How do I protect myself from the enemy in this house?

Of course you don't! But if you wait on God and ask Holy Spirit to give you boldness---we are as bold as a lion, now, remember?---then He will give you the words of wisdom to say, and have your mother respect your answers.

God is not lacking in this ability. You can trust Him.

Nothing I say will my mom respect. Anything of God, she does not respect.
God can shut the mouths of lions. He can shut her up, too. Stand firm in your faith and in the self-respect knowing Jesus gives you.

So you're saying that God will go against her free will to choose to speak hatred? As for self-respect, that was ruined when I was a child. I have no self respect. My mom made sure of that.

My wife just dropped off something for our daughter, and my mom had a fit. I told her it's not a big deal and that these things have to happen, and she said it's a big deal to her and that it will not continue to happen.
So you're saying that God will go against her free will to choose to speak hatred? As for self-respect, that was ruined when I was a child. I have no self respect. My mom made sure of that.

My wife just dropped off something for our daughter, and my mom had a fit. I told her it's not a big deal and that these things have to happen, and she said it's a big deal to her and that it will not continue to happen.

God can shut her mouth, yes.

You have control over how you respond, despite how she is. She has no control over what you and your wife do. She can stew in her own juice, but what your wife just did was a normal course of activity. Your mother has something wrong with her. Don't let her hatred deter you from living your life.

You have the authority as a believer to command her to be quiet in Jesus' name if her out-of-control hatred starts being poured out on you.
A gentle answer deflects anger,
but harsh words make tempers flare.

I live with my mother too and I am 31, in the past it has been very difficult particularly before I knew the Lord properly, I just hope to encourage you from my experience. My mum is not a believer either and tempers flared pretty regularly for a long time between my mum, my brother and my sister. Now it is just my mum and I and I'm sure your aware that it takes two people to actually have an argument. I understand that it is very hard not to argue with someone you live with who is easy to anger, in fact I would say it is impossible in your own strength. However it is the Lords strength we need, and only by the Holy Spirit can we be equipped to overcome such difficulties.

Before I was saved the 'harsh words' that 'make tempers flare' were all I had to say, in order to have 'A gentle answer' to 'deflect anger' I needed the Love of God in my heart.
I have found from what God has revealed to me, that when someone is continually living in hatred it is because they are suffering greatly inside. Because your mum is not a believer she has never known the Love of God for her, she has no defence against the enemy and is not saved.
I would urge you to seek the Lord on this matter, and ask Him how you can show her the love that He has shown you, in doing so with compassion I truly believe you can deflect the anger. Please keep us posted on your situation and I pray it gets better you all,

Many blessings,
God want to set your household free, He wants the Kingdom to come down where your at, He wants to set your mother free. Speak Gods word at all times, think Gods word in your head, rule there first. Then speak His word all day. Put on the full armor of God, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, shoes of the gospel, shield of faith, sword of the Spirit, weld these weapons at all times in the Spirit. Jesus has given you authority right now! Look with faith in your day and watch God do miracles! I'm blowing on you with Jesus, lol, His presence is so thick around you right now! His love is on you, and you will never be the same, right now!!!!! I feel God's love on you, for you, i'm in tears right now, lol, omg!!!!! Feel Him, right NOW!!!
God can shut her mouth, yes.

You have control over how you respond, despite how she is. She has no control over what you and your wife do. She can stew in her own juice, but what your wife just did was a normal course of activity. Your mother has something wrong with her. Don't let her hatred deter you from living your life.

You have the authority as a believer to command her to be quiet in Jesus' name if her out-of-control hatred starts being poured out on you.
You have the authority as a believer to command her to be quiet in Jesus' name if her out-of-control hatred starts being poured out on you.
This you say is directed in prayer correct ?! The brother lives in her house and is eating there and so forth. The brother is trying to walk in love and infact is more so then many I have seen in here. Yea in a natural sense of the word - he has the right to speak that way to his mother But then again walking in Love - he shall show Gods love and not stir up strife.

Euphemia.........what say your daughter comes your way and begins speaking of her plans and you do not agree at all. So knowing you as a mother begin to tell her how it is..........she says in the name of Jesus I command you to be quiet mom.............tell me truthfully would you react to this ?
I do that every night. I have been doing that since 2009 when I became a Christian.

Sorry to hear about your mom.

Everytime you think about your mom, ask God to bless her with peace and joy overflowing. I have done this with others and it takes a little time, but it works. When you are asking God to bless someone no matter how they are treating you, then you are opening up the door for God to work. Love is the foundation of how everything works.

