Yes, we are saved by God's grace (I already said that.) But the Word makes it very clear that we appropriate God's grace through faith and repentance. That does not mean that we earn it, but that faith and repentance are the means God has provided for us to take hold of it. If that were not the case, then everyone would be saved, there would be no need for either faith or repentance, and the preaching of the Gospel would be pointless.
Yes, you do that to get saved. You don't continue having faith and repentance to maintain salvation. Someone who is saved has the Holy Spirit carrying them to heaven. Continuing in the faith in itself is one of the assurances of salvation (1 John 2:19). Can a Christian rebel and be brought back? yes. Again, prodigal son.
God will never physically stop you from sinning by jumping to the rescue and beating up Mr.Temptation. The whole point is to get humanity to listen to simple instruction. "Don't do this, you'll hurt yourself." God will however manipulate (whether directly or indirectly) the environment to bring His children back if they go astray.
God does not ever, at any point, force us to accept Him. Yes, He can make it very uncomfortable for us to refuse Him, but He always allows us the choice. The "Rich Young Ruler" in the Gospels walked away from Jesus because he valued his wealth more than a relationship with God. Jesus did not run after him and beg him to reconsider; He did not lassoo him and drag him back; He did not hurl a rock at him and knock him out to give him time to think about things. No, He simply let him go: his decision, his choice, his loss. (And yes, I know you're going to say "But he wasn't a Christian." No, he wasn't - but he was one of God's covenant people.)
God doesn't force anybody to accept Him. I never claimed He did. You have to be an UNBELIEVER to accept Jesus. Believers have ALREADY done that. You can't group everyone together. Just because someone is of covenant people doesn't mean anything. Salvation is to the INDIVIDUAL, not group. If it wasn't, every gentile would be saved. You're not saved because you're Jewish; You're not saved because you're a Gentile. Being one of God's covenant people is not being saved. God didn't drag him back BECAUSE he wasn't saved to begin with. Again, 1 John 2:19.
As for the prodigal son, yes, I agree the parable is talking about Christians. BUT the father did not force him to return; nor did the father cause the condition in which he found himself. That was purely the result of his own bad choices. The father did not even go out to look for him or to try to persuade him to return home. It was only AFTER he had decided that he would be better off as one of his father's servants than where he was, and had picked himself up out of the mud and begun the journey home, that the father came out to meet him. If you are looking for a Scripture passage to say that God forces people to return to Him, this is definitely not it!!
Do you honestly believe God had nothing to do with the result of the Prodigal son's life? Do you honestly believe it was just a coincidence he lost everything so he could see how good he had it and rely on God? Absolutely not. God was in control of everything. God was responsible for the Prodigal son's ruined life, whether directly or indirectly. That is how God breaks the legs of rebellious sheep. He manipulates outcomes and environments, not the individuals themselves.
Likewise, the word translated "makes me lie down" in Psalm 23 do not mean "forces me" but simply "causes me."
Don't correct God please. God is in charge of translations, and has never made an error when translating. God promised to preserve his words in Psalm 12:7 and you are saying God is wrong. One 1611 King James translator is more gifted and intelligent than the entire modern day translation committees for all versions of the Bible put together. You give 3 reasons for translating "makes me" as "causes me," they will give you 70 reasons not to. Unless you are better than Lancelot Andrewes who was fluent in 15 different languages, or some other translators on that team one of which wrote a Hebrew/Chaldee lexicon at the age of fifteen, I'm thinking I'll side with them. I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but I don't like hearing people correct God's word. But, that is another subject.
the Lord is quite prepared to BLOT OUT names from the Book of Life!!
And? The book of life is not a book of saved people. It is a book of ALL people who were physically born. The people who's names are blotted out are the people who will go to the second death (hell), being they no longer have "life." Hence the title "Book of life." All children/babies are written in the book of life (guaranteed heaven) until they are old enough to understand and rebel against God instead of choose salvation. Only then will their names be blotted out if God in His foresight sees them live an impenitent life.