Here you go:
Jesus says to fear the one who can destroy the soul. When that same word (destroy) is used elsewhere, it means to no longer exist.
God speaks of the eternal punishment. Now, most people read that as you will be punished for eternity. However, it can also mean just what it says, that the punishment is eternal. Meaning, the punishment never changes. It's the same punishment since the beginning of time and everyone who is not accepted into heaven will be subjected to the same punishment. So, it's the punishment that is eternal, not the soul.
Jesus tells a parable in
Luke 12where the slave knew his master's will and knowingly disobeyed. This slave received many lashes. The slave that did not know his master's will and disobeyed received few lashes. If everyone is cast into the same hell, how can there be "many" or "few" lashes?
Lastly, Jesus really only promises His followers one thing: eternal life. It seems like an empty promise if you have an eternal soul living in hell. I don't believe the creator of the universe would promise you something that you already have.