I also have to say that the churches have sugar coated a lot of the gospel to their liking to entice people in with their nice programs , music and otherclubs and entertainment and I have even heard of some churches that have a coffee shop and restuarant right in the foyer .
I come from an old time religion type where the whole Bible was preached and people would squirm in their seats cause that paster talked about Hell fire and brimstone and was not afraid to preach it . It takes a Holy Ghost filled pastor to preach the whole Bible and there are many passages that deal with Hell and Jesus preached more about Hell than He did heaven
Why did someone as good and loving as Christ spend so much time warning us about "the fire that shall never be quenched" -- a place of "weeping and gnashing of teeth"? Why did He talk more about the fires of hell than about the joys of heaven?
The subject of hell is so sobering that many are more comfortable ignoring it. That's the church of today the feel good tickle my ears kind of churches.
I am not bragging but am blessed to be apart of a church that believes in and practices the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues , where people are now coming to the alters hungering and thirsting for more of God and His gifts . We need more churches to teach the truth about Hell even if some people turn away .
Why is there so much sin and hypocrasy in church ? I'll tell you why cause they are happy to listen and not dig into the Word and find out for themselves.
The Bible describes hell as a place of utter darkness … also as a lake of fire that burns day and night forever. Whether this is literal or figurative we do not know. What we do know is that Jesus described hell as a place of eternal torment. It is a place that was prepared for the devil and his fallen angels/demons—a place to where those who have never received forgiveness for their sins will be banned forever. It's not that God sends us to hell but that we send ourselves there when we don't heed God's warning and receive his forgiveness for all our sins and his gift of eternal life.
I come from an old time religion type where the whole Bible was preached and people would squirm in their seats cause that paster talked about Hell fire and brimstone and was not afraid to preach it . It takes a Holy Ghost filled pastor to preach the whole Bible and there are many passages that deal with Hell and Jesus preached more about Hell than He did heaven
Why did someone as good and loving as Christ spend so much time warning us about "the fire that shall never be quenched" -- a place of "weeping and gnashing of teeth"? Why did He talk more about the fires of hell than about the joys of heaven?
The subject of hell is so sobering that many are more comfortable ignoring it. That's the church of today the feel good tickle my ears kind of churches.
I am not bragging but am blessed to be apart of a church that believes in and practices the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues , where people are now coming to the alters hungering and thirsting for more of God and His gifts . We need more churches to teach the truth about Hell even if some people turn away .
Why is there so much sin and hypocrasy in church ? I'll tell you why cause they are happy to listen and not dig into the Word and find out for themselves.
The Bible describes hell as a place of utter darkness … also as a lake of fire that burns day and night forever. Whether this is literal or figurative we do not know. What we do know is that Jesus described hell as a place of eternal torment. It is a place that was prepared for the devil and his fallen angels/demons—a place to where those who have never received forgiveness for their sins will be banned forever. It's not that God sends us to hell but that we send ourselves there when we don't heed God's warning and receive his forgiveness for all our sins and his gift of eternal life.