You have been given a lot of advice in here. I urge you to think about things and pray about things before putting any of it into being. I will explain in an example.
As I told you in our writings - I have been there many times.
I can imagine there is a lot of the same things going on there - as there was with me.
Living in moms house. Not our house but moms house.
Eating some of moms food
Borrowing money at times for a vehicle or what have you.
Standing up for your rights as a man or christian or person
It is moms house and not ours. We are lving at moms house not mom at our house.
I did that stand up for my self thing when I was a young Christian- here is what it got me.
The next day I did not have to put up with moms stuff any more for I was now living in a jeep wagoneer with my doberman.
God reminded me of what I have said above. I took it out of His hands and put it in mine hands By demanding my rights. Yes God helped me in this but for a hand full of days it was finding a safe place to park and running the jeep on and off theough out the night trying to keep warm and dodging police officers and finding ways to make gas money and feed the dog and my self.
No sir - walking in Love and Forgiveness and setting a Godly example will always get Gods attention and He will move on your behalf.
Praying for her or who ever - and - not praying God change her or make her do this or that.
Just wanted to share this with you.....................
There is a time to rise up and make a stand...........and this is NOT one of them.
God Bless my friend and brother
You have been given a lot of advice in here. I urge you to think about things and pray about things before putting any of it into being. I will explain in an example.
As I told you in our writings - I have been there many times.
I can imagine there is a lot of the same things going on there - as there was with me.
Living in moms house. Not our house but moms house.
Eating some of moms food
Borrowing money at times for a vehicle or what have you.
Standing up for your rights as a man or christian or person
It is moms house and not ours. We are lving at moms house not mom at our house.
I did that stand up for my self thing when I was a young Christian- here is what it got me.
The next day I did not have to put up with moms stuff any more for I was now living in a jeep wagoneer with my doberman.
God reminded me of what I have said above. I took it out of His hands and put it in mine hands By demanding my rights. Yes God helped me in this but for a hand full of days it was finding a safe place to park and running the jeep on and off theough out the night trying to keep warm and dodging police officers and finding ways to make gas money and feed the dog and my self.
No sir - walking in Love and Forgiveness and setting a Godly example will always get Gods attention and He will move on your behalf.
Praying for her or who ever - and - not praying God change her or make her do this or that.
Just wanted to share this with you.....................
There is a time to rise up and make a stand...........and this is NOT one of them.
God Bless my friend and brother