How do you stand up for yourself :/

Hi major,
After following this thread I have one question.

What defines "standing up for yourself"


I missed your question Jim. I am sorry about that.

Let me see if I can answer your question.

To me it means basically, saying what you need to say respectfully. My observation in my life is that this can be really hard for some people who get emotional.
It is the "Ostrich" approach to solving confrontations and yes even being bullied. People who want avoid confrontation are more passive in their approach to things hoping the problem will go away or that they won’t have to say something.

That simply never works. Once a bully pushes your around, he will always push you around. Once someone curses at you, they will always curse at you. What is required is to do something right then to let that person know that they are disrespecting you and in some way harming you. If you do no "Stand up for yourself" then, it will always get worse until you have to.

"Stand up for yourself" may be some as simple as saying to someone......."Hey man, I like you and enjoy your company but I am a Christian and I really do not like the language you use around me. Could you dial it back for me".?

It could be as simple as apologizing when someone bumps into you in a crowd. Remove the confrontation before there is a confrontation.

My experiences in life has shown me that if I can remain calm, and not lose my temper, I can resolve what is happening to me.

I am about 6:2 and 260 pounds (Don't tell anyone else though) so I have not had a lot of physical things happen to me that I have had to "Stand up for".

I have had several things happen when people insult or curse for one reason or another and when I can say....."Whoa brother, lets talk about this a little bit", the problem can be diffused.

True story. About 30 years ago, several friends of mine went with the 1st Baptist Church of Daytona Beach to the capital of Florida for a "Right to Life" rally.
My friend and I were standing up on the raised sidewalk in front to the capital building where hy 27 dead ends in front of the capital building.

We had signs that said............"Aren't you glad your mother did not abort you"???

One man came by and cursed at us. About 5 minutes later he came by and threw a soda can at us. About 5 minutes later he came back by and ran his car up over the curb and tried to hit us. It was right then as I was thinking that I needed to pull this man out through his window and explain to him what was about to happen to him, my dear friend grabbed me and said................"We need to leave this place, we are under spiritual attack right now"!!!!

We turned and walked away. However...........There is always a however isn't there??? That is what makes a god story good.

Anyway, a Florida High Patrol car saw everything that happened. Before this person could get his car back onto Hy. 27, 3 patrol cars circled him and arrested him for attempted murder.
I missed your question Jim. I am sorry about that.
No problem Sir,
I will reply later tonight.
I asked the question along the title of the OP. Seems the flow of the thread went in another direction and I did not want to get in the way of what was being discussed.

You brought up several good points and "key factors" in your reply and these are what I believe should be brought to the table and chewed on for a while.

Blessings my brother