Just a thought...if you were to tell your mom that your going to see your children (even though your wife will be there also, but that part can be left out)...would she calm down? You would not be lying...just not mentioning your wife's name.
You have the authority as a believer to command her to be quiet in Jesus' name if her out-of-control hatred starts being poured out on you.
This you say is directed in prayer correct ?! The brother lives in her house and is eating there and so forth. The brother is trying to walk in love and infact is more so then many I have seen in here. Yea in a natural sense of the word - he has the right to speak that way to his mother But then again walking in Love - he shall show Gods love and not stir up strife.

Euphemia.........what say your daughter comes your way and begins speaking of her plans and you do not agree at all. So knowing you as a mother begin to tell her how it is..........she says in the name of Jesus I command you to be quiet mom.............tell me truthfully would you react to this ?
If this woman is as bad as described, she is working for the kingdom of darkness. We have the authority of Christ to stand against it and prevail!
You have the authority as a believer to command her to be quiet in Jesus' name if her out-of-control hatred starts being poured out on you.
This you say is directed in prayer correct ?! The brother lives in her house and is eating there and so forth. The brother is trying to walk in love and infact is more so then many I have seen in here. Yea in a natural sense of the word - he has the right to speak that way to his mother But then again walking in Love - he shall show Gods love and not stir up strife.

Euphemia.........what say your daughter comes your way and begins speaking of her plans and you do not agree at all. So knowing you as a mother begin to tell her how it is..........she says in the name of Jesus I command you to be quiet mom.............tell me truthfully would you react to this ?
As for my daughter, she is serving God, and our relationship is a mature, loving and respectful one.
If this woman is as bad as described, she is working for the kingdom of darkness. We have the authority of Christ to stand against it and prevail!
There is a fine line here Euphemia - We are commanded not suggested to but commanded to walk in love. This is not simply towards another believer but All as in Everyone.

Taking authority over this type of situation brings better results if Done in Prayer as We Keep Walking In Love.

You speak of working for the kingdom of darkness.........a lot of replies in this and every other forum ( and you have seen this ) it could be said the same about them.

His mother may not be rooted and grounded in Gods word or have the walking in love down very well. She may have a habit of saying what ever is on her mind and doing what she feels is best. We can not fault her for this...........we can however in Prayer take authority over this situation and strong holds.........Walking In Love and Forgiveness is a Must for it is a Command first and secondly it pleases the Father.

As for my daughter, she is serving God, and our relationship is a mature, loving and respectful one.
That was simply an then should I have said daughters ?
It simply was an example. Naomanos a son dealing with mother.
Euphemia mother and replaced the son with a daughter as for use as an example.

I did not say this in any other way. (y)
By all means the Christian needs to be all prayed up. I would never force what I am discerning here upon anyone who is not willing or able to do it. I am basically saying what I would do in such a situation. The poor man's marriage is crumbling before his eyes. He's lost his home base, his standing as head of his own home, and now he's forced to undergo subjection to an unbeliever's rage and abuse?

Respect mama, but put her in her place. Man up. We are not called by God to be doormats or to take abuse like that.
Further more - what are the characteristics of Love ? Walking in Love as God has Commanded us to Must display all of these characteristics ( fruit ) of Love
By all means the Christian needs to be all prayed up. I would never force what I am discerning here upon anyone who is not willing or able to do it. I am basically saying what I would do in such a situation. The poor man's marriage is crumbling before his eyes. He's lost his home base, his standing as head of his own home, and now he's forced to undergo subjection to an unbeliever's rage and abuse?

Respect mama, but put her in her place. Man up. We are not called by God to be doormats or to take abuse like that.

Man up ? You got to be joking here.....
That attitude might be well and good for you.............however it does not line up with how God commands us to walk in this life. Walking in Love is Not ever going to be a door mat.
A strong will as you suggest in this situation will Only add fuel to the fire and make things worse.

Walking in Love - Forgiveness - taking authority in prayer will Move God in the situation.
He is a man, and not a child.

People often mistake the love walk with being a doormat.
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Meaning what ?

Jim, it means what it says. He is a man with a family of his own, and as the word teaches, a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife. He has a responsibility to her alone. His mother doesn't take her place, even though they are separated. He is his own man and needs to stand up for himself against anyone who would seek to tear him down emotionally, which is more of the work of the enemy that he has been up against for a long time.
He is his own man and needs to stand up for himself against anyone whowould seek to tear him downemotionally, which is more of the work of the enemy that he has been up against for a long time.

That really sounds more along the line of operating under the flesh. That is something we are not to do. Stand up for our selves.

Now by standing up - if you mean seeking God and tsaking authority over all this in prayer then yes. if you mean standing up to others and demanding your rights then NO !

What you posted is opposite of walking in Love. The situation you painted is not the situation he is in. I am not trying to come against you - it is just not Christ like to stand up to those who persecute us.