How do I protect myself from the enemy in this house?

You have been given a lot of advice in here. I urge you to think about things and pray about things before putting any of it into being. I will explain in an example.

As I told you in our writings - I have been there many times.
I can imagine there is a lot of the same things going on there - as there was with me.
Living in moms house. Not our house but moms house.
Eating some of moms food
Borrowing money at times for a vehicle or what have you.

Standing up for your rights as a man or christian or person
It is moms house and not ours. We are lving at moms house not mom at our house.

I did that stand up for my self thing when I was a young Christian- here is what it got me.
The next day I did not have to put up with moms stuff any more for I was now living in a jeep wagoneer with my doberman.

God reminded me of what I have said above. I took it out of His hands and put it in mine hands By demanding my rights. Yes God helped me in this but for a hand full of days it was finding a safe place to park and running the jeep on and off theough out the night trying to keep warm and dodging police officers and finding ways to make gas money and feed the dog and my self.

No sir - walking in Love and Forgiveness and setting a Godly example will always get Gods attention and He will move on your behalf.
Praying for her or who ever - and - not praying God change her or make her do this or that.

Just wanted to share this with you.....................
There is a time to rise up and make a stand...........and this is NOT one of them.
God Bless my friend and brother
He is his own man and needs to stand up for himself against anyone whowould seek to tear him downemotionally, which is more of the work of the enemy that he has been up against for a long time.

That really sounds more along the line of operating under the flesh. That is something we are not to do. Stand up for our selves.

Now by standing up - if you mean seeking God and tsaking authority over all this in prayer then yes. if you mean standing up to others and demanding your rights then NO !

What you posted is opposite of walking in Love. The situation you painted is not the situation he is in. I am not trying to come against you - it is just not Christ like to stand up to those who persecute us.
Sometimes it is right to rebuke a person, Jim!
Lord i just pray we be a people who walk in honor towards each other. i love all these people here so much. They mean so much to me, thank you for letting me find them. Let Your honor wash all over them in Your Love . . . Peace . . . Joy . . . Gentleness . . . that surpass all understanding.
Lord i just pray we be a people who walk in honor towards each other. i love all these people here so much. They mean so much to me, thank you for letting me find them. Let Your honor wash all over them in Your Love . . . Peace . . . Joy . . . Gentleness . . . that surpass all understanding.
smiley_aahl.gif Amen and Amen
So you're saying that God will go against her free will to choose to speak hatred? As for self-respect, that was ruined when I was a child. I have no self respect. My mom made sure of that.

My wife just dropped off something for our daughter, and my mom had a fit. I told her it's not a big deal and that these things have to happen, and she said it's a big deal to her and that it will not continue to happen.
Brother Naomanos,
I agree with Jim. You have to be very careful how you handle this. Remember to pray, and remember Joseph's story. He went thru terrible things and God brought about good and the saving of many lives thru his trials. We learn a lot in these times.
My advice is for you to agree with your mother as often as you can, and let her know she is right, even when her advice is harmful or not helpful. One can be right morally or biblically, but if what is said is too harsh or said without love, then it does no good. Barking, commanding, rebuking or insisting will cause conflict, so only go there when you are ready for the ramifications.

You don't need to lie. Just don't be her opponent. Think more like being a team when you can.
Go out of your way to do things for your mom so she might know that you appreciate her. She may call your wife names. You can agree that your wife is not treating you well and that your wife is causing you harm.

You may also consider your attitude towards you mom and your wife. If you are down on yourself and depressed, you will definitely affect others in a negative way. No one will be happy with you with a poor attitude. God helps us with this, but it is up to us to practice a good attitude. Fake it if you must. Many, if not most, of us cannot handle other people's bad attitudes towards us.
God bless you brother, prepare yourself with the armor of God, and live like God wants you to live and has something special for you at the end of the journey.
Because He does.
Brother Naomanos,
I agree with Jim. You have to be very careful how you handle this. Remember to pray, and remember Joseph's story. He went thru terrible things and God brought about good and the saving of many lives thru his trials. We learn a lot in these times.
My advice is for you to agree with your mother as often as you can, and let her know she is right, even when her advice is harmful or not helpful. One can be right morally or biblically, but if what is said is too harsh or said without love, then it does no good. Barking, commanding, rebuking or insisting will cause conflict, so only go there when you are ready for the ramifications.

You don't need to lie. Just don't be her opponent. Think more like being a team when you can.
Go out of your way to do things for your mom so she might know that you appreciate her. She may call your wife names. You can agree that your wife is not treating you well and that your wife is causing you harm.

You may also consider your attitude towards you mom and your wife. If you are down on yourself and depressed, you will definitely affect others in a negative way. No one will be happy with you with a poor attitude. God helps us with this, but it is up to us to practice a good attitude. Fake it if you must. Many, if not most, of us cannot handle other people's bad attitudes towards us.
God bless you brother, prepare yourself with the armor of God, and live like God wants you to live and has something special for you at the end of the journey.
Because He does.
I found a verse that goes along with what you and Him have said.

2 Timothy 2:24-26
And the servant of the Lord must not strive (quarrel); but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

I found a verse that goes along with what you and Him have said.

2 Timothy 2:24-26
And the servant of the Lord must not strive (quarrel); but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

We all would do well to keep those verses in the forefront of our intentions and actions.
@5Wolves, the Yahoo question is the same person, I think he has also decided to seek advice elsewhere too which isn't a bad thing.[/QUOTE
@5Wolves, the Yahoo question is the same person, I think he has also decided to seek advice elsewhere too which isn't a bad thing.

That is exactly what I did.

Proverbs 15:22 ESV

Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed. gonna give you some practical are grown..

Your mom shouldn't control whether you can go to the movies or not or any other activity..

I'm not saying be disrespectful, but aren't a kid anymore.

Also talk to her about how she's talking to your wife...

If the way she spoke gave your mum in law indigestion, it must have been pretty bad..

Just calm but firmly confront your mom.