Discernment will result in humility and obedience--sometimes-- and in anger at others, Jesus called people names/cursed them, Paul cursed them as well. Both were righteous. People paint a picture that GOD is a warm fuzzy cuddly santa bear and never does anything to upset people. I mean other than eternal damnation, genocide, abuse and torture of His followers, etc... There is a contrast that defines God that the masses today ignore. They will write off the parts considered ugly and give lame apologies for them, or ignore them all together.
People don't believe in a GOD who is LORD and can do whatever he wishes to whomever He wishes. They see a god who is only here to make their lifes better. They focus on the eternal life, not the many deaths you suffer to get there. They pray for give me gifts, not for your will be done. THEY MAY MOUTH your will be done, but their heart is gimme gimme gimme. People paint God as an altruistic "nice and loving" by human standards entity. That is a man made God, not the God of the Bible. The contrast of God is He was angry, and acted on that anger as well.
So I think people put too much emphasis on the warm fuzzies and deny the "ugly" parts of being God. As a result there are tules made to "act like God" rather than efforts made to be like God. Nice concise, short answer, eh?
When giving your children a directive, the first priority is that they hear the message. Case in point. Your child is about to stick their licked finger in the electric socket. You say nicely and lovingly, warmly even, you should not do that. And the child goes forward to do it anyway. At what point do you get emphatic, heated, and forceful? OR do you let the child go forward with the rule of being nice overcome the rule of save their lives as the priority?
That's what Paul is talking about in Col 2. People who make rules to appear Godly and keep their eyes on the man made objectives, which are merely a shadow of the substance of what is in Christ.
Paul wished some of his theological objectors would maul and maim their junk. I mean their intimate junk, those parts that would belong to their wives alone, junk. Had Paul said that in MOST Xian forums I know, he would have been banned. I find that somewhat ironic. (deliberately avoiding comments on this forum in my statement there...) OR Jesus called the Pharisees the worst name he could call them. It was the biggest insult to them that their could be. To a people who strove daily to be perfectly ritually pure for 24 hours, with the belief their KING/MESSIAH would return if just ONE of them could pull it off; their whole purpose on earth for living being their single and solitary focus all day every day, be CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN, (which is why the pharisees walked on the other side of the road from the bleeding man that the samaritan saved.)... to that people he called them the most unclean, spiritually corrupt, antithesis of their faith he could call them. Viper. See Genesis 1.
They devoted their lives to being GOD, and it was a devotion that obsessed and occupied every waking movement and thought, and He called them the very opposite of their goals. It's like walking to a woman protecting her child from danger, clutching the child to her breast and calling the police accusing her of pedophilia. That's akin to the insult Christ gave them.
This sort of insult, that maligned their name/character, is what a CURSE was. When you read a scripture that says do not curse, that's what it is discussing. Those seven words you used to not be able to say on TV, wouldn't even fall into the discussion, unless the action/heart behind those words was the sin. But the words themselves, are inherently free of judgement.
Nice short answer. I'm doing better....
Amen, Xian!!
So I pose this question.
Does God honor our humility and obedience OVER discernment and judgment when making a decision about whether or not to obey His direction?
I will offer that a humble and obedient spirit is the behavior you would prefer when giving your children a directive, over them using all their childlike abililities to discern the necessity of it all. How much more does GOD deserve?!