirit when ye believed?"

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges:
{and he said unto them} The different reading in the last verse renders a conjunction needful here, and this the oldest MSS. have.Did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed?] The two verbs in the original are in the same tense, and there is nothing to justify the “since” of the A. V.

Paul is asking them..."When you believed, did you receive the Holy Spirit"?

Their answer was that they had not even heard of the Holy Spirit. They had been taught up to the baptism of John but they had not been instructed about the Lord Jesus and they knew nothing about Pentecost.

Now when you consider verse 3 you will see I think that these people were baptized but they were not saved so they could not have received the Holy Spirit because they were not saved.

All of this is confirmed IMO in verse #5...........
"When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus"!

John's baptism was one of repentance. It was a preparation for the coming of the Lord Jesus because John was the forerunner of Christ. Now when that was explained to them they in fact turned to Christ and are saved then they received the Holy Spirit because they were saved then not later.
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Exactly! Before Israel got the Law, they were under grace, and none were feeble, Psa 105:37.

Just asking.......could this be a general description of the capability of the people for traveling, or for going into war ?

Have you read that the Psalms 105:37 verse actually confronts a lying story told by some heathen writers that the Israelites were driven out of Egypt because they had the itch, leprosy, and other diseases upon them. Aben Ezra and Kimchi interpret it, there was not a poor or necessitous man among them, for they abounded with gold and silver.
I believe that if you will do a little more study on Acts 19:1-4 you will find that "Have you received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" be a poor translation. Both the Greek verbs receive and believe are in the same tense. The ASV and ESV translate the verse more accurately as:.....
"Did ye receive the Holy Spirit when ye believed?"

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges:
{and he said unto them} The different reading in the last verse renders a conjunction needful here, and this the oldest MSS. have.Did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed?] The two verbs in the original are in the same tense, and there is nothing to justify the “since” of the A. V.

Paul is asking them..."When you believed, did you receive the Holy Spirit"?

Their answer was that they had not even heard of the Holy Spirit. They had been taught up to the baptism of John but they had not been instructed about the Lord Jesus and they knew nothing about Pentecost.

Now when you consider verse 3 you will see I think that these people were baptized but they were not saved so they could not have received the Holy Spirit because they were not saved.

All of this is confirmed IMO in verse #5...........
"When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus"!

John's baptism was one of repentance. It was a preparation for the coming of the Lord Jesus because John was the forerunner of Christ. Now when that was explained to them they in fact turned to Christ and are saved then they received the Holy Spirit because they were saved then not later.
It still separates salvation from receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit...
Just asking.......could this be a general description of the capability of the people for traveling, or for going into war ?

Have you read that the Psalms 105:37 verse actually confronts a lying story told by some heathen writers that the Israelites were driven out of Egypt because they had the itch, leprosy, and other diseases upon them. Aben Ezra and Kimchi interpret it, there was not a poor or necessitous man among them, for they abounded with gold and silver.
David was recounting the events of the Exodus, so I'll say it was for travel. I'll stick to the word of God when it says no one was feeble, no one was feeble (aka weak). :D Nope, I never heard that.
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