Hello Sister Autumn,
If you ever gave me a moment and listened to what I said, I beg of you now to shut off everything around you and listen to me on what I am about to share with you.
Think back with me for a moment. Your with your family and I imagine you helping in the kitchen preparing yet another awesome meal.
Your feeling good about your self and enjoying the day.....then out of the blue and with no warning bell or whistle some one says something to you that ends up angering you or hurting your feelings.....
Now please See And Hear this my dear sweet sister.
At that very split fraction of a second that you became upset with what was said to you.......you became offended.
Now here is the Truth about that split fraction of a moment of time.
That was Not Your Thought. You did not even think up this thought on your own. Nope sis, you were played, bamboozled,
hoodwinked or another words you got hit with a firery dart from our enemy the devil.
See his darts Are thoughts And come with feelings and emotions. This is why we are commanded to take Every Thought Captive. If they don't line up with the word of God then we are to Not think about them any longer. Tell the devil No that is his thought and you walk in love and forgiveness.
See his plan is to get you Thinking on the offense and feeling the offense until you begin to act on the offense and then he has you and he now can begin to build strong holds in your thinking.
Look they don't call this the battle of the mind for nothing.
If it's not a family member it will be some one or something else. Autumn I have seen a huge, giant change in you over this past month. It's called spiritual growth. Now that simply scares and angers our enemy the devil and he will turn up the heat in an attempt to destroy that growth.
Look he hates God therefore he hates us because God loves us and Jesus went to the cross and stripped and defeated him for us.
God has given us authority over him but we must grow in Christ in order to possess this authority or Ability to send him packing.
One last piece of vital information.
It's not power that we concern our selves with for the devil has none over a Spirit Filled believer unless we give it to him. That is why he Seeks Looking for some one to devour. he just can't do what ever he pleases.
Scripture tells us in Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Stand against the Wiles or Schemes
of the devil. These are thoughts. These are the darts.
his trickery and mind games are no match to the carnal mind or natural scrooples no matter what knowledge or iq you have. That's what he wants you to do because you have no power or authority or right to defeat him. It's only by the word of God can he be defeated in your life.
Out of the heart the mouth does speak.
If God's word is not in your heart (spirit) in abundance then it can't come out for it is not there to come out. Head knowledge or wisdom and faith is useless
against him. It must contain God's word daily in order to be able to stand.
Sister Autumn.......he the devil is haunting you, nagging and pulling on you trying to steel your growth. It's not your family that is the problem, it is he the devil that is your problem.
The devil uses any one he can and those who have not learned to bridal the tongue gets used the most and I am talking about well meaning Christians.
Think about this please. I beg of you to not let the devil sucker punch you out of that beautiful and most awesome growth I saw and see in you.
Obtw girl......
autumn oddity , you ware it well. Jesus and God in you fits perfectly together.
God bless my sister