well I think its pretty clear that looking after your family is a moral obligation even if it's not a legal obligation.
Unless your family pretty much cut you off, like some parents do and totally disown their own children, that isn't the way families work for the majority of families the world over. Families generally have each other's backs. Why? Because they are family. They belong to each other.
Cain once asked God 'am I my brother's keeper?' after killing his own brother. Well sorry to break news to you Cain but YES. God had to put a mark on Cain so that he wouldn't be avenged. Why would you kill your own brother. He's family! But some people do and think that's right..and that abandonment and neglect are ok.
Unless God asks you to sacrifice your own firstborn child you don't do it. He already did that. He tested Abraham to see if he would and he did but God stopped this..why.
It hurt God to sacrifice Jesus, but he did. However, God being God, raised him to life again. And He's on the right hand side of God. Why would God even have a son if He wasn't going to give Him everything, the entire Kingdom of God? And that inheritance is ours too, because we are His children and co-heirs.
If we are not His children, then we are bastards, illegitimate, and have no place in the Kingdom. God can say 'I never knew you'. What Father ever says to His own children "I don't know you?' no true dad will ever say that.
Unless your family pretty much cut you off, like some parents do and totally disown their own children, that isn't the way families work for the majority of families the world over. Families generally have each other's backs. Why? Because they are family. They belong to each other.
Cain once asked God 'am I my brother's keeper?' after killing his own brother. Well sorry to break news to you Cain but YES. God had to put a mark on Cain so that he wouldn't be avenged. Why would you kill your own brother. He's family! But some people do and think that's right..and that abandonment and neglect are ok.
Unless God asks you to sacrifice your own firstborn child you don't do it. He already did that. He tested Abraham to see if he would and he did but God stopped this..why.
It hurt God to sacrifice Jesus, but he did. However, God being God, raised him to life again. And He's on the right hand side of God. Why would God even have a son if He wasn't going to give Him everything, the entire Kingdom of God? And that inheritance is ours too, because we are His children and co-heirs.
If we are not His children, then we are bastards, illegitimate, and have no place in the Kingdom. God can say 'I never knew you'. What Father ever says to His own children "I don't know you?' no true dad will ever say that